
Home Depot's Internal Growth Strategies

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Home Depot has always pursued an internal growth strategy, with a few key acquisitions to enable their continued expansion. In July they purchased Interline Brands for $1.63 billion to expand repair and maintenance services that they offer in their Pro division (“Home Depot Just Made”, 2015). They did expand into Canada, Mexico, and China thru the respective purchases of Aikenhead, Total Home, and The Home Way, but their domestic growth has primarily come from new store openings (“Our History: The Home”, n.d.).

Growth came to stand still during the Great Recession, and Home Depot has not added many stores since then, but with the improving economy Home Depot has recently made several moves to enhance their infrastructure to support eCommerce (The Home Depot, 2015). They recently opened three new direct fulfillment centers to facilitate two day ground shipping for the majority of online orders. The Troy Township, Ohio, fulfillment center is 1.6 million square feet, which is more than twelve times larger than the average Home Depot Store (“2014 Annual Report”, 2015). Home Depot also has plans to open a third online customer care center in Tempe, Arizona which will help the other centers in Ogden, Utah and Kennesaw, …show more content…

If Home Depot were a prospector, they would continually be launching new business ventures and development opportunities, and this is not the case. Home Depot takes advantage of supply chain efficiencies and economies of scale to reduce costs and considers outstanding customer service a critical part of their product offering to customers (Murphy, 2013; “Our History: The Home”, n.d.). This creates a differentiating factor that separates Home Depot from the competition and has aided in their ascension to the position of industry

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