The Mongols from the thirteenth century could be remembered as people who were brutal and as people that were civilized and wanted peace and stability. The Mongols had a ruler named Genghis Khan who had a brutal vision to rule the entire world. He caused other people to think that the Mongols were uncivilized and brutal, but they should not be remembered this way. They should be remembered as people that valued peace and stability even though they had one gory ruler. The Mongols had a time period called Pax Mongolia which was a time period of stability and peace within the empire; which is the largest empire the world has seen to this day. They allowed government officials to remain in place and keep their positions and made sure qualified people were involved with the government. The Mongols also wanted people from other religions to worship in their empire. After the death of Genghis Khan, in AD 1227, his grandson took over and started ruling. He created a new dynasty called the Yuan Dynasty and preferred a life with palaces …show more content…
This occurred because local leaders knew the region well and new things that would keep the government stable by keeping them placed. They also chose only intelligent and qualified people to be government officials, based on skills, rather than race and religion. This prevented a corrupt government within Mongolia keeping it stable and peaceful, during the time period of Pax Mongolia. Also during this time of peace and stability the brutal leader, Genghis Khan, has died and people are conquering others in great peace. When his sons and grandsons continued to conquer, they created Khanates, which are separate regions throughout the empire. Leaders tried to keep Mongolia and its conquering peaceful and they did that by keeping qualified, experienced government officials in
The Mongols were a small tribe from the grasslands of Central Asia. They conquered a lot of the known world. It has been debated whether the Mongol’s are barbaric or not, or how barbaric they really are. The Mongol’s are barbaric because they conquered more land than any other conquerors, had brutal army strategies, and immoral laws. The Mongols conquered more land than any other conquerors.
“In the 13th century CE the Mongols created the largest connected landmass empire in the history of the world”. Mongols are the people of Mongolia who are referred to as barbaric. Barbarians are people who are evil or savage. The Mongols were far from barbaric.
The Mongols were a fearless and powerful group that dominated Asia and Eastern Europe during the 13th century. They did this through their battle tactics. The Mongols often fought on horseback and surrounded their enemies, which was an extremely efficient way to conquer. Their battle tactics portrayed them as barbaric and scary, enabling them to surround and conquer lands. Throughout the 13th century, the Mongols portrayed a barbaric image to the rest of the world due to their battle tactics, severe punishments, and their ability to conquer great amount of land.
In the dictionary the definition of the Mongols is “a native or inhabitant of Mongolia” (Webster). Mongols are much more than just inhabitants of Mongolia. They were great conquerors but brutally barbaric. The Mongol empire ruled from the 13th century to the mid 14th century (McDougal Littel). Genghis Khan and his descendants accomplished a lot, but the civilians faced many hardships. It seems as if they came and left in a matter of only a couple of years. The legacy of the Mongols should be evaluated based on positive and negative contributions to society. Positively, the conquerors were quite successful as they acquired land all throughout Eurasia. Negatively, they ferociously harmed people and valuables in the process.
Mongol had a centralized form of political system. Political authority was centralized in the hands of the highest ruler. These powers were developed from Yen and Yan principles. Genghis Khan, the leader who united the tribes, followed the Shamanist principles that that lobbied for the give and take policy. The kingdom exercised a sense of democracy. They had the Council of Wiseman and the Great Khurultai,
Throughout the 13th century, the Mongols showed the world how barbaric they actually were. To other groups of people, they were known as cruel, very violent, barbaric and people who definitely lived far from what was considered as a “civilized world.” People thought of barbaric as a negative term referring to people who lived beyond the reach of civilization, people who were savage, evil according to the background essay. The Mongols could be expressed as one of the most barbaric groups out there because they revealed their violence by causing death, destruction, and the downfall of all the land that they had conquered.
Sometimes ruling a new city was for the best. The Mongols helped cities in many ways; they made many contributions to the economics, political system, and made their culture more diverse when they took over. (Doc. 6) They also made new helpful laws as they went along; such as no adultery, theft, and the roles of the house. (Doc. 7,10)
Making it easy for them to take over and put their harsh rules and laws over others, too. Genghis Khan had put so many people under his rule. He had almost 5 million miles under Mongol control. But not only were these areas under control with strict rules, his own army had strict rules. Genghis Khan was big on teamwork with his army.
The mongols let local rulers have the ability to maintain their positions if they paid tribute, provided troops, pledged loyalty to the khan and kept order. For the Mongols, it made good sense, as the local rulers knew the customs of their people. The Mongols relocated qualified people to serve in government. (Arabs in Russia, Persians in China) Although the Mongols preferred not to tinker too much with systems that worked well.(doc 6)
There have been many historians and just regular people that take one look at the Mongols and just assume right away that they were ruthless barbarians that killed anyone in their way or without the same beliefs. But if you take a closer look is that still true? No. The mongols were in fact not barbaric but in turn were civilized. Although some people will still make the argument even after that closer look that Mongols were uncivilized monsters. I see where that is a valid point, but with their understanding ways and their clever techniques, we should admire them, not put shame on them for being barbaric when they weren’t.
Genghis Khan, created and united the Mongols, who were the world’s biggest empire to date. He conquered china and created the Yuan economic policies and accommodated traditional Chinese practices. Yuan rulers did not try to convert China into the Mongol-style nomadic economy; instead, they advanced agriculture. They restored the she, rural organizations composed of about 50 families, to assist in farming. These organizations also improved flood control, established charity organizations for orphans and widows, and introduced such new crops. In addition, early Yuan emperors sought to protect the peasants by devising a regular, fixed system of taxation. Unlike previous Chinese dynasties, the Yuan rulers cultivated trade and held merchants a high social status.
The Mongols were very harsh and brutal like no one else in their era but I believe that they are not barbarians. The Mongols had a strong dominating military that was almost always successful, they contributed to many of the ideas that are still around today, and made a very stern set of laws that kept their community civilized which is why I believe that the Mongols were not barbarians.
Throughout the 13th century world, the Mongols constantly showed displays of continuous violence, drinking, brutality and unfair treatment. They were considered to be savages, and people who lived far beyond what we would know as a “civilized world.” They single handedly became one of, if not the most powerful empires to have existed, building their empire through violent and barbaric manors. The Mongols were very barbaric people, for they portrayed many inhumane and mannerless actions while their empire lasted, causing death destruction and the downfall of all of the land they took over.
The Mongol Empire gained and maintained power through an organized government, religious acceptance, and a robust army.
The Mongolian Empire was able to create a stable government that worked well for them and also used that government to achieve a lot. Genghis Khan granted religious freedom, abolished torture, encouraged trade and created the first international postal system (GENGHIS KHAN). The Mongolian dictatorship was able to do such amazing things with their government. They were able to develop lots of culture within their empire and create advanced technology. They granted people the freedom to have whatever religion to be believed in. They gave people a lot more freedom then they