
How Culture Has Shaped Me

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The environment, family, and community I have grown up in has shaped me as a person. So far, I grew up in the same house all seventeen years of my life. My personality has grown and molded over the years of middle school and high school based off the lessons I have learned and the things I’ve been through.
My mother was involved in our church heavily so I grew up going to church and volunteering, making my relationship with God very strong. My brother was involved in boy scouts and baseball. I was dragged to all the baseball games ever since I was three years old, which made me have a love for sports. Eventually seeing my brother have fun and being involved in Boy Scouts encouraged me to go into Girl Scouts. Being in Girl Scouts since the …show more content…

For example, my grandfather Jerry was a doctor and my Great Aunt Margaret and Pat were nurses. Anytime I was sick, my mom would always call her dad up and talk to him rather than rushing me to a doctor. When I was in the 7th grade, it was one of the hardest times of my life, Jerry was suffering from heart attacks and fluid in his lungs. I had never been exposed to the feeling of loss until he passed away. Losing one of my role models and someone that I cared deeply about made me a stronger person. Since his passing, I have seen more and more of my aunts and uncles than I had before, and growing strong relationships with all of them.
I gained a lot of personality traits from my grandparents, aunts, and parents. But, being a typical teenager I was always learning lessons that shaped my personality along the way as well. My parents were taught by their parents and now I am learning from my own. My dad has taught me how to work for the things I want and to never give up on my goals. My mom has taught me how to be a selfless, kind-hearted person just like her. My parents have high expectations for me, just like any other parent, so I strive to make them proud of

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