
Homelessness In Australia Essay

Decent Essays

A ccording to homelessness data, this group of marginalised Australian’s accounts for just over 10,900 youths aged between 12-18. This number was reported in the 2011 Census of Housing and Population conducted by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and represents 10% of the total number of people who are homelessness.
In other Homelessness data it is not uncommon for 1 in 200 people to be homeless on any given night in Australia. Australians of all backgrounds and ages can become homeless. Many people who are homeless actually start their life with jobs and families and a healthy life, but then social and economic factors occur that cause a rapid change in their living situation.

There are many reasons why young people can become homeless. …show more content…

Being homeless can also lead to drug use, bad nutrition and unsafe sexual encounters. Unfortunately for this group of young Australians being homeless means that it is more difficult to get further education and work experience.
Adolescence can be a vulnerable time for anyone however teenagers who are homeless are particularly at risk. It is not uncommon for a homeless youth to drop out of school and then lose contact with friends as well as family.
It has been said that “prevention is better than cure” when it comes to youth homelessness. Therefore it is important to combat youth homelessness at an early age because research shows that those who experience homelessness at a young age are more likely to experience homelessness in adulthood. Bobby from Sydney is 45 and has been homeless on and off for the past 3 decades. He says “sleeping on the train is safer that sleeping outside”. He has been doing this for 4 years.
It is also known that young people who experience homelessness whether it be “couch surfing” or sleeping rough on the streets become marginalised and there is a perception by the community that the problem is too complex. The cost to the Australian community is actually quite large in terms of health and community

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