I would also have to say that I found her story very inspiring as well. One part that I am actually glad about is that by sharing her own story of going from homeless, in some sense she is paying it forward so to speak. That is because she is using it to help inspire students including many of whom are also "non-traditional" to stay motivated as to work towards their degree. But hopefully, it will then continue to go "forward" as we can encourage others on their university career as they work towards their degree.
Under overpasses, under graffiti-covered walls, and amid piles of trash, it is sad to see the America's homeless get by the best they can. Homeless build cardboard and plastic shelters, insulate abandoned cars, sleep on mattresses which have been thrown away, and store their belongings in garbage bags. I have also seen them use baby strollers to store their belonging in.
Intro In the hierarchy of crimes, those involving the sexual assault and murder of children are held to be the most despicable. The question of why individuals commit such horrendous acts have been analyzed and discussed as society grapples to deal with such devastating incidents. The field of Criminology has several theories as to why people commit unlawful actions. With respect to the case of Michael Briere, a murder involving pedophilia, the Rational Choice Theory and the Control Theory offer the best answer to the question of why he committed this extreme deviant felony.
The bill S1680 relates to school placement and stability for homeless children. The purpose of the bill is to amend the social service law and the education law, in relations to children that are homeless are in out of home care. The bill also creates a process in which New York State is in compliance with the federal fostering connections to the success act. It also clarifies the rights afforded to homeless children in choosing the school and school district they will attend, by changing the language to 3209 of the education law with subtitle B of title VII of the federal McKinney-Vento homeless education assistance act, 42 D.S.C.11431 et seq (NY senate). The purpose of this paper is to get a better understand and illustrate the processes
Southern Nevada’s total homeless rate shot up as unemployment rates continued to rise. This article informs readers of current statistics circulating homelessness compared to other states in the U.S. Amaro cites data from non-profit organizations to demonstrate this critical problem.
At eleven-years-old, my world was turned upside when I first volunteered at the Manna Soup Kitchen and became aware of the substantial issue of homeless youth. While serving the beautiful food I helped prepare, I recognized one of my best friends who I volunteered in the Southwest Conservation Corp with as she waited in line with no parent in sight. After eating her meal, she went into the thick woods behind the kitchen where she still continues to live. Curiously, I followed her and witnessed the horrific reality of homeless youth for all she had was a tent and a blanket in below freezing weather. The matter of homeless youth carries great importance with me because it affects the lives of a substantial amount of my friends and peers.
Homeless youth who use substances is a growing public health epidemic. This paper looks at the socio-ecological aspects of substance-using homeless youth, and contributing factors that exacerbate this public health problem. The Transtheoretical Model is also discussed as one way researchers have used to develop and implement programs for the substance-using homeless population. Harm reduction, albeit controversial, has proven effective with the adult population. Unfortunately, because of the controversial nature of harm reduction and lack of funding, research of harm reduction applied to the adolescent population
Young Adults homelessness is a growing problem statewide. Young Adults Lives program has enrolled 120 youth since the last three months. Living on the street creates a host of problems for young adult such as being at a higher risk of sexual abuse and having limited access to health insurance. Young faced a cycle of challenges such as feeling hopeless, which lead to interaction with law enforcement. Young Adults Lives need to provide more programs for young adults such as:
Besides pregnancy being a problem due to homelessness, drug abuse, and incarceration are other issues among many foster youth aging out of the system. Foster youth go through a lot while being in the system. This might include the lack of support, bullying, or stress from handling a lot. The fact that they have to be completely alone when they turn eighteen, just adds more stress to their plate. They are expected to become completely independent on the day of their birthday.
In this paper, I will focus on the topic of why veterans are coming back homeless. Veterans are seen as a savior of the country they are risking their lives for every day, so why is it that they are coming back from tours and service and ultimately ending up homeless? Since 2009 the United States stated that in five years they would end veteran homeless, but the United States is still facing veteran homelessness in the year 2017. Though the homeless rates of veterans have gone down since then, why are veterans still facing homelessness if so many resources are supposed to be available for them. Is there more than meets the eye when it comes to homelessness especially with veterans, yes. Many things can attribute to this continuing issue such as lack of assistances provided, mental illnesses, PTSD, lack or loss of support from being deployed, the use of drugs and alcohol as coping strategies, and the economics.
I also think the homeless population is a vulnerable population that required a lot of help. When it comes to the homeless population, it does not mean one individual, but it can be a group of families or children. Being homeless you can be young or old. The homeless population are already have limit resources to them such as notify information, transportation, and medical needs. In an event of a disaster, it is important to find a solution to help the homelessness people to be at a safe shelter. One of the most important aspect and challenge when it comes to helping the homeless population is communication. Since they do not have access to technology to provide them information about a disaster, there must be a way to spread the words
In the reading “The Way of Reason” Aristotle tries to define the good that is within mankind. He moves through a variety of exercises that narrow down and simplify the ideas that man is inherently good and that his tendency for it is deliberate and pre-destined. He looks at different activities, then breaks them down and finds the part that leads toward the final happiness. He feels that if man is truly good within his soul that he will be happy. Not necessarily happy as joyful, but, more like content or satisfied.
Homelessness is a major issue in the United States because everyday people are losing their jobs or their houses.We can observe that on the developmental perspectives, those people experience mental health problems such as anxiety or depression. Also, on the situational perspectives, they do not have a place that they call home and it hard for them to have a good place in the society. Usually people see them lower than humans because they live in shelter or in the streets. Then, as individual we need some daily hygiene in order to be clean, in opposition those people sometimes do not have access to shower or water. They need to ask money in the streets for most of them. Then another issue is lead to homelessness which is
Addressing homelessness, regardless of its cause, requires creativity, empathy and dedication. Oftentimes, the factors that lead to homelessness are complicated and intertwined, with no clear origin. Medical catastrophes, job loss, and foreclosure or eviction can be the catalyst into a life of insecurity and chronic homelessness. Once secure, stable housing is lost, a person faces a slippery slope. In Kansas City, like many other substantial cities, efforts to combat homelessness must be creative and comprehensive in order to succeed. Social programs that focus on stable housing and address the complicated causes of homelessness prove to be the most successful.
The purpose of this study is to identify areas where the use of data, algorithms, and comprehensive need assessments could reduce costs while increasing access to services by those in need. This research has the potential to reduce duplication of processes involved in administration and services to more efficiently prevent or resolve homelessness. I have reviewed recent literature identifying many structural barriers to services faced by homeless individuals. Each of the research papers I reviewed identified areas where lack of communication between agencies, unclear criteria or unstated criteria, and poor communication with clients increased difficulty in obtaining services for eligible clients.
Homelessness as an issue in today's society is largely ignored. To many, the problem of homelessness is invisible or barely noticed. When these people do see the homeless it is found in the form of beggars who need to “pull themselves up by their bootstraps” or mentally ill people who “just can't help themselves”. In either case the central point remains; the homeless must be people who are incapable or unwilling to help themselves. After all, wouldn't they stop being homeless if they just tried? These sorts of rationalizations cover a more disturbing truth; that for many in today's society, the spectre of homelessness is more pressing of a problem than helping those who are already on the