Indiana has approved House Bill 1337 which protects fetuses from being aborted once they are diagnosed with Down Syndrome inside the womb.
On Thursday, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence signed House Bill 1337 to ban abortion on fetuses diagnosed with Down Syndrome, or because of their sex, race, or other disabilities. The move comes after North Dakota has approved a similar bill, making Indiana the second state in the U.S. to do so, according to Life News.
Aside from that, House Bill 1337 also requires that the bodies of aborted or miscarried babies be buried or cremated properly. Also, abortionists with hospital admitting privilege should renew the every year, the report details.
For Gov. Pence, one can judge a society based on how it handles its old, sick, disabled, and unborn residents, the report relays.
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Pence in a statement. “HEA 1337 is a comprehensive pro-life measure that affirms the value of all human life, which is why I signed it into law today.”
Last year, Pence passed a law requiring the humane disposal of the bodies of aborted babies, the report adds.
However, Planned Parenthood is outraged by the signing of the bill to protect unborn children from being aborted over a handicap, race, or gender. The pro-choice group has expressed its intention to move to block the law, the Church Militant reports.
Planned Parenthood CEO Betty Cockrum slammed Gov. Pence for being a politician who handpicks the constitutional rights that he deems appropriate. She said the governor favors those who practice medicine without license over those who behave responsibly, the report details.
Meawhile, Indiana Right to Life Indiana and Kentucky president and CEO Mike Fichter hailed Gov. Pence’s decision to sign House Bill 1337. In an interview with Life News, Fichter said the move solidifies the Indiana governor’s commitment to protect life regardless of disability, race, or
In addition, Planned Parenthood health centers serve 41% of all Title X patients (Planned Parenthood, n.d.). Therefore, preventing individuals from seeking health care services through Planned Parenthood can detrimentally result in the absence of care on a greater scale. To prevent withheld funding, in December 2016, the Obama Administration issued a final rule prohibiting states from withholding federal family-planning funds from organizations or health clinics regardless of their provision of abortion services. For instance, the Obama Administration warned all states that they would be “out of compliance with federal law” if they choose to suppress Medicaid payments to Planned Parenthood facilities. Despite this rule, Republicans, led by Vice President Mike Pence, remained adamant in their movement towards restricting Title X grant funding, which still threatens the existence of Planned
In February of this year 2017 the Texas Senate passed Bill 25 and is now on its way to The House of Representatives. According to this bill is meant to eliminate “wrongful birth” lawsuits. These law suits allow parents to sue their medical practioner if they give birth to a child with a medical disability or defect and were not properly informed beforehand. The author of this bill is hoping doctors will no longer encourage abortions out of fear of lawsuits (Evans).
The case of A.C.L.U and Planned Parenthood v. Pence has brought attention to the Supreme Court with the question of which of the two is of greater importance: the duty to honor the woman’s autonomy versus the duty to respect potential life. Indiana’s governor, Mike Pence, has signed a House Enrolled Act No.1337 to amend the Indiana health code, which will go in effect on July 1 of 2016. The act affects abortions in several ways which include that doctors much provide perinatal hospice care information to women considering abortion after receiving a diagnosis of a lethal fetal anomaly, prohibits all abortions solely based on fetus’s race, color, national origin, ancestry, sex, or diagnosis of the fetus having any disability, and lastly requires the women to take responsibility financially for the disposal of the remain of any abortion or miscarriage. After the act was signed into law, A.C.L.U of Indiana and Planned Parenthood of Indiana and Kentucky sued Governor Pence on the grounds that the law was unconstitutional. The A.C.L.U and Planned Parenthood won in the district court. The case was appealed to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals and was reversed. Today, the court responds to the petitioners’ appeal by holding that Indiana’s House Enrolled Act No.1337 is unconstitutional. This decision stems from the recognition that the law while attempting to do its duty
Many controversial debates concerning Planned Parenthood and an exceeding amount of government funding to the organization are occurring in today’s news. A recent case in particular that caught the eye of many who weren't yet aware of the deliberation was when President Trump decided to sign an executive order on January 23, 2017 concerning the defunding of Planned Parenthood (Richardson). Not only did he sign this policy surrounded by seven privileged white men, but he signed it two days after the largest peaceful protest in U.S. history: The Women’s March. This matter does not only concern women, but it concerns men and children as well. As an organization, Planned Parenthood provides affordable
“Let me be clear: People who know me well know I'm pro-life, and I don't apologize for it,” Pence told the Christians on Saturday. “I want to live to see the day that we put the sanctity of life back at the center of American law, and we send Roe v. Wade to the
