
Honey Bee Research Paper

Decent Essays

Plants sit at the very top of the hierarchy of the most important organisms. Without plants many other organisms would die or struggle to maintain. Plants have this importance because they provide things like shelter and resources but most importantly they provide food for other organisms. Without plants the animals that feed on them would die and then the animals that feed on those other animals would die as well. That means that if plants are suffering everything else will be as well. In recent years, human interference has become more apparent than previous. Human consumption of natural resources has led to the warming of the earth and lose of habitats. Biodiversity across the globe has declined and been threatened. This threat is the most …show more content…

To do this many farmers have established their own hive of the European Honey Bee to ensure that this happens. While the crop may have a good yield because of this, introducing a large amount of a nonnative species can have a negative impact on the community at large. Large amounts of pollinators like the bumble bee and moths are declining every day and by introducing the honey bee those native pollinators struggle to get what they need before the honey bee gets to it. And often times, the crop that the cultivated honey bees are meant to pollinate only bloom for a short period of time leaving the rest of that time for the bees to go and pollinate other plants that the native species need for their survival. Alongside the competition, the honey bee has also been found to spread disease around to those already declining pollinator populations (Geldmann and González-Varo …show more content…

The typical practice is to coat the seeds with insecticide, and then having to use to talc to move the sticky coated seeds around while planting. The insecticide is then in the plants as they grow and the talc is covering the area as the machinery moves through the field. As the bees then move through the area and pollinate the flowers they are coming in contact with and carrying these harmful substances which can be partially blamed for the disproportional amount of deaths within hives (Krupke et al. 2012). Researchers have also found that when the pesticide moves from the pollen to the queen her production slows down to fight off the chemicals causing the whole hive to halt in productivity (Baron et al. 2017). Other Researchers found that pesticides can hinder a bee's ability to learn how to pollinated a flower when compared to those not exposed to pesticides (Stanley and Raine

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