
House Of The Red Fish Loyalty Quotes

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In the story, “House of the Red Fish” Tomi’s situations and what he has to go through everyday teaches many about Tomi’s loyalty to others, during the whole entire book. In the book he goes through tough times but still shows care and helps others without thinking about himself first. There is a substantial amount of evidence to support my reasonings from the book which will be used to explain why Tomi is so loyal.

One word that will help explain Tomi’s loyalty is the word Kind which Tomi show many times throughout the book. Tomi’s kindness towards other is a very important key evidence to why Tomi’s so loyal. What makes Tomi so kind is the fact that Tomi doesn’t act rude to his friends and he always sticks by their sides. This is clearly stated in the book and one evidence in the book to prove this is in Chapter 10 page 49 it says “For Tomi, I going be Japanese.” which is pretty much trying to say that Rico would be Japanese for Tomi’s sake cause Rico sees Tomi as a good trustworthy friend that he can trust. …show more content…

What makes Tomi so responsible is that he is always looking for ways to help his family make money to live off on and is always keeping responsibilities and hiding and cleaning the family katana in different location so people won’t find it. A piece of evidence in the book to support this piece of evidence is on page 8 it states “I can quit school and get a job” what this is saying is that Tomi is willing to give up his education to help his family raise more money which comes to the point that Tomi cares about others before himself which can be another form of loyalty. Then Tomi trying to hide the Katana is loyal to his family because it’s a family Katana thats suppose to be cherished so by Tomi hiding it and keeping it safe till his Grandpa and Grandma come home is a very loyal thing of Tomi to

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