Helping The Homeless Get Jobs
1.56 million people in the United States are homeless and around 50,000 of those people are children. According to Google, homelessness is defined as a person without a home who typically lives in the streets. This problem needs to be solved because being homeless is illegal in some states and it leads most people down the road of alcohol and drugs. The main causes of homelessness is substance abuse and not having money to pay a security deposit. The effects of this are many diseases like HIV, AIDS, or skin diseases because they are always being exposed to new things. The main impact of this problem is poor health because being homeless and not having a job doesn’t allow people to go to the doctor or buy proper
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These programs would help by teaching them interview skills so they are more confident when going in for an interview. The programs would also supply them with suits to borrow for the interview. This quote is from a non profit organization that does workshops to help the homeless and mainly focuses on the youth living out on the streets. "Just help with choosing the right outfit for that important first meeting. Our staff is willing to do whatever it takes to make sure our kids find a job to help them get off the streets."(Covenant) This shows that there are staff out there willing to help the homeless and to prepare them for a better future. This next quote is from someone who used to be homeless and now helps homeless teens find jobs. “I think one of my problems when I look for a job is that I haven’t been working for a few years”(Yeager) This shows that a reason many homeless people need help getting jobs is because they don’t know, or forget what it's like to interview and enter the work force. Helping the homeless with interview skills and providing them with nice clothes would help them be more prepared and confident about going out and not only finding, but keeping a …show more content…
When homeless people receive money the first thing they typically do is spend it on food or alcohol right away. With a job comes a steady income and will allow them to build up a savings and not just get two dollars from a stranger, spend it, then wonder where their next two dollars will come from. This quote is from a researcher who studied habits of homeless people. "This creates a tendency to spend on short-term relief, rather than long-term needs, which can feed this dependency on alcoholic relief."(Thompson) This shows that with a steady income homeless people would be smarter with their money because they would know they have enough money to buy food now, and more in the future. This next quote is from someone who actually interviewed homeless people and said "I see it as giving them a second chance and most people, given that second chance, do something about those behaviors."(Kanis) This shows that being given the opportunity to get a job gives them a second chance to make the right decision. When homeless people get a consistent income it gives them a second chance to hopefully make the right decision and live a healthier
With that being said, homeless people are also provided with welfare programs, more job opportunities and shelters that they can go to which will help provide them with a brighter future. All of theses things make a huge impact on our
Homelessness is an issue in American society today that affects anywhere from 800,000 to 3.5 million people. There are a substantial amount of people that are without shelter, food, or employment, and there are numerous other people affected by poverty and homelessness. People living in nearly every city in the United States are affected by homelessness due to the large amounts of homeless individuals living on the streets and begging for money, food, and other necessities. The issue of homelessness has been a constant problem since the conquering of the New World, and soup kitchens and homeless shelters have not been able to fully end homelessness. Especially today, with a lack of affordable housing and high unemployment rates, homelessness is prevalent.
In the United States the homeless population continues to grow rapidly. Homelessness has been a public health issue for many decades. Often times these individuals feel as though society has turned a blind eye to them. This at risk population is seen by society as lazy or chose to live a life on the streets, but if one would examine this population closely would see that there is more to this at risk population than what society has labeled them as. The forces, which affect homelessness, are multifaceted. Social forces such as family breakdown, addictions, and mental illnesses are in combined with structural forces such as lack of low-cost housing, insufficient health services, and poor economic conditions. Many would
Homelessness has become an evolving epidemic of our time, and the health implications associated with being homeless makes it that much worse. Homeless people are at major risk for premature death and a wide range of health problems such as HIV, skin blemishes, and much more. It is very difficult for homeless people to fix their health issues due to the difficulty of accessing health care possibly because of missing health cards, or simply because of the stigma placed on them when they enter a public facility. Whatever the problem may be that is forcing more people to become homeless, it must be solved, and quickly before our world turns into a travesty.
There is a critical thing that doesn’t be mentioned above. It is education problem. Most of the homeless youth cannot finish high school and have a further education. Like what Phil Robinson writes in his book called Working with Young Homeless People, many young homeless people “have had a negative experience of education and find it difficult to access further education and training that could help them find a path to independence”. School is a place for young people to mentally enrich themselves, to acquire the skills and knowledge they need for further employment and daily life. Without fundamental knowledge, inexperienced young people would struggle to make a living. Despite knowing the importance of education, sometimes many homeless youths surrender their education opportunities for some reasons. Basically, there are three general barriers to education: the unequal access to the same free, appropriate public education, struggling to balance school and other responsibilities, and school
There is one federally funded program in which we will talk about later that helps homeless individuals get the care they need. There is a dire need for more programs that assist the homeless because the number one reason they are homeless is because they cannot afford housing. If they cannot afford this they probably will not be able to afford the necessities to live a healthy lifestyle. When youths and adolescents succumb to homelessness they are at a greater risk, because they do not have the resources an adult would. They have a disadvantage of employment opportunities and are a greater risk of not completing high school. Youths will lack the ability to receive health care, which will create problems in their overall health because they will not be able to receive the care they need in the instance of sickness, injury or access to medicines. There are countless reasons that adults succumb to being homeless. Some are that a job was lost, mental health is prevalent among them, substance abuse and spouse abuse. Adults who are experiencing homelessness have some of the same problems that youths do as well. An adult not being able to receive health care is very serious especially for older homeless adults. Sickness and serious health problems are more prevalent in older adults resulting in untimely death and the spreading of sicknesses and diseases. I have some establishments offering free haircuts to the homeless if they are preparing for an interview. I have also
Being homeless can be the least or one of the least desirable circumstances one could imagine, causing great difficulties to one more than one could imagine. People usually become homeless as results from a combined of different effects from of extreme poverty, the lack, and limited affordable housing and the decline of government supports, lack of employment opportunities, poor healthcare, and limited health services for mental illness, domestic violence, foreclosures, and evictions (Wikipedia, 2009, p. 6). These are just some of the major reasons that cause people to become homeless. But not all homeless are without jobs. There is a small percent of them do work, but the minimum wage is simply not enough to cover their rent since they are already struggling living paycheck to paycheck or the work is not steady. Forcing more and more not only single people but also entire families.
