Dear [NAME],
Over the last few months, there has been lots of exciting news about our organization, especially as it relates to the support of House Boards. You likely have heard about many of these appointments and announcements, but we wanted to take some time to introduce ourselves and explain our roles.
With the implementation of our new governance structure, a standing committee specifically for House Boards has been established. The committee members bring years of House Board and Kappa experience. Each member will focus on a specific area of House Board responsibilities and serve as a subject-matter expert. The House Board Chairman is Stacie Neely, Idaho. Stacie will set the strategic vision for the committee and develop the approval process for House Board fundraising initiatives. Committee members include:
• Carmen Donohue Centamore, Virginia Tech, will work on House Board reporting and long-range financial planning.
• Hilda Crucet Garrett, William & Mary, will work on House Board reporting and compliance controls.
• Suzanne Giffen, Allegheny, will collaborate with the National Panhellenic Conference on Greek-letter housing initiatives.
• Gretchen Kaufman, Arkansas, will lead housing projects and renovations.
• Eryn Lackett, LSU, will focus on human resources issues.
• Robyn Rider, Cincinnati, will provide support for
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Many of these day-to-day demands call for more support than can be asked of our Fraternity volunteers alone. In an effort to better serve these needs, Kappa has expanded the Chapter Finance Department at Kappa Kappa Gamma Headquarters to include House Boards. Sarah Gipe, Ohio Wesleyan, has been promoted to Associate Director of House Boards and Chapter Finance. Sarah will lead a collaborative analysis of House Boards and chapter finances. Joining Sarah on this team is Donna Koppert, who will provide financial and administrative
Prior to her current role, she worked as an Assistant Director of Nursing for over 5 years at Sun Air Convalescent Hospital and a Sub-Acute coordinator for 1 year. She has been working now at Berkley Valley Convalescent Hospital as Director of Nursing for over 20
4. Employees in the account receivable department, Mary Gonzalez as well as Sherika, and other employees in the accounts payable department.
There are nineteen members of the board: Chad Dunkley (Chief Executive Officer), Penny Allen (Chief Financial Officer), Mary Terrass (Executive Vice President), Jill Dunkley (General Counsel and Vice President of Business Development), Lisa Larson (Vice President of Human Resources), Alan Ruth (Vice President of Facilities and Construction), Cara Johnson-Bader (Vice President of Marketing and Parent Experiences), Kelly Ashton (Regional Vice President), Jessie Watson (Regional Vice President), Bev Bauman (Director of Education and Staff Development), Peggy Blackmon (Director of Licensing and Center Support), Clare Sanford (Director of Government and Community Relations), Brian Flotterud (Manager of Information Technology), Jennifer Rue (District Manager),
This position will act to provide administrative support with contract preparation, fiscal responsibilities, and oversee the health educator’s specialist.
As a DC-CAP College Representative I will advocate on campus centered on the relationship I have established with Housing and Residence Life throughout the years. Currently, I am a Resident Advisor (RA) and a member of Residence Hall Association (RHA) both concerning housing. My role as an RA is to foster the community, provide academic support, being attentive to safety and security of the residents, and to serve as an overall counselor to the residents. Also, as an RA I develop programs that educate and encourage residents to build relationships. Furthermore, as a member of RHA my role is to develop residence hall policies, programs, and be the voice for all residence hall students and address the concerns of all the residents.
The current Executive Director, Helen, has been with the organization for over 30 years. In 2014, after finishing my Bachelor’s degree in philosophy, I was offered a position as Administrative Assistant with the Orrville Area United Way. We are a two person office with over 150 volunteers, raising over $600,000 each year for programs run through 26 partner agencies.
Our recruitment chair is helping others envision our chapter with new women that are smart, want to be active and engaged, and that are fun people. By realigning the women we want to represent our chapter, we have been able to get our members to be more optimistic towards next fall. We are also having more workshops and retreats that discuss what we, as a chapter need to improve and how we can get there. Those conversations have been so helpful in encouraging everyone and in showing them that the executive board does not make all of the decisions. We need their help because technically we serve their best interests.
On this advisory board I attend bimonthly meetings where I listen in on the city’s budget plan for the next two months. On this board, I also run food drives within the Hazleton Area School District to send care packages to the troops overseas. I am also a part of the Hazleton’s Communities that Care, which is an organization which pays its services back to the city. I am the current Vice President and this year we are funding to open a fountain in a public park. We are currently blue printing the project, but we plan for the ground breaking to occur in July.
boards all have same spirit about how we can help people and so I have no doubt that those board members that I've met can all help me.
Laura Calhoun-Bachelors of arts degree in design and has been with Techfite for 2 years. She is known for creating solutions that others may not have thought about and open to new experiences
Cindy is the director of human resources. She has been a working member of the
I have never considered the board’s role in WCA’s daily operations. I am now curious to attend a board meeting and learn more about what role they play in the operation of the school.
Christine will be responsible to coach and mentor the other new hired shop assistant, service customers, keep tract inventory/replenishment and report customers’ comments/complaints to Lydia for ensuring corrective action be taken.
I highly recommend Jane Doe as a candidate for employment. Jane was employed by Company Name as an Administrative Assistant from 2002 - 2005. Jane was responsible for office support including word processing, scheduling appointments and creating brochures, newsletters, and other office literature.
My mentor Pam works for a large integrated security organization. She is in charge of the installation department. She is responsible for making sure contracts are correct, the correct equipment is ordered, sub-contractor contracts are correct, and submitted for approval for payment. She