
Hopi Indian Creation Myths

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This paper will be looking at the creation myth(s) of the Inca Indians of Peru, South America, the Hopi Indians of North America and the Muslim farmers of Bangladesh. I will be looking for similarities and differences in these three groups’ mythological creation beliefs. When looking at the similarities I will be trying to see if there is one particular theme going between the three groups or if there is no relationship all.

Creation Myths: Are There Similarities In The Creation Myths of the Inca Indians, Hopi Indians, and the Muslim Farmers of Bangladesh?
Growing up in the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, I was unaware of other cultures. My parents were white middle-class, Anglo-Saxon, American’s. The world I was brought up in …show more content…

According to the article by Thorp (1982) Allah’s light, or nur, is the only thing that existed before everything else. His first creation was not the stars and Earth. Instead, his first act of creation was creating Muhammad. Once Muhammad was created Allah used the light he imparted to him to create the heavens and earth. Allah took the light given to Muhammad and created the air, water, fire, and earth. With the fire, Allah created angels. One of the angels, the leader, was Iblis. From water and earth, Allah created a doll that would eventually become Adam, but this only occurred after the dolls had told Allah of the darkness within them. Allah used some of the light from Muhammad to replace the darkness. Once the light was within Adam, Allah took a bone from his left side and created Howa. Howa would be Adam’s wife. Allah taught Adam the names of everything. The teaching of everything to Adam did not sit well with Iblis, the leader of the angels, whom Allah had created from fire. Iblis saw himself as being better than Adam. Things did not get any better when Allah called all the angels together and instructed them to bow before Adam. Allah had placed Adam and Howa above all others, and this angered Iblis. Iblis refused to bow before a creature made from dirt and vowed to make him forget the command’s Allah had given (Thorp, 1982, p …show more content…

According to Goldfrank (1948), “At least fourteen versions recorded between 1883 and 1936” (p242). Goldfrank lists four of these myths in her article The Impact of Situation and Personality on Four Hopi Emergence Myths. The Hopi myths are more about emergence than they are about their creation, but in a sense it is a creation myth since we see who and what created the moon, stars, and earth. Goldfrank stated, “The numerous and differing emergence myth may well reflect the limitations of the Hopi theocracy, and as corollary, the strength of the Hopi maternal clan” (Goldfrank, 1948, p 242). The Hopi myth shows more than one being or deity who assisted them in their journey to where they live today. The Hopi’s journey starts in the underworld. There are four levels or caves; they must ascend to reach the world above. The pressure of living in the dark and being overcrowded meant the chiefs had to make a decision as to what to

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