
Horton Hears A Who Analysis

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Seuss is synonymous for having hidden or alternative meanings throughout his children’s stories. The novel, Horton Hears a Who is about a protagonist named Horton, finding the city of Whoville on a flower one day. Horton is an elephant, allows him to use his big ears to hear the city on the flower without being able to see them. Horton fears for the city of Whoville because they can’t be seen, so rightly he relocates them. While Horton is grasping the flower holding the city with his trunk he begins thinking out loud. The visual image shows Horton holding the city and vocalizing his thought, “A person’s a person, no matter how small”, and this direct or indirect statement packs a big punch (Seuss). Dr. Seuss meant what he said, but what he was referencing is not clear. Yet, a large part of his audience applied this to the controversy of abortion. The inferred reference being made here is that regardless of how big or developed a person is still a human being. Fetus, new born, teenager, adult, senior citizen and everything in-between are all still human beings. In the United States, killing a born human is a legal offense and has legal consequences. Although, if you are an unborn human you're life is regarded as highly and therefore the killing you or aborting you is …show more content…

Empathy is a major aspect that this picture plays off of. First, smack dab in the middle there is a child at 20 weeks old, only the size of the hand its sitting in. The baby is in a fetal position with its arms tucked in, and its feet held in close together. Almost seems like the it is huddling for warmth and as a protective, fearful sense. While the baby is the primary focus the hand becomes an intricate part of the picture. The had loses camera focus while holding the baby, but its not like the hand is not visible to the viewer. In fact, they leave it in some focus to reference the size of the baby. The baby doesn’t even encompass the whole hand. Those are just the visual image aspects of empathy, the image includes quite a bit of wording. In large font at the top of the ad reads, “This child has no voice,” and the author plays on this metaphorically and literally. The baby can not speak, but because it can’t speak and this is a pro-life ad, it means the baby can not verbal argue against its own death. The quote from earlier continues with, “which is why it depends on yours,” and this tugs at our sympathy strings and makes us feel responsible for the infant. The tone of the text is aggressive it is rather, needy, but not like the nagging needy, but the helpless needy. The effectivity of this ad falls rather heavily on the guilt associated with the

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