
Homeless Hotspots Essay

Decent Essays

Homeless Hotspots

So, the scenario is situated in the south of the United States and is focused a job opportunity the homeless population was afforded. Now considering the majority of homeless communities are lacking an abundance of money a company stepped up and offered a viable solution. The agency went to the local homeless shelter and offered a job to become roaming Wi-Fi hotspots. The job description was pretty straightforward; In essence, the employees were charged with walking around to assist a conference crowd in having high-speed internet at there finger tips at all times. The volunteers were paid 20$ a day plus whatever donation they received from the patrons. Now like all situations in life ethics were involved in the thought process and execution of the operation. However, there are two different types of ethic’s Teleological (virtue ethics) and Deontology(duty-bound) both of which are involved in this setting. To begin with, teleological ethics is defined as doing the most good for the greatest number of people. Therefore, further analysis of the circumstance will uncover the teleological and deontological decisions made. Thus, looking deeper reveals several right off the bat first off, the agency running the conference had a need for stronger internet and provided jobs to a …show more content…

Consequently, you may also see it as a duty to provide them with an extra means to make some money. Furthermore, the patrons of the conference gave out of the goodness of their hearts it wasn’t a requirement to donate for the hotspot services; However, it’s a social norm to tip or donate to those who are providing a service especially if the employees are making below minimum wage. Therefore, in that instance, you can see how it was a virtue to give but also part of their civic duty. In short, there was a differing view on this job opportunity some thought it was a great way to aid the people of the public well others thought it was

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