AN ACCIDENT Accidents are very common in big cities as there are many modes of transport and roads are narrow and crowded. Every day we come across news about such accidents that claim lives and cause casualties. Sadly, driver error remains the most common cause of road accidents; such as Speeding, Drink Driving, Seat Belt Wearing, Careless Driving, At-work, Inexperience, Failed to Look Properly, Loss of Control, Failed to Judge Other Person 's Path/Speed. I was a witness to one. Once, I and my friends decided to go for a walk. We were walking along a crowded road. All of a sudden we heard a loud noise. I saw a man rolling on the ground He was knocked down by a car. The driver was driving it at a normal speed. He saw a lorry coming from …show more content…
The consumption of highly contaminated water can cause injury to the heart and kidneys. The erosion of soil into waterways causes flooding, especially with heavy rainfall. Birds that get into oil-contaminated water die from exposure to cold water and air due to feather damage. Other animals are affected when they eat dead fish in contaminated streams. The effects of water pollution are not always immediate. They are not always seen at the point of contamination. They are sometimes never known by the person responsible for the pollution. However, water pollution has a huge impact on our lives. With knowledge, consideration and preparation, water pollution can be decreased. MY FIRST DAY IN THE INSTITUTE My first day at my former college is an important event of my life. To me it is an unforgettable day. I used to think about the class in college which is different from in high school. I entered the college premises with new hopes and aspirations. It was quite different from what I had seen in and around our school. I came across many unknown faces. I was surprised by knowing that there are around 150 students in one lecture class. I have baffled to see students playing indoor and outdoor games and enjoying radio programs in class hours. They were also busy with their cellphones during class hours. I found that the method of teaching is different than from the school. The college laboratory excited my interest on the very first day and
The polluted water supply that results can become harmful to humans. Aquatic life quickly suffers the effects of watershed pollution.
Inexperience: Inexperience can cause accidents because people don’t know what they are doing and therefore can panic and cause collisions or can drive too fast for their skill level and cause collisions in that way. The worst thing people can do is drive to slow for example if someone is driving to slow they could merge into a roadway driving to slow and be rear ended. There have been many occurrences of people driving with inexperience and causing collision due to it. The easiest way to reduce collisions caused by inexperienced drivers is to have them start on a private road and a parking lot until they are comfortable in the vehicle then having them start driving in different conditions until they are
About 1.3 million individuals pass on in street crashes every year, all things considered 3,287 passings per day. Every year about 400,000 individuals under 25 bite the dust on the world's streets, by and large more than 1,000 a day. More than 90% of all street fatalities happen in low and center wage nations, which have not as much as half of the world's vehicles. The greater part of all street activity passings happen among youthful grown-ups ages 15-44. The mind larger part (75 percent) of genuine adolescent driver crashes are because of "basic blunders," with the three basic mistakes representing about
Many people lose their lives or loved ones in accidents involving cars and other types vehicles like semi trucks, farm equipment, construction vehicles, and motorcycles. People are involved in car accidents due to reasons such as distracted driving, drunk driving, inability to drive, driving in an unsafe vehicle. Many of the accidents can be can be prevented. There are many precautions that can be taken to decrease the amount of people hurt in these accidents. Options range from enforcing harsher laws for vehicular accident or simply making the car itself safer, and making it mandatory that vehicles are safer. As well as new laws that could created. There are many small things that people can do to become a better driver and cause less accidents.
When you think of problems in the world today, water pollution isn’t one that would normally come up. In fact it is one of the worst problems in the world today. Water pollution, by definition, is the contamination of streams, lakes, underground water, bays, or oceans by any substances harmful to living things. All living things contain water and most need water to survive, so water pollution is a big problem. If severe, the pollution can kill off birds, fish, and any animals that use the water source. In some cases even killing an entire species.
The cause of an accident is mainly based on the human error by the skilled driver's overconfidence.
This pollution also does harm to the nature resources all around us which affects our daily lives. Having dirty rivers because the death of fish will cause a chain reaction where the seals in the rivers will not have food to eat as well as humans. Not being able to fish causes less food on people’s dinner plate. As well as local business who depend on the river staying clean and providing them business for anglers to come and buy bait. This will also affect restaurants that depend on local fisherman who supply them with their daily seafood which they sell to their customers. Having less seafood will mean the closing down of business as well as not being able to eat fish which consumers will then turn to meat which will deplete thru resources even quicker. Having pollution in the bodies of water on the earth would be the worst situation since humans need water to live and survive. If all of the natural water sources have pollution in them; life on earth would cease to exist. This chain reaction all starts from one person littering and killing one
The facts are astounding and horrific. According to the Association for Safe and International Travel, nearly 1.3 million individuals are killed in road related crashes each year. This accounts for 3,287 deaths each day. Among the statistics, is the fact, that car related accidents are the leading cause of death among young adults ages 15 through 29. It is also the second leading cause of death worldwide among young people ages 5 through 14. Unless action is taken, car related deaths are expected to become the fifth leading cause of death by 2030.
Background and Audience Relevance: According to National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2015, about thirty-five hundred people were killed, and four hundred thousand were injured in car crashes.
Water pollution impacts how humans and other living organisms live their life. Most common way humans are effected by water pollution is through diseases while drinking the water. Scientists have found over “five hundred different types of diseases” that can affect humans. (Book). These diseases get into the water streams by human and animal wastes. The diseases in the water can often lead to death for humans. Recent research has shown that that each year
According Oraclethinkquest, "Water pollution has the potential to have a harmful effect on all living things including plants and animal species. Chemicals, radioactive waste, industrial waste in the water can affect species and their development. There is no
The chemical poisoning in water have a great impact on humans because it can cause brain damage and physical deformities in unborn fetuses. Pollution disrupts the natural food chain as well. Pollutants such as lead and cadmium are eaten by tiny animals. Later, these animals are consumed by fish and shellfish, and the food chain continues to be disrupted at all higher levels. Eventually, humans are affected by this process as well. People can get diseases such as hepatitis by eating seafood that has been poisoned. Besides,
A reason that water pollution is a problem today is because many people don’t realize that they are hurting out water supplies when they really are. There are many pollutants that hurt our water supply such as farming. When farmers spray their fields with chemicals and apply fertilizers. Some of these chemicals reach the river, and animal urine and manure may be washed into the river. Another cause of water pollution is from accidents, such as tanker spills. Accidents with chemicals may cause river pollution as well. Mining can be another cause because the dusts and minerals get washed into the rivers. Seepage is another cause of water pollution. Because chemicals from waste dumps join the groundwater flow into the river. Urban Wastes is a major cause because the sewage comes from toilets, sinks, and industrial processes. This causes many human diseases such as diarrhea, dysentery, hepatitis, and cholera.
Water pollution affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water; and, in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual species and populations, but also to the natural biological communities.
My first day at college had a great meaning to me. It was the beginning of my dream to go to college and to pursue a higher education.I had so many emotions running trough me , it was the first time being in this level and the first time paying for education myself. I always wanted to be a college student, a serious student who would decide what to be in her life. The first day at Truman College was on August 25th, 2005. The first year of my freshman year and Fall semester. That day I had so many things on my mind, from what I was going to wear to figure out where the class number and the floor it would be located at. It was actually a day full of new experiences. I had just turned 28 years old. By the time I had a full-time job in