Homelessness is a growing problem in today’s society. Because of the economic crises, many people are losing his or her jobs because company’s had to cut back on expenses, as well as companies that have closed down completely. Furthermore because of the economic crises many mental institutions are forced to close the doors because of lack of funds. People who once had a safe healthy place to call home are being forced into homelessness and are lacking the health care needed to ensure a happy healthy life. Something has to be done to assist homeless people in finding housing and healthcare they so desperately need. Although it is not possible to solve the homeless
In today’s society children becoming homeless and having to fend for themselves is wide-spread but homelessness in families also tends to be common (Jewel 2). This issue affects the human population in a very grave way which leaves one out of every fifty children experiencing this immense epidemic (Crary 1). The current recession, has caused sixteen percent of homeless children to be present in our country today and with the economy worsening this statistic will increase (Kingsbury 1).
Often it is housing, that absorbs high proportion of income that can cause Americans to become homeless. Twelve million homeowners and renters pay more that fifty percent of their annual earnings for housing. This percentage is astonishing high for the county who has the best weapon system in the world. Although, several programs were developed such as the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to stabilized homelessness, America should not have a large amount of homeless people, we should take care of our own people. According to National Coalition for the Homeless (“In a survey of 24 cities, people remain homeless an average of seven months, and 87% of cities reported that the length of time people are homeless has increased in recent years (U.S. Conference of Mayors, 2005)”). Seeing children and families living in shelters should not be permitted, in this great nation. Instead of interfering with other countries well being, America should focus on its own citizens. Investing in increasing developing affordable programs would prevent people from becoming homeless, and be in
One way of helping the homeless is by volunteering at your local homeless shelter. Volunteering is a very beneficial way of helping the homeless. “The most productive way to get started helping the homeless is to join forces with a well-established operation.” (“4 Ways You Can Help the Homeless in Your Community”) As said in the quote, join forces with a well-established operation. When you volunteer at your local homeless shelter you are not only helping your community out, but you are also helping the homeless in and around that area. “Volunteer your hobbies - Every one of us has something we can give the homeless. Wherever our interests may lie -- cooking, repairing, gardening, and photography -- we can use
Throughout the entire history of human civilization, the prevalence of homelessness has been a challenge to every nation. It might be depressing to learn that no countries today have eradicated homelessness, but the human race is never stopped from trying harder than before to tackle this prolonged issue. As the two leading economic powers, America and China have to face the challenge of reducing homelessness. According to a report written by Nation Coalition for the Homeless, “a study done by the National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty which states that approximately 3.5 million people, 1.35 million of them children, are likely to experience homelessness in a given year” in America alone (National Coalition for the Homeless, July
People need to help the homeless families, the drug addicts, the alcoholics, and the mentally ill. They need to know that someone cares for them. Homeless teens are also a major problem; most homeless teens leave home because of abuse. Homeless teens are more likely to engage in sexual actives in exchange for things such as food, clothes, money, and etc. Some homeless teens become addict to drugs and other illegal substances. Decayed or missing teeth can hinder a teens self esteem. Poor oral health affects the health of the individual, but also hinders a teens attempt to improve his or her life circumstances. Homeless teens are at a greater risk of contracting AIDS, HIV, and other STDs. Homeless teen girls are more likely to become pregnant and far more likely to experience multiple pregnancies than housed young teen girls. Babies who are to homeless teens may develop much slower than housed babies. Children without a home are in or poor health more than other children. Homeless children experience mental health problems, anxiety, depression, and withdrawal. Homeless children don’t know what is going and they don’t understand why they are living on the streets or in homeless shelters. Many homeless kids would like to go to school but cant because they don’t have clean clothing and their hygiene is not so good. Many homeless kids face problems because they are homeless and often feel that no one cares. People should help the
I believe homeless people should be helped by giving them useful resources, encouraging them to get an education, and guiding them to opportunities they can reference to succeed on their own.
Homelessness has always been a problem in major cities across the United States and even the world. This problem also affects out local community and even all of us individually. (Daily) A majority of the American people lives paycheck to paycheck, and according to statistics, we are only one or two paychecks away from becoming homeless. While there are many reasons a person or family can become homeless, a majority of those problems come from a lack of income. The job market of today is quickly dwindling and shows no signs of improvement. This market mixed with new government policies is becoming an issue for struggling American’s on the poverty line. Homelessness is becoming a vast problem