
Horticultural Therapy Essay

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A Review of “Effects of Horticultural Therapy on Mood and Heart Rate in Patients Participating in a Inpatient Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Program” Coronary heart disease diagnosis and events can increase stress dramatically causing more anxiety and depression in those affected. Rehabilitation programs using health education and cardio exercise are typically offered to these patients. Nevertheless, psychosocial treatments focusing on decreasing anxiety and stress by using goals, recommendations, and positive encouragements are often underutilized. When patients have psychosocial stress-reducing treatments they are more likely to optimistically plan for future events, and have better results from the rehabilitation processes. From past studies, it has been found that horticultural therapy (HT) offers numerous benefits from relieving stress to helping to improve emotional, physical, cognitive and social functioning of patients. As a result, it was hypothesized that the benefits of HT may help to decrease the stress and relieve the negative moods of rehabilitating persons with coronary heart disease. …show more content…

59 of these patients were put into the HT group while the other 48 made up the control group that would attend a patient education class (PEC). Researchers measured heart rates (HR) and assessed moods using the Profile of Mood States (POMS) questionnaire prior the HT or PEC. The POMS is made up of 65 items, which are rated from 0 (not at all) to 4 (extremely) and are scored on the basis of 6 dimensions. There are 5 negative dimensions including tension/anxiety, depression/dejection, anger/hostility, fatigue/inertia, confusion/bewilderment, and 1 positive

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