Christianity, a religion many adhere to and follow faithfully, but what’s its’ history, how did it develop, and how did it impact the world? There are a million and one ways this religion has shaped the world and how its changed over the years. This paper is not to look at everything Christianity has done nor how its changed every time but rather talk about the four major points where Christianity really shapes itself throughout all of history. These four points are its birth in roam, the crusades, the protestant reformation along with John Calvin, and its effect on the transition to the new world. These are events in history where Christianity is undergoing major changer or is influencing most if not all the world. This paper will not defend …show more content…
We start in Roam where Jesus starts out as a peasant but throughout his life he gathers a following and it starts to concern the Roman leader of the time, emperor Tiberius. Under his rule followers of Christianity were punished as explained in a letter from Pliny the Younger to the emperor. It reads “for the moment this is the line I have taken with all persons brought before me on the charge of being Christians. I have asked them in person if they are Christians, and if they admit it, I repeat the question a second and third time, with a warning of the punishment awaiting them.” The punishment for admitting you were Christian was execution (Ward & Denis, 2012). For this Jesus was crucified a rather insignificant event for the time but in history will go down as perhaps one of the most defining parts in human history. This causes an outrage among the Jewish community and is the start of the rise of a group named the Zealots, they encouraged an armed rebellion against Roman rule (Mckay, et al., 2015). When Jesus died he had left no written accounts of what he taught this is very common with religions where the prophet simply only spreads their beliefs with stories and orally rather than writing them down. With this Christianity is starting out with everyone trying to figure out what to believe in, and the result is mass confusion. His stories are spread in often small gatherings such as neighbor’s homes. However, over time, the members grew. Researching why it grew it lists many reasons such as it was a mystery religion, offering special teachings that led to immortality and unlike other religions at that time many could reach immortality not just a select few, possibility of forgiveness for all were weak and exposed to sin, and it’s main reason for growing is that it gave the Roman world a cause instead of just living a passive life it
In Jerusalem, Jesus was treated fairly by everyone, but Romans and Jews didn’t except him, so he had to be executed. This shows that Romans and Jews would kill anyone who was dangerous, or threatening. Till this day, Jesus is a major part of believe and religion.
Part 1 Discuss the rise of Christianity. What role did Peter, Paul and the Martyrs Play? What role did Constantine and Theodosius have in its development? What role did the Popes, Patriarchs and Germanic Kings play? Did Christianity save civilization after the Roman Empire collapsed?
Christianity is a faith based religious tradition, of which the follower is considered to be a Christian adherent. Thus, being a living tradition, Christianity is continually subject to change in accordance to the needs of the adherent and reaffirming the Christian tradition within a contemporary context. The aspects, which attribute the present existence of Christianity and its dynamism therein, include sacred texts and writings, ritual and ceremonies, beliefs and believers, and ethics. Ultimately, the aforementioned characteristics strive to form and continually validate answers to the enduring questions of life through a process of change, which simultaneously highlights Christianity as a living tradition.
Christianity was born and flourished in an empire where the common language was Latin and Greek. Two important people like Paul and Constantine further influenced and were a major part of the development of Christianity. The history of the Jews leading up to the time of Jesus had a major impact on the development of Christianity. “When Christianity was clearly identified as a distant religion, the new religion was considered by its members to be the fulfillment of Judaism rather than a new religion.” “Since Jesus was a Jew and preached to the Jews, Christianity was closely linked to Judaism.” The development of Christianity was due to several historical, political, and social circumstances.
The Romans thought that Jesus was a blasphemer who was using God’s name to spread his own false messages (Bredin 190) and ended up having to crucify him. This crucifixion was all part of God’s plan, and through this action, Jesus ended up
The history of religion continues to play an important role in defining why certain aspects of religion are the way they are today. Understanding religion’s history can also help one appreciate the importance, value, and determination that certain individuals went through in order for that particular religion to gain freedom and acceptance in society. Throughout history, Christianity has shown exactly this. By learning about its history, one can gain an understanding of how it emerged into being one of the most popular religions in the world. Furthermore, better understanding of the religion, both historically and contemporarily, can help dispel any negative preconceived notions about Christianity.
