
How Brains Make Up Their Minds Book Review

Decent Essays

Walter J. Freeman examines how we—humans—control our behavior and comprehend and analyze the world around us in How Brains Make Up Their Minds. Though, due to the complex nature of both neuroscience and psychology, Freeman begins with a much needed clarification regarding semantics. Freeman depicts the differences of intent, motive, and desire after introducing his theory on self-determination: Individuals are credited and responsible for their actions.
Within the first chapter, Freeman lays out the books format by stating not only the topic of each proceeding chapter, but also paragraph summaries of each, almost as if giving an outline to an argument. This book is much like a staircase; building on top of the previous platform. Beginning with his theory on our intentionality, Freeman then branches to his beliefs on meaning, and how meaning is derived from intentionality. To the author, meanings are our personal interpretations of our intentional behaviors. Our self-estimations of the consequences of intentional behaviors creates what we perceive to be the meanings of our actions. This idea of …show more content…

Through non-linear dynamics, he discusses Chaos Theory, in which it is believed that structure is created from the existence of chaos. These dynamics, explained as neurons organized hierarchical, will be Freeman’s basis for his beliefs on perception and the senses. The construction of neural activity patterns stems from perception and sense of the world. He continues by explaining how these patterns become thoughts, which are then translated into meaning. Structures in the brain then create enormous patterns of all senses blended together, creating a coordinative interaction. In order for self-organized behavior to occur, this chorus of singers hearing and reacting to the others, as Freeman figuratively used, must

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