
Hope In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

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“Of Mice and Men,” wise words describing the relationship between man and animal alike, the sharing of the beautiful quality known as hope. The novella of mice and men is very layered and it illustrates the topic of dreams, hopes and plans, it speaks about the life and the downfall of two men, George and Lennie. During a time when the world faces many problems, having only each other to depend upon, they choose to cope and crush any obstacles that get in the way of their most treasured desire, the Dream Farm. John Steinbeck develops a theme of
George is a unique human being, he portrays many characteristics of a goal setting, goal achieving person. George is man that can be seen by some as someone who thinks things through and considers how their hopes and dreams can be reached. Throughout the book George demonstrates desire, George knows how things function and has a good way of coping as each situation presents itself. George has a companion named lennie, which is actually more than just a companion they are more like life partners. The one has the other. which he helps out in every way possible, they both share a dream. They …show more content…

In our book of mice and men, hope is used as a tool, to get through the hard times and still succeed. George and lennie have a unique sense of aspiration, they seek the promise land even when at times obstacles seem to block their path. They both share the ultimate wish of having a place they can call home. Both of them know what they are reaching for, they pursue what they believe and what they want to acquire, that of which the main element they need is money to be able to purchase their dream. Our protagonists are faced with trouble caused by themselves, they get in their own way, causing trouble during inopportune times. But nothing can stop them, Their ambition drives their passion to succeed, they are constantly on the search, on a pursuit of

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