How can animal abuse be prevented?
A Review of the Literature
Lilah Doster
Edina High School
How can animal abuse be prevented?
A Review of the Literature
I was shocked when my mother introduced me to my new foster dog, a seven year old dachshund named Andy. I expected a friendly dog to greet me when I came home but instead I found a dog that was sick, feeble and afraid of me. It was then that I quickly learned about the horrors of animal abuse. Spellbound, I listened to my mother tell me Andy’s story of abuse. Andy spent his entire seven years in a puppy mill, confined to a small cage and rarely had any human contact. He came to us with a skin disease, parasites, and almost all of his teeth were missing from decay. The foster organization told my mother that he was hit and beaten by his breeder numerous times. Andy was one of the lucky ones, his breeder was arrested, he was put in a foster organization, and brought into our home. Animal abuse is a significant problem causing nearly one million animals to die each year from many different forms of abuse; animals are not people, but that doesn’t make their lives less precious. There needs to be an end to this preventable suffering. Animal abuse contains a wide spectrum of behavior. According to Carol Thompson (2016, para.1-2), “Animal cruelty is a general term used to refer to a broad range of offenses against non-human animals, generally including such behaviors as intentional and unintentional
Every 60 seconds an animal is abused. Dogs, cats, horses, and many other types of animals are being neglected and tortured everyday, yet resulting in few and minor consequences for the perpetrators. Animal abuse is prevalent in the United States and has been an ongoing issue since the 1970's, and prior to. Society as a whole has chosen to avoid the facts and arguments about animal cruelty, because to some it is seen as acceptable and typical. It becomes much more frowned upon when people actually see the results of the cruelty, especially in the media.
Animals are beaten and abused on a daily basis due to barbaric individuals. Whether it be from harmful intentions or pure negligence most cases go unreported. “Deliberate cruelty may involve beating, shooting, stabbing animals, or setting them on fire. Neglect is not giving a necessary food, water, shelter, or vet care” (Human Society). The lack of attention and care for these animals can often lead to severe, and sometimes irrevocable damage. The Animal Legal Defense Fund, ALDF for short, website tells of one story where neighbors of a farm complained to the local humane society, “that the Colliers were neglecting many animals on their farm, including dogs and horses. When they went to their property to investigate, they discovered dogs and horses in several states of neglect and starvation and seized them out of concern for their immediate health”(ALDF). Sadly, however, it can become much worse for animals. Owners will sometimes purposefully abuse their animals. Unfortunately, occurrences like these are hardly uncommon. One such example, from the RSPCA of England, the Royal
Have you ever wondered the stories of the animals in an animal shelter? Many of the animals there have been victims of animal abuse. Many animals and humans suffer through the affects and difficulties of animal abuse. Animal abuse affect many people and animals all over the world. There are many different things that can and should be done to help stop this. There are many cases of animal abuse all over the world report or unreported and it needs to be stopped.
Each year, the most extreme cases of animal abuse receive media attention. Yet, the animal cruelty problem is more widespread than is reported in the media. Animal abuse and neglect is a nationwide issue, affecting thousands of animals nationwide. Cruelty to animals is defined as the infliction of physical pain, suffering or death on an animal, beyond what is necessary. There is a need to stop abusers from acting in such a horrific manner–preventing the neglect and suffering of the animals. What causes animal abusers to act in such a cruel way towards animals? How are cases of animal abuse being managed, and how should cases be handled? Finally, does the status of animals in society contribute to the rate of their abuse?
Thesis statement: The number of animal abuse cases of the United States are rising and the correlation between this crime and other forms of abuse is becoming more and more evident.
Animals are an important and valued part of many families and cultures. In many households, animals are considered members of the family, receive Christmas and birthday presents, and are cared for just as a human child would be. Opposition to animal cruelty has even become a sort of universal value in American culture(Kordzek 604). But animals are uniquely vulnerable to abuse, and despite this they still do not receive much needed protection from the law. The penalties for animal cruelty are not frequently severe enough to even deter one from harming an animal. This is dangerous not only for animals, but for human beings too. Animal cruelty and domestic violence have been proven to correlate in countless ways, and recognizing animal cruelty as a serious criminal offense and a form of domestic violence would serve to protect both animals and human beings from needless acts of violence. Instituting stiffer criminal penalties for animal cruelty and increasing the protective measures for victims of abuse is necessary to further the protection of both animals and human beings.
