As an honor student throughout my years in high school, I have high aspirations for my future and my career. My grades and work ethics have put me on the track to becoming a doctor. My love for children, specifically, has put me on the path to pursue a career as a pediatric doctor.
Throughout high school I have taken a multitude of science classes including, but not limited to: AP Biology, AP Chemistry, and advanced biology. AP Biology, especially, has given me an entrance into the world of medicine and diseases. Throughout our work in the immune system, we explored terminal illnesses in children and infants, and my drive to help children through the medical field grew. AP Chemistry has given me a good background in the types of math and chemistry I will be working with in college and medical school. I feel as though the sciences are an important base of our community and I hope to become a piece of this intricate puzzle that supports human life in my future.
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I don’t push homework and tests aside when they are assigned to me. Rather, I prioritize them and make sure I accomplish them to the best of my ability. This trait is what allowed me to become a section leader in my high school’s marching band. I worked hard for the position and it granted me with leadership abilities, teaching skills, time management, confidence, and to not give up. I held this position for three years. I plan to apply these skills to my college education as well as my career. I believe that hard work and being a leader is how you achieve greatness in this world and I will apply my learnings and ethics to all areas of my life as I pursue my
I am excited to be one of the candidates for the 2017-2018 National Junior Honor Society. I understand that the National Junior Honor Society is for students who demonstrate exemplary scholarship, citizenship, service, leadership, and character. I believe that I have maintained a grade point average of 3.55 or higher and have shown all of the five given standards of the National Junior Honor Society. I believe that my involvement with the National Junior Honor Society will help me to prepare my future as a leader, character role model, and good citizen.
I am honor to be a part of National Honor Society, I believe that I contributed to my community by helping other and being kind. I am very focused and hardworking individual because I know that I worked my way up top in very little time. I am very happy to get opportunity to be a member of NHS society, that means that I have fulfill all the qualities such as character, service and scholarship, as well as leadership. I am very excited to be a member because it will help me as a person to grow as a individual, I am looking forward to that.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a child, we have all been asked this question; and as unrealistic children, we all had dreams of being a superhero, princess, cowboy, or astronaut. Later on in life, as time went by, and as we became more knowledgeable, our answers became more serious. Some of us wanted to be teachers, business owners, or a veterinarian. However, I have always wanted to be a doctor, but not just any doctor. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a pediatrician. Now, half way through my junior year in high school, I have started to question the details of this career, and all the hard work it takes to become a part of the medical field.
As a student, I strive for excellence in my academics and school involvement to pursue a career in the medical field. By taking rigorous high school classes such as IB, and honor courses,
I, Deborah Destahun, believe I would be a good fit in National Honor Society because I already uphold to NHS standards; I am: a leader, a volunteer and a dedicated person. I am committed and will show up on time in an orderly manner.
As the coming years approach, I want my future to hold both the passion to explore new opportunities and the strength to overcome new challenges. With the experiences of my high school career, I aspire to take all the things I learned to transition into a college environment where my ideas can be challenged and shared. Where I can learn from others; where I can seek the opportunity to make a direct impact towards saving lives. I believe I can do great things. Through tenacity I will not only be gratified in becoming a doctor, but also be able to share my compassion for others through
For years my dream for my future is to go to college. As a junior this year, I begin my journey by trying to select a college and a major. After researching different careers, programs of study, colleges, and financial aid, I have decided the career I’m going to pursue in becoming is a sport’s medicine physician.
It is an honor to be chosen as a candidate for membership in the National Honor Society. Academics, leadership skills, service abilities, and character are four principal parts of a superior student. I believe that I am inclusive of all these aspects needed to become a part of this prestigious group. Becoming a member of this organization is important to me, because it will help me get into an excellent college and push me to work harder in school.
As I began college, I decided not to choose a major at first. It was not until the beginning of this semester that I declared Biology as my major. I have always been interested in science, and it has always been one of my best subjects. Since I was little, my dream has been to become a doctor. As I have taken more classes, trying to weed out what I do and do not like, I have discovered that sciences are what interest me the most. Currently I have an emphasis in pre-professional studies which means that my major is leading me to attend a medical school after I graduate from Arkansas State University.
My favorite quote comes from Ray Kroc, a well known businessman who was a part of the advancement of the billion dollar company McDonald's once said "the quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves." This is my favorite quote because it directly states that which I try to live by daily. Before entering into my high school career, I set in my mind that I wanted to be as successful as possible by ensuring that I was a well rounded student. I made it my obligation to pursue extracurricular that would further my organizational and innovation skills, my leadership skills, enhance my communication skills, and would teach me to be flexible and open-minded. Along with taking academically rigorous classes such as: AP classes, Pre-AP classes, and dual credit classes. My motivation to be success always pushed me during hard times in my academic career; I was diagnosis with a learning disability during that time, but even then and now I never allow my learning disability to be a crutch or prevent a standard of me being lowered. Plus, I always enjoyed challenges, especially if they were academic. I always want to become more knowledge in any subject; I knew this would be possible by taking rigorous classes, I would learn the discipline I needed to work hard and gather good habits to ensure success in any class I
When first offered the opportunity to be an honors student, I was unsure what exactly what that would involve and how that would impact my college experience. I'm not sure why I ever worried in the first place, as being involved in the University Honors Program has been one of the most rewarding decisions that I have made here at the U. Firstly, I greatly enjoy my advisor, Kristin Farrell and what she has to offer. She is incredibly open-minded and it is so comforting knowing that she will be my advisor for all 4 years. I more than look forward to our meetings and come knowing that she will be able to understand my choice of classes and listen when I have concerns or ideas. For example, I have been toying with the idea of studying abroad since
Today I am writing from a place of concern, I am very fearful for my future and in fact my life. I have been in your courtroom undergoing pretrial investigations and other court proceedings since 2015. I have been very respectful of the court and the courts authority. In doing so I have been present in court in a timely and respectable manner, I have also provided any adequate information surrounding any reasons for me needing to miss a court date.
When I started my freshman year I considered becoming a pediatrician, which was just one of the many turns on the rollercoaster of figuring out my life. But that ride ended when I took anatomy and physiology my sophomore, it helped me to decide that my passion is to obtain my Doctorate of Physical Therapy; hopefully as a Jaguar.
Choosing a career in medicine is my first career choice, and in many ways it is the only career choice I want. From professional athletes that we see on television, to the educators that have taught me and many others through the years, they all have committed themselves to extensive study. They have practiced countless of hours to master their individual skill set for their profession. I see myself following in the same footsteps, but as a pediatrician. I want to also master the skills that it takes to be a great doctor. It may not be simple and the outcome may not be near, but with extensive studying and practice I want to achieve and master the set of skills of pediatric diagnosis and eventually improve the medical process. This is my
My interest started in elementary school, because of the teachers who enhanced my passion for science. In elementary school, I never thought about turning my passion into an actual career; that didn’t happen until high school. Science always intrigued me, from the never-ending science fair projects to research projects. Georgetown University’s Masters’ program in Biotechnology/ BioScience will continue to enhance my passion for science, but will also enhance my other passion in health related professions. Throughout my life, I loved science and health, but more so, the satisfaction of putting someone’s well being before my own.