Throughout time, Christianity has changed constantly. In order to survive, Christianity has had to evolve and split. It has split into many denominations, some of which have become extinct over the centuries. The religion has changed and divided due to influential people and events in time.
As Christianity was spread throughout Rome, people began to question the teachings of Jesus. Out of fear, officials arrested and killed a multitude of Christians as a result. The everyday plebeian became impressed with these people dying for a belief. Although persecutions became more common, the number of Christians stayed the same and maybe even grew because of the influx of polytheistic Romans converting to the monotheistic religion of Christianity. People were converting quicker than they were being killed off because of the likeable teachings of love, the bravery of these people dying because of what they believed in, and their appealing message to those not in the affluent classes.
Jesus preached about His beliefs with God, and all his Glory. He went around telling people that he was the son of God. These accusations raised chaos with the Jews. He was brought to the house of Caiaphas, the high priest. They were looking for any kind of evidence, or excuse to kill Jesus. “The high priest
The book The Rise of Christianity by Don Nardo was used thoroughly, and was quite helpful, during the research step of this project. The Rise of Christianity was written in 1999 and originated in San Diego, California by the publishing company Greenhaven Press. The purpose of this book is to inform readers about early Christianity’s creation, spread, and the struggle the first Christians experienced while trying to tell others about their faith. The book also tells the story of Jesus’ life, a few of his disciples, and talks about key figures who made a big impact on Christianity itself and the people who, sceptic at
Christianity is one of the world’s most widely practiced religions and has a long history spanning back over two-thousand years. Some might say that its history might go back even farther to include the history of Judaism because there are prophets in Hebrew scripture who foretold the coming of Jesus Christ, who Christians believe to be the Messiah that God promised the Jewish people. This paper discusses how Christianity influences our society today, some of its history along with some of our beliefs. However, it is impossible to tell the complete history of Christianity in just one essay because for all two thousand years it has been in existence, there are literally thousands of things to talk about. The construction of our religious
These famous lines of the Christian Bible describe the first mention of a Roman Emperor and would be remembered throughout history with the birth of Jesus Christ ,the symbol of christianity. Though his life was short and he was crucified at an extremely young age, Jesus developed a cult following due to his presumed miracles and of his preaching of eternal peace and everlasting life. His crucifixion resulted in the spreading of his faith throughout the Roman empire and in the beginning of the end of traditional Roman religion. Ironically enough it was the Romanization of Europe that allowed the Christian faith to easily spread. By the death of Christ, the whole Roman empire was connected with well constructed roads and inns which allowed the prophets to spread their message easily and safely.
Christianity had to evolve and adapt over the centuries in order to survive. Christianity had to merge with the cultures and traditions of other religions. It took four centuries for Christianity to become legal.
Roman soldiers were mocking this idea when they dressed him in a purple robe and pressed a crown of thorns onto his head. This was also the charge written on the sign at the top of the cross. Now, we know that Jesus wasn’t looking to overthrow the Roman government, however, due to his widespread popularity; word of Jesus surely made its way to both Roman and Jewish authorities, thus posing a threat. In the 23rd chapter of the book of Luke we see this, “And when Herod saw Jesus, he was exceeding glad: for he was desirous to see him of a long season, because he had heard many things of him; and he hoped to have seen some miracle done by him” (Luke 23:8). Furthermore, Jesus’ constant interactions with the likes of tax collectors, fisherman, and prostitutes unquestionably offended the Jewish authorities and his message asserting their entrance into the kingdom of God pushed these authorities to the edge. On the other hand, author of The historical figure of Jesus, E.P. Sanders states that, “the assertion of the significance of his own mission and authority was probably the more serious offense.” The fact that Jesus was so certain of whom He was and demonstrated it with certain actions added insult to injury. With groups like the Pharisees and the Herodians at the ears of Roman authorities such as Pilate, it was no surprise that under such instigation, a decree of crucifixion was sought out and finally executed.
Religion has existed for countless centuries. Christianity is one of the major religions in this world, which had people be criticized, battle in wars, and killed for, but it still survived to this day. The purpose of this paper is to study the source of the religion, recognize the teachings, observe its spread throughout the world, and to identify how it stands among people today. Approaching this paper by a factual report I will explain these major points and why we need to know about this religion and other religions that existed before our generation.