Growing a deep attraction towards the spotlight the people gave them, the girls use their influence to manipulate people into obtaining their selfish desires, with hundreds of innocent lives being sacraficed during the process. Specifically, their leader Abigail Williams, developed a strategy to take revenge upon Elizabeth Proctor, the woman she used to babysit for. Out of Fear towards Abigail, the girls pretended that the people of Salem were under the devil’s control. No later did false accusations begin to spring out of the girls. An example being Mary Warren, stating “She sent her spirit out“ (pg. 1057). Ignorant of the fact that those words would soon have more impact then she intended. Only when John Proctor forces her to go with him
The song “Rollercoaster” by the Bleachers is a good song that can be easily relatable with the character Abigail Williams from The Crucible. Abigail and the song share many characteristics that help them relate. Abigail gets a lot of people killed, she is exciting, and she is like a teenager who ran away.
Closer to the end of Act 4 of “The Crucible” Abigail Williams steals money and runs away. What do you think made her want to take the money and run you ask? Well at the beginning of the story she is caught dancing naked in the woods around a pot with several other girls, when they are caught everyone started saying “witchcraft.” We also find out the she had an affair with John Proctor and his wife Elizabeth found out.
Everyone has something to be defensive about. All people have different qualities that they do not like about their personality or their body that they are very defensive about. The most despicable character or most admirable character could be a sum of people.
Egocentrism, in simple terms, self-centeredness, can often make a person lose sight of what's really important as well as bring chaos to a situations. In The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, you can see how two characters, Abigail Williams and Reverend Parris, let their ego take control and allow their ego to standstill justice.
In The Crucible by Arthur Miller the town of Salem Massachusetts breaks apart due to accusations and lies. The play, set in 1692 is broke apart by Abigail Williams when she tries to cover up lies and makes accusation she knows are not true, therefore the town turns on each other and chaos breaks out. The whole town is convinced witchcraft is a real thing but the entire idea is counterfeit. The community of Salem is destroyed by the manipulation and dishonesty of Abigail Williams.
“If you know that’s a sin then why won’t you stop doing it?” In the play The Crucible a group of girls were caught dancing in the forest by the minister Reverend Parris who’s daughter Betty and his niece Abigail Williams were involved. The girls knew that they have sinned so they claim that they were bewitched by members in Salem. They claim the members sent spirits out for them, they did this to save themselves from being hung. A court had to be set up to determine if the accused are guilty or innocent. Because of Abigail’s actions in the play she should be the one who is blamed for the outcome of the play.
Abigail Williams had many chances to take back, apologize, and reverse everything she did to Salem. As a result of this behavior, Abigail is not a victim of her society. She had an extravagant amount of opportunities to not be punished for her actions and spare many innocent lives. Abigail Williams in The Crucible was a truly evil human being.
Lying and the power that can come with it can easily shape and sway a person. the lies told in Arthur Miller's “The Crucible” becomes a way to hold power within the community.
In the city of Salem, there are many citizens that show great interest in the The Crucible. One of them is Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams is an engrossing character, because even though she is scared, she kept all her stories straight, she manipulates many people to be on her side, and is violent towards the girls to show that she is not scared of anything or anyone in the town and the people of Salem.
Abigail Williams is a major character in the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller. It is gradually revealed that she has