
Horizontal Violence In Nursing Essay

Decent Essays

• Horizontal violence among nurses reduces the quality of care patients receive and influences whether students remain in the nursing profession based on clinical experiences during placement.
• The Canadian Nurses Association (2005) defines horizontal aggression “as aggressive behaviour that one registered nurse commits against another in the workplace.”
• Tolerance of horizontal violence is connected with hierarchical nature of abuse and continues to be unreported and overlooked because in many incidents the perpetrator involved is a supervisor, nurse manager or charge nurse. “In order to succeed, [nurses] must accept that their role is defined by those with power and authority (pitts, 1985). This leads to loss of self-esteem and …show more content…

• Younger, inexperienced nurses or nursing students may not have the confidence or lack the communication skills to resolve the aggressive behavior “Students often felt unable to deal with specific incidents and one way of responding was by removing themselves from the situation when possible”
• Nursing, under Florence Nightingale, developed as a very hierarchical system where submission was ‘expected, encouraged, indeed, demanded’ (Reverby 2005, p. 247).
• Co-workers may witness abuse however few step in and diffusion the situation as they fear being victimized themselves. Thus, aggressive behavior continues and is silently tolerated by the victim.
• The outcome of continual exposure to bullying includes trauma such as lowered self-esteem (Randle 2003), depression, anxiety (Quine 2001) and post-traumatic stress disorder (Mikkelsen and Einarsen

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