Honeybees are very important to our food supply because they pollinate our plants and help them grow. Other than the sun and water bees bring to crop or plants a lot of the nutrition that the plant is going to need and so the plant is able to produce more. Without bees helping our food grow we would be very short on food supply. Some things that could be harming the bees are bears because bees like to live where they can be left alone and where they think that they are safe but in the woods there are bears bad bears really like honey and they normally destroy the hive and leave the bees homeless. Another thing that could he a threat to the bees are people. No one likes bees, they are annoying and it hurts really bad when they sting you and
The news is out and Sugar Bear of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo got married again, but not to Mama June. It turns out that he has moved on from her and married a woman that he met on social media. Radar Online shared the details about Sugar Bear's wedding and his new wife. He is now married to Jennifer Lamb, and the two were together a bit over a year before getting married. No pictures from their big day have been released yet, but you have to wonder if he went with the camo theme once again that he had for his wedding to Mama June.
Badgers are really cool because of all the things they can do like how they dig holes to help them catch there prey. But what else can they do? Someone once said “I like to get in the mindset of the honey badger when I go into contact. There's no doubts, no fears. If you can do that as a human, you're killin' it.” Badgers are neat animals with many unique qualities and has very interesting survival skill unlike any other animal about they are unlike any other animal.
Pollination, produce, honey, bee´s wax, life wouldn't be the same without some of the few products bees create and work their whole lives doing. Bees are dying off, over the past few years the bee population has decreased which means some of our very beloved products have either increased in price or may be hard to find. We as humans that have so much control over this planet should help the bees so they can help us. Honeybees are an essential part of humanity.
The bees never seem to catch a break which is putting the bees under “stress” which is a factor. Furthermore, when they are pollinating all these different plants some are not nutritious as others, for example cucumbers aren’t as healthy as some of the other plants but there is still a demand for them, so the bees still have to work and eventually become unhealthy if they aren’t getting the right nutrients. Another factor is pesticides, which has many different points of view but overall it has come to decided it is not the pesticides themselves that are killing masses of bees but it is lowering their immune system and making it easier for them to get sick, for example with the common parasite Nosema. Nosema is a parasite in the digestive track of the honey bee that attacks the entire hive and can eventually wipe out the whole hive. The effects of the pesticides are ultimately never letting the hives reach their maximum potential, which in the end could render the hives weak and lethargic. There are so many pesticides out there it is hard to tell exactly what component in the pesticide is hurting the bees. It is recently found that the inert ingredients used often to boost the effectiveness of the pesticide are actually more harmful than the actual toxic ingredients
Goldilocks eats the three bears’ porridge and deals with it in such a manner that it cannot be restored to the condition that it was in before she took it. Goldilocks deprives the Bears of the porridge absolutely, making it theft.
Have you ever wondered what the world’s most fearless animal is? You might think it’s a lion, or a tiger, or a bear. However, according to the “Guinness Book of World Records,” this title belongs to the honey badger. The honey badger’s name means “Honey Eater of the Cape.” Native to South Africa, Asia, and India, the honey badger can live up to 25 years. They weigh up to 25 pounds and reach 2½ feet in length. The honey badger has a gray, black and white pelt. Because they are omnivores, they will eat literally anything (especially honey.) They are nocturnal and apparently lazy because they have been known to sleep in old aardvark dens, fox tunnels, and mongoose tunnels. But if they need a quick getaway the honey badger can dig a hold in a matter
Scientists, beekeepers, and people who are interested in bees have seen a serious decline in bee populations. Experts researching to find out the cause of this decline have made a list of things that are negatively impacting
According to savebees.org, a corporation trying to spread awareness and help raise awareness, one in three bites of food we eat is thanks to bees. Think coffee, nuts, seeds, berries, fruits and vegetables (and even many of our oils). The honey bee population is decreasing and the effects are changing the world as we know it and one part that is being majorly effect is agriculture. Honey bee populations have been declining all over the world. Without honey bees the world as we know it would be totally changed.
There are a lot of threats that harm the honeybees. I think the top thing that hurts them is pollution because cars put off smoke and so do factory's. I think they are getting polluted and
The decrease in the honey bee population is a threat to today’s society because bees account for pollination, fertilization, and have an impact on the economy. The honey bee’s extinction is a problem because of the impact it can have on everybody’s life. It affects the economy and the food supplies. If you eat food and enjoy flowers the decrease in bee population impacts you.
The honey bee is vital to an estimated $117 billion annual production of crops through pollination within the United States more than a half of the food that humans consume has a correlation with the bee either directly or indirectly. The USDA reports the following food products would be immediately damaged if no bees were available to pollinate:
Background Scientific name: Ursus arctos Life Span: 25 years Few animals have captured the imagination like brown bears. They can stand on two legs, walk on the soles of their feet, pick things up with their “fingers,” and often eat what we eat. This—coupled with their ability to communicate with one another through scratch marks left on trees, smells and sounds— establishes a similarity to our own way of life. Brown bears are mammals from the animilia kingdom.
Are bees really that important? A world without bees means a world without vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds (What Our World Would Look Like Without Honeybees). Nearly one half of the produce consumers have available to them today could not be grown without bees (What Our World Would Look Like Without Honeybees). Bees play an extremely vital role in pollination and in people’s everyday lives in ways that individuals often overlook. However, pesticides are killing off bees by the thousands (List of Foods We Will Lose if We Don't Save the Bees). Without honey that is produced by bees, consumers wouldn’t have nearly as many modern medications.
Bees are involved in all food because they keep the plants alive which keeps the animals alive.
Bees are beneficial to our environment. They help with pollination of crops, flowers, orchards as well as yielding honey (Ryde, 7). Because of these benefits, the beekeeper learns about the surrounding environment, land, and community, for which he can help. Pollination yields beautiful wildflowers, healthy crops, fruits and vegetables (Ryde, 7).