Today, many families are homeless. According to Couchenour and Chrisman (2011), “The average homeless family includes two or three children under age five” (p. 136). Being homeless, means the family does not have a safe and permanent place to stay. This article mainly focuses on homeless children and the ways schools and teachers can help them.
This article focuses on the increasing number of homeless children in the United States and how teachers should carefully deal with this situation. At the beginning, the article gives a brief example of a homeless student who must go to school earlier than the rest of the students in order to use the showers in the locker room. Due to his school’s homeless education program, which provides him new clothes, it is hard for the staff and other students to tell that he is homeless. Then, the article defines the word homeless. Homeless means that children do
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The story about the student who had to take a shower in the locker rooms, in the article, reminded me of the girl in the video who said that she needed to clean herself and brush her teeth in the bathroom at Walmart. The article explained that homeless children are embarrassed about their situations and do not ask for help. This part of the article reminded me of the part in the video were the girl explained that she didn’t want her father to ask for help on the streets nor tell her friend about her homelessness because she was embarrassed. Furthermore, this article reminded me of our class discussion on homeless families. In class, we discussed that higher costs in housing are causing an increase in homeless families. This article also explains that unaffordable housing is at fault, however, it adds that an increase in single parents has affected the amount of homeless families because many single parents do not earn enough to pay rent in an apartment or
The word homeless typically does not bring to mind images of children and you but in reality, more than 100,000 and more children an experiencing homelessness have been identified by U.S. public schools every year since the 2015-16 school year. There so many homeless people living in the street in this world but for so many homeless student and school is the only stable place in their life. Despite being homeless, students spend as much time in class and on school topics as other non-homeless students. Many students need some kind of special care and attention to at least achieve the success in learning. Knowing every basic rules of working with such student, even the teacher can improve their chance to learn from the student. Being homeless and have to attended school could be hard because some kids would have something and the homeless won’t have something. Seeing some student homeless on the street it give other people bad feelings. Imagine student feeling lost and not even knowing what to do or where to sleep. There’s many problems that cause homelessness and most of that is cause by housing is unaffordable to the poor people and the other causes are include physical illness, mental illness
Being homeless presents many challenges for youth that they normally live day to day, unable to develop plans for forming a productive life structure. Since many homeless youth don’t have money so they start begging or selling drugs or start prostituting to earn money to cover their basic needs. The basic problem of homelessness is the human need for personal shelter,
A homeless person is an individual without a permanent, stable housing situation who either spends his or her nights on the streets or in temporary facilities, such as shelters and abandoned buildings. Throughout history, society has been “holding the poor, rape or incest victims, minorities, or the handicapped responsible for their misfortunes” (Zur). Society has been blaming the homeless for being in the position they are in. However, upon closer inspection, it must be noted that “children under the age of 18 accounts for 39% of the homeless population…battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness…[and] 40% of homeless men have served in the armed forces” (Who Is Homeless?). It is clear that those who are homeless are not
Being able to stay rent free and being provided home cooked meals will give them the opportunity to work and build their finance. The community could even give them jobs to work that way they can spend time with their families and work on themselves. By building the schools, the youth not only will have places to live and food to eat, but easy access to the classroom close to home. The Plos medicine editors states " But charities such as Crisis and Shelter are already warning that the risk of homelessness for many people is closer than we have previously assumed and now more than ever, homeless people can no longer be considered outside of society. Political will at the highest level is needed to put them back into the mainstream political and therefore health and social agenda." (Plos medicine, 5) Ignoring the fact that people need help is unebenfital for society because this allows ofr people who are homeless but have a lot of potiential to be left on the backburner and forgotten. There are many homeless youth roaming through the united states , and to deny them of the same support other finaicla youth receive, is to completely attempt to stop someones life before it even
The homeless are impacted far more by everyday issues than those who are not. Often times, homeless children can be sick four times as much as middle class children and have superior rates of acute and recurring illnesses. In addition, they experience emotional and behavioral problems can hinder with learning at almost three times the rate of other children. “Homeless children between 6 and 17 years struggle with high rates of mental health problems. For example, 47% have problems
The image of homelessness has changed since the Great Depression, when many homeless people were elderly and white. Today a growing number of women and families, including young children, are homeless because of insufficient housing and resources (Bassuk & Rosenberg, 1988). As the number of homeless people has continued to rise over the past decade, homelessness has become a central feature of life in America.