In Texas (Texas being the first state in America to cancel Medicaid funding), Governor Abbot recently informed Planned Parenthood that the state is cutting off the organization from the state’s Medicaid program stated by Andy Sullivan in the article “Texas Tries To Stitch a Safety Net without Planned Parenthood”, as recently released undercover videos show evidence of violations. Another huge thing they have been under fire for is whether or not they are making a profit off of abortions, if they are making a profit off of abortions the government strongly
Bill H.R.3134 Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015 was introduced by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-6) in the House. This bill calls to call to prohibit for a year the availability of federal funds for Planned Parenthood, and it was passed in the House, but failed to do so in the Senate. Remarkably, Steve King (R-IA-4) voted present, and Charlie Dent (R-PA-15), Robert Dold (R-IL10), and Richard Hanna (R-NY-22), all Republicans voted against the bill. On the other hand, only 2 members of the Democratic party, voted in favor of the bill, these congressmen are Daniel Lipinski (D-IL-3) and Collin Peterson (D-MN-7). Contrastingly, the identical bill, S.1836, in the senate introduced by Senator Lankford James (R-OK) failed to pass. Despite its failure, it was cosponsored by 4 Republican senators, these are James Inhofe (R-OK), Jerry Moran (R-KS), Ben Sasse (R-NE), and Jeff Sessions (R-AL). Throughout this essay, I will be explaining the bill and its legislative history, as well as bringing to light the different interests at stake in this process.
The bill emphasizes the protection that New York grants to the woman’s right to obtain abortion based on the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe vs. Wade. The Senate will most likely not vote
Babies born with this disorder were normally sent away to a home for their kind, or presumed dead at birth. At this point in time people felt it unnecessary to keep Down Syndrome babies because they did not think they would live a very long life. Everyone’s view towards anyone with this disorder was not the same, and as you seen over the decades things have changed.
While nothing done before or during a pregnancy can cause Down syndrome a diagnosis can be available as early as pregnancy. An amniocentesis (thin needle inserted through the mother’s abdomen into the placenta) performed by a medical professional can easily identify the chromosomal abnormality or after birth with a simple blood test performed on the newborn. The earlier a diagnosis is made, the earlier parents can begin processing and using all the available resources to educate themselves on raising a child with Down syndrome. Parents will be able to gain the knowledge needed so that their child can receive the appropriate therapy and participate in activities that have been designed especially for this exceptionality, activities, which are geared to expand cognitive, social, emotional, and intellectual capacity.
By the 20th century, Down syndrome had not been identified as a genetic condition caused by an extra chromosome. Instead, Down syndrome was the most recognizable form of mental disabilities because of the distinctive facial features associated with the disease. Those who suffered form the condition were institutionalized and died in infancy or early adult life since their medical problems were not properly treated. Due to the rise of the eugenics movement in the United States, 33 of the 48 states approved forced sterilization of individuals with Down syndrome and other disabilities.
Abortion is a horrible thing, weather the baby is going to have problems or not, it shouldn't be aloud. Every child should get a chance to live, Just because it may have Down syndrome or autism etc doesn't mean that it shouldn't get a go at life. Iceland is about to become the first country where no one with Down syndrome are born as 85% of their women are terminating the pregnancy. The CBS news website quoted that “Iceland has two people with Down syndrome born each year.” This
There are many people with permanent disability’s that contribute to our society in very useful ways. In most cases, these people are viewed as being courageous. This kind of a reaction is typical but not always honest. There are a lot of people are uncomfortable around those that are considered “less than normal”. In her article The Abortion Debate No One Wants to Have, Patricia Bauer writes about Down’s syndrome and abortion. Bauer is a former reporter and bureau chief for the Washington Post.
In a society where people are aborting babies with a chance of having a disability it is difficult to find what is morally right. Down Syndrome is one of the most common genetic conditions. It causes children to learn their first language and gross motor skills slower and they will grow at a slower rate, but this can change from person to person with some growing and learning faster than others. Doctors and the majority of people suggest children with Down Syndrome will not have a good life and imply that is irresponsible to give birth to such a child. Aborting children with Down Syndrome is an action that cannot be justified by Christian morals.
If you would give birth to a child with a disability, would you rather abort the child or let him or her live? Most mothers would choose to let the child live but in some cases, the mother would choose otherwise. According to Wright (2007), in some tribes in Amazon, babies who were born with a physical defects were buried alive because based on their beliefs they have no souls and that others such as twins or triplets are “cursed”. But there was a baby girl who survived from the tribe’s custom of live baby burial. I am strongly against this practice and I believe that it is very immoral.