
How Are Literary Techniques Used In Susanna Kaysen's Girl Interrupted

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Girl Interrupted is a discerning, unwavering document that gives long-lasting and precise dimension to our explanations of stable and insane, mental illness and recovery. This intense novel uses language, literary terms and structure to express the struggle that author Susanna Kaysen went through in her lifetime. This story contains a strong use of literary Language and terms. The Terms are stated firmly and clearly through the entire book. For example when Susanna says, "And somewhat more dangerous things, like putting a gun in your mouth", this is an example of a simile when she is speaking about suicide. Another example of a literary device is when the author states "Something had been peeled back, a covering or shell that works to protect us. I couldn't decide whether the covering was something on …show more content…

This first person point of view uses very cringing tones. This story is a biography about Susanna Kaysen’s battle with mental illness and to express her feelings and to explain her mental state she uses tones such as, reflective; philosophical; darkly humorous; and critical. As she thinks back on her treatment at the Hospital, Kaysen recognizes that there is a time where people do in fact need professional assistance such as hospitalization. Although, she does indeed state that people in general are too rapid to judge and stereotype people, throughout the story she contemplates whether cerebral illness is an actual disease or just a label society put on things to help distinguish ordinary from unusual. Susanna quotes, “Don't separate the mind from the body. Don't separate even character - you can't. Our unit of existence is a body, a physical, tangible, sensate entity with perceptions and reactions that express it and form it simultaneously” this quote expresses her belief that her mind was a part of her character and being as a

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