To be homeless is to not have a home or a permanent place of residence. Nationwide, there is estimated to be 3.5 million people that are homeless, and roughly 1.35 million of them are children. It is shown that homeless rates, which are the number of sheltered beds in a city divided by the cities population, have tripled since the 1980’s (National Coalition for Homeless, 2014). Worldwide, it is estimated that 100 million children live and work on the streets. Homeless children are more at risk than anyone else, and are among the fastest growing age groups of homelessness. Single women with children represent the fastest growing group of homeless, accounting for about 40% of the people that are becoming
People often think that homelessness only affects men and women but in reality homelessness also affects families “It is estimated that 3.5 million Americans experience homelessness every year. Among this group, 17 percent are single women and 30 percent are families with children” (Finfgeld-Connet, 2010, p.1). It is said that women along with their children are among the fastest growing homeless population and not only does it impact women but it also impacts their children significantly.
Unemployment and lack of education plays a major role in these individual homeless people’s lives. With unemployment and high school dropout rates rising, homelessness cannot be prevented. Kids are taught from a young age to stay in school because the ones that dropout around high school is more than likely to become homeless. High school dropouts are likely to become homeless because they are likely to get kicked out of their dysfunctional home, or possibly run away from home feeling as if they are not good enough for the family. Dropouts will find it difficult to preserve a job, most will turn to drugs, becoming an addict, only hoping that it will make things better, really just increasing the rate of poverty and homelessness.
Throughout the United States, there are a large number of individuals that goes unnoticed. Hidden in right plain sight, but are overlooked. They can be our friends, family, classmates, or the person standing right next you to at this moment. There are young individuals who are facing the tremendous challenge of being homeless. They are overlooked by many in society. However, there have been countless individuals, groups, organizations dedicated to ending youth homelessness. However, they are confronted with challenges due to the lack of interest. The lack of interest found within society can contribute to barriers to ending youth homelessness.
Homeless families with children represent the fastest growing segment of the homeless population; in fact, they constitute about 40 percent of all people who are homeless (Stronge 7). In addition, the most recent estimate of homeless children and youngsters by the United States Department of Education is 744,000 (Stronge 7). These statistics are indeed quite frightening, and they go to show that children constitute a large part of the homeless dilemma. The part of that dilemma that seems most taxing is that of educating such homeless children. How can these kids become active members of society if they are unable to receive a proper public education, the same education that is provided for so many other kids under the Constitution?
1. This informative speech on “The Cause of Homelessness “is very Inform able and worth listening to, because in today’s economy it could be you or me. Some seem to think homelessness is choice. I find this speech relevant to the world I live in today, due to the high unemployment rate, declining job market, and the economic hardships that families are enduring. This topic is not a broad one, but yet can be spoke of in depth due to the fact I see many homeless people but never thought it would be me until I seen a family friend who has lost everything, this is what made me more aware that it is not just a choice and any day it could be me. So when you see
In today’s society children becoming homeless and having to fend for themselves is wide-spread but homelessness in families also tends to be common (Jewel 2). This issue affects the human population in a very grave way which leaves one out of every fifty children experiencing this immense epidemic (Crary 1). The current recession, has caused sixteen percent of homeless children to be present in our country today and with the economy worsening this statistic will increase (Kingsbury 1).
With the number of homeless students on the rise, schools encounter new educational challenges that include:
With the current recession and foreclosure crisis, more families are facing homelessness than ever before. This presents additional struggles for children and the schools who educate them. Since many of the students have no fixed place to stay, they could bounce from school to school providing no stability for education, or in some areas these children are transported back to their original home school sometimes causing kids to be on busses for long commutes. When children face a lack of stability in the classroom it is easier to fall behind, and teachers might only begin to see deficiencies in skills after observing work for a while it could lead a student to fall further behind every day.