
Hope Through The Holocaust In 'Four Perfect Pebbles'

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Hope Through The Holocaust
Viktor Frankl once said, “Whoever was still alive had reason for hope.” During the Holocaust, when Germany purged themselves and other countries of Jews, the Jews that were still alive were still hopeful of being saved. In Four Perfect Pebbles by Lila Perl and Marion Blumenthal-Lazan, Marion, her mother, father, and brother Albert try to escape the horrors of Nazi Germany. They are brought to the concentration camp Bergen-Belsen with hopes of staying together and being liberated. When they were all liberated and saved off the Death Train, they all lived except her father, that died of typhus a few days later. Having hope through these dark times helped the Blumenthals survive the Holocaust, against all odds. To survive the Holocaust, they had to endure being treated as less than human, and make important acts of bravery and courage. …show more content…

“If a jew was even suspected on not complying with the laws, it could lead to beatings, arrests, imprisonment, or even death.” (Pg 18) In Bergen-Belsen, the Jews that died of typhus and other diseases would be burned or buried in mass graves. (Pg 2) While at the camp, cattle cars would be brought to take jews for the east. These transports averaged 1,000 people but some had more than 3,000 Jews. The Blumenthals learned to hope that none of them would be on these cattle cars and brought away. Mistreating the Jews was one of the way the Nazis persecuted and discriminated the Jewish

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