To illustrate, Sugary drinks don’t just rot our teeth. They can do much much more than that. Some may even consider these drinks killers. However, there is a solution to this problem. States, such as California, are already trying to have warning labels placed on soda and other sugary drinks. These warning labels have the potential to save people from life threatening conditions such as, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Although, some people think this is just another silly idea. I personally do not agree with that. I believe that sugary drinks should definitely have warning labels. Furthermore, there have been many convincing arguments on the opposing side but none have been very logical or important. For instance, the people who
In the article “Putting Warning Labels on Sugary Drink Would Save Lives, ” by Russ Lloyd, it talks about how if we put caution labels on soda it will prevent many people from drink as much sugar as they do. In the text it shows how if we put caution labels on soda then it will prevent many terrible things. First off, people can get many health problems from it. The article states, “Eating too much of it can lead to obesity and put you at risk for heart disease, diabetes and so many other health problems” (Lloyd 18). This shows, how putting labels on soda can prevent many terrible things because, people can get many health issues with people’s body. Also, sugar is addictive to most everyone. The author explains, “In fact, brain scans reveal
Point of view is a perspective, there are three types points of view, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd person. Number the Stars is 3rd person limited, and omniscient, this means that the narrator has total control over every aspect of one character, and can only sense how the other characters are feeling. The character that the book puts the most focus on is Annemarie, she is from the Johanson family. The Johansons helped bring Many Jewish families to safety in the book. In Mr. Sergio Moirano interview was in 1st person, he spoke of his personal experiences during the war. Sergio told about his memories, about how he was shot in the arm, and how terrified he was every second of the day. Number the Stars and Mr. Sergio Moirano interview are quite similar in
“Puritanism. The haunting fear that someone, somewhere, may be happy” (Mencken). This famous quote by H.L. Mencken portrays an unfavorable view of Puritanism that is reflected in the novel The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne. It is the historical tale of a young Puritan woman, the protagonist Hester Prynne, whose sin of adultery has a significant effect on the lives of three different people: her daughter Pearl Prynne, her husband Roger Chillingworth, and her lover and town clergyman Arthur Dimmesdale. Her sin exposes the cruel reality of Puritans and their society, as their societal and faithful values constantly conflict. These characteristics are emphasized in the novel, as Hawthorne expresses his beliefs of Puritanism through Hester’s
Sipping sugary drinks throughout the day will do more harm to your child’s teeth, than drinking
Lawmakers in California recently passed a bill to put warning labels on sodas to tell people how bad they are for you. There was also a law passed that said stores could not sell large sized soda to people but was shut down because lawmakers are not allowed to tell people what they can or can't drink. The reason behind putting warning labels on soda is they felt like it would limit people from drinking soda and they tried the same thing with cigarettes and more people now than ever smoke.
People who drink 3 or more glasses of soda each day have 62% more tooth decay, fillings and tooth loss than others. This means that soda has a huge effect on your teeth. We didn’t always have a tooth brush to keep our teeth clean. But now thanks to dental advancements we do. Teeth have been the same way since the human race has started.even when it's unflavored, fizzy water contains an acid—carbonic acid—that gives it its bubbles. That acidity can gradually wear away tooth enamel. Fizzy water is also in soda meaning that the carbonation in the soda wears away the tooth enamel.The bacteria contained in the plaque feeds on the sugar in foods you eat or drink. Acids are created in about 20 seconds and last for about 30 minutes. Those acids can
Did you know that nearly 1 in 5 Americans drink at least 1 soda every day? ( This statistic shows that Americans should really limit how much soda they consume. Sugary drinks should come with warning labels. Sugar is very harmful for your body; it is also very addictive.
In today’s society, a high percentage of people consume beverages that contain added sugars and acid, but what effects does this sugar and acid have on our tooth enamel? Are sports drinks better for you than soda? This paper will discuss the effects of soda, sports drinks and energy drinks on the enamel of a person’s teeth, what is enamel and why is it important. Dental erosion is a chronic loss of dental hard tissue that is chemically etched away from the tooth surface by acid. Most people would believe that the sugar in drinks was the main reason for the damage to their teeth. Although an excessive amount of sugar is not good for the teeth or body, it is the acid in the drinks that prove to produce the most damage. I will also discuss solutions and ways to protect and care for the health of teeth. It is very important to drink plenty of water and practice good oral hygiene daily.
This is a fact that is not only staggering, but also shocking that we’ve let this happen to the modern age what with all the technology that could perhaps help reduce this. Paragraph 3’s testimonial is in short order, the UN says that sugar is now in the same league of products as tobacco and alcohol, especially when consumed in large amount, can pose a serious health threat, however it is OK, but only if used in moderation.
Imagine going on a hike and there was no sign telling you there is a cliff ahead, or some kind of dangerous animal. You probably would run right off that cliff, or get stuck in the hands of a dangerous bear, what could have prevented that? A big sign saying DANGER AHEAD! Let's talk about something that you may not know could lead to serious problems like, obesity and diabetes. It is everywhere you go pretty much, there when you enter and there when you leave. It is a can of soda. I strongly agree that warning labels should be put on soda. My three reasons include, soda contains an enormous amount of sugar, the sugar in soda is addictive, and the fact that big corporations don't want the labels to be put on their soda.
Death is not a wonderful event, as it brings a time of grieving. Death is an end to many organic lives, though it isn't necessarily a bad thing, but that does not mean life is insignificant. To Susan Wolf she believes that the meaning of life is the fulfillment in one’s life and Thomas Nagel’s view on death is that it is bad because a person loses their opportunities of the wonderful things in life.
Around the world, us humans are still victims to not only obesity but also drinking soda after it has been shown countless amounts of times the negative effects it has on the human body. A few ways drinking soda can affect the human body is by slowly increasing one’s risk in contracting a form of diabetes, affecting your appearance and can do some damage to your organs as well.
While obesity is something that can generally be seen in physical appearance, things like brittle teeth and diabetes aren’t as easily seen, along with many other health complications. According to Kanigel, soda contains acid that causes teeth to decay. She says the acid is more damaging than “solid sugar…in candy” (P?). The acid in soda eats away at the protective outer layer of teeth, causing them to deteriorate. I can attest to this because it has happened to me, and I am still recovering from the effects. As a child, my parents did not monitor my soda intake. I did not know any better, so soda was all I drank. That eventually led to many cavities which would later lead to decaying spots on my teeth. I now have permanently sensitive teeth. It wasn’t long after the spots started showing up that I learned a hard lesson; soda was not for me. I was reluctant to drinking water due to the lack of flavor, but it is now my favorite drink. Making that choice to put down soda and pick up water was the best decision I ever made. Another negative effect of drinking soda is diabetes. The excess sugar consumed causes the bodies insulin to increase. The amount of people suffering type two diabetes has significantly increased since 1980. In the 80’s only “6.6 million” people suffered, but that number has now grown to “20.8 million” people (Kanigel P). In addition to that, women taking in “one or more sugary
You would never believe the impact soft drinks have on your body. Something as simple as a thirst quencher can impact society the way a soda does. Did you know that two out of three adults and one out of three children in the U.S. are overweight according to a Harvard study completed in 2012. Sugary drinks increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease by at least 25% according to the Institute of Medicine. (Institute of Medicine)
With all the information that I have collected about food labeling, all of them had negative thoughts about the legal standard terms. I believe that the newly resolved problem with the food labeling standard terms need to get more recognition because in the future consumers wont have to fight any more for information to help them choose the foods they want and eat in a healthy diet. Food labels contain vital information, not misleading or