
House On Mango Street By Sandra Cisneros

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“I try to be as honest about what I see and to speak rather than be silent, especially if it means I can save lives, or serve humanity (Cisneros).” Sandra Cisneros is a latina author of award winning novels. She began writing as a teenager and it is now her way of living. I have researched, analyzed, and now I will be summarizing her life from birth to present. Sandra Cisneros was born December 20, 1954 in Chicago, IL. She is one of seven children, the only daughter, and her parents are originally from Mexico. Sandra lived in poverty most of her life. “The family [Cisneros] shuttled between Chicago and Mexico City before finally settling in an area of Chicago… a neighborhood that would later provide inspirations for The House on Mango Street (Mark Editors).” In this novel she depicts what it was like to grow up as a Mexican-American in the Chicago. Even though so many doubted her chance at success, she found an outlet in writing. …show more content…

As a child she did poorly in school. “I have C’s and D’s in everything… The only B I had was in conduct, but I don’t remember being that stupid (Mirriam- Goldberg 5).” As a latina girl growing up on the southside of chicago, she knew she didn’t have much of a chance becoming something. “...they thought the best she could achieve in her life was to be married, have children, and run a cash register at a local supermarket (Mirriam- Goldberg 6).” She went on to prove them all wrong. Attending Loyola University in Chicago she studied english

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