
How Can DDT Affect Our Lives

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After World War II American’s really advanced technologically, meaning everything went along with it like pesticides and herbicides. Scientist discovered that they could alter compounds easily in a lab, making a variety of new “harmless” pesticides. Carson does not approve of these advances solely for the reason that the products being produced and used are exactly what they are saying, which is harmless. In every case that a pesticide or a herbicide was used, it did its job while harming organisms that were supposed to have no affect to the chemicals. Side effects were something that was expected to occur if exposed to doses of these chemicals. When DDT was used in war to help aid against lice for our soldiers, we believed that since no immediate …show more content…

The poison was killing more than just the insects, and was affecting babies before their own birth. Spread from crop to animal to your own refrigerator. DDT however was the least of our concerns as more dangerous poisons such as dieldrin, aldrin, and endrin were being used to help aid in the fight of pests and weeds. The side effects for these chemicals were far more severe and commonly ended in death very quickly. Dieldrin the least toxic of the three was still able to take men's’ lives “The seizures were severe -- from half to all of the men affected went into convulsions and several died.” (Carson 26). Aldrin does not affect the poisoned individual nearly as much as the other chemicals, while just “an aspirin sized tablet is enough to kill more than 400 quail.” (Carson 26). It can also have its effects on the offspring of the poisoned individual by killing the young fairly quickly. Endrin is the most deadly of all the chemicals used for pesticide and for obvious reasons. One hour after being exposed to endrin and dog went into convulsions and was killed, not long after an infant that was also exposed was brought to a vegetable state where he never

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