There are many animals who deal with abuse everyday, and that is not okay. If an animal is neglected or abused the pet will be taken away and the caretaker will be charged $1,500. Animals are very loyal, such as dogs, dogs are one of the most loyal animals you can own. When abused, they don’t know where they went wrong. They only know that you are mad at them. Animals, such as humans, shouldn’t be abused or neglected. Most animals who are abused or neglected are usually abused unintentionally, but the second most are abused on purpose. The people who abuse animals on purpose sometimes deal with mental illnesses, were abused as children, or have a hard time dealing with stress or anger. Animals are just like humans who have been abused. They are usually skittish and shy. People tend to see animals differently than humans, but they are the same in my eyes. For example, if I locked you in my basement, starved, and beat you, I’d be charged with attempted murder and kidnapping. Pets have the same rights as you to live freely, but people don’t see it. You are able to live on your own and take care of yourself, but they
In the last decade, the views and forms of animal cruelty have changed. Many people have different views of an animal’s rights or purpose. Some people believe that animals have no rights and are a piece of property to be utilized by humans. To others, animals can still be used by humans, but they have emotions as well. A few people consider that only certain animals with high intelligence like chimpanzees or monkeys, should not be used by man, and they should have all the rights that man has currently (“Animal Rights” , 2009). Domestic violence has a correlation with animal abuse. In a survey, 71% of domestic violence victims also reported that their abuser also targeted pets/animals. The most common animals who are abused are cats, dogs, horses,
Every single day all over the world animals are being abused, beaten, or being forced to struggle to survive out by themselves. What would you seriously do if you saw a homeless dog getting abused in front of you? Would you help or do nothing to stay out of the problem? Or imagen if you were the one being locked up in a small room waiting to get you skin torn off for other people to wear. See, doesn’t seem fun, does it. If you were an animal, you would be terrified of having your friends losing their life just for “the fun of it”. Animals and humans may share the same DNA, but we are all built and all function differently. Unfortunately, there are people from all ages and from all many places all over the world that abuses animals, but a high
Unfortunately today there are many cases of animal abuse happening around the world. Animal cruelty or animal abuse can be defined as the infliction of suffering or harm upon animals for purposes other than self-defense. There are many different types of abuse such as using animals for research, using animals for entertainment purposes, abandoning animals to shelters, and animal neglect. We need to raise awareness and find a solution to these issues. Animals are suffering and we need to help them.
Rabbits immobilized in wooden stocks with ulcers in their eyes, baby seals being clubbed over the head, and the infamous shock treatment. Surely you have all witnessed footage of one or all of the aforementioned practices and were appalled by the cruelty. Appalled yes, willing to stand up and voice your thoughts... not often. There is one significant reason for this unwillingness by most to stand up for the rights of our fellow inhabitants of this planet, personal convenience.
Why is our generation getting crueler each day? Nowadays you don’t show respect to everyone or everything. You could hurt or kill someone or something without expressing any emotions. Animals also have feelings. For example, they can feel pain. I know that when we get hurt it’s the worst feeling. Imagine how these poor animals are feeling. Anyone who approves of these cruel actions is sick. Let me tell you of a story of a stone cold hearted monster. There was a man who I guess didn’t like dogs and kicked the small little dog to death. This is the type of action that police should be a little more alert with. Why are we not doing anything about this? Isn’t this a crime? Why is this not taken more seriously? We need to find more ways on how
Being able to aid abused, injured, or ill animals, see the background of different animals, and witness shy,timid animals warm up to humans is one the the many amazing experiences that one gets to witness volunteering at an animal shelter.
Why is our generation getting crueler each day? Now a days you don’t show respect to everyone or everything. You could hurt or kill someone or something without expressing any emotions. Animals also have feelings. For example, they can feel pain. I know that when we get hurt it’s the worst feeling. Imagine how these poor animals are feeling. Anyone who approves of these cruel actions is sick. Let me tell you of a story of a stone cold hearted monster. There was a man who I guess didn’t like dogs and kicked the small little dog to death. This is the type of action that police should be a little more alert with. Why are we not doing anything about this? Isn’t this a crime? Why is this not taken more
Many companies, like McDonalds, lie about what actually goes on at their farms. “Free range” “Cruelty free” “Killed in a humane way” Those are just some the things that consumers are told and believe everyday. Saying thank you to the animal before munching on its flesh and bones doesn’t excuse what happens to them. The abuse and torture animals go through at factory farms isn’t fair and needs to be stopped immediately.