
Homecare's Aging Population

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Homecare and our Aging Population
This paper will address aging population in Canada and the strain this will have on our healthcare system. The aging population will bring with it an increase in chronic conditions such as arthritis, diabetes, dementia, and heart disease. These are complex conditions that the healthcare system is currently not prepared to handle due to the lack of home health supports. This issue is important for the nursing profession because as the population ages, people have more chronic conditions and corresponding need for hospitalization and medical care. Canada’s aging population is not sustainable in our current healthcare system as there is a lack of homecare and health promotion. It is impossible to accurately …show more content…

By 2036, nearly one in four Canadians will be a senior” (Stastics Canada, 2014, Demographics section, para. 3). There are widespread implications on the healthcare system, the economy, and society as a whole as “Canada’s median age is the oldest it’s ever been – 40.5 years old” (Paperny, 2015, para 2). “While Canadians older than age 65 account for less than 15 per cent of the population, they consume 45 per cent of provincial and territorial government health care dollars” (Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), 2014, p. 16). One of the most important issues for our aging population is the lack of home care in our current society. We cannot simply create more homecare, there are “complex webs and loops of cause and effect with the inherent potential for unpredictable and far-reaching consequences” (Van Beurden, Kia, Zask, Dietrich, & Rose, 2011, p. 74). We must first determine if it is necessary, then consider funding, staffing, resource allocation, implications on individual wellbeing, and long term effectiveness among other …show more content…

Homes often require improvements to allow a senior to be more mobile, safe and functional and help to ensure that seniors and persons with disabilities can live healthy, independent lives in the comfort of their home or family’s home (Government of Canada, 2015, para. 3). Making improvements to a house can be costly. High costs of renovations are just one barrier that prevent people from aging in their own homes, other factors include a lack of supports regarding home and yard maintenance, food preparation, dressing and bath assistance, living in a rural setting outside of the boundary for homecare, poor quality or lack of service, and lack of skilled

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