
Housework By Suzanne Bianchi Summary

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Suzanne M. Bianchi ‘s article “Housework”describes the gender inequalities between women and men when it comes to housework and childcare. Bianchi provides statistics from 1965 to 2010 on the amount of hours spent doing housework and childcare from both married couples, to non-married couples. Culture, power, social structure, social groups and social class. Bianchi provides data showing the amount of hours women and men spend doing housework and childcare and the data shows women spend more time doing those tasks. In the 1990’s studies show men were not willing to do housework and childcare, leaving the women to do it instead, which only caused the gender inequality to rise. However, in 2010 the study shows that the housework has become a little more equal among men and women. Now women are working outside the homes now and not staying home. Not only has the amount of hours of housework changed, but the amount of hours fathers spend tending to child care has increased about two hours in 1975 to about seven hours in 2010. As society and culture changes family size decreases. …show more content…

The cultural norm in the 1965 was the women took care of the housework and children while the men went to work, however, now most families are two working parent households. Depending on the culture there will be a difference in who does the housework and takes care of the children. Bianchi provides a study that shows, countries with a higher full-time employment for women there is more of an egalitarian attitude with the childcare and housework. As society changes, the cultural norms change and in this article Bianchi describes the change within gender inequality when it comes to housework and childcare. In 1965 men were the “breadwinner” and the women stayed at home to take care of the house and children which has changed in today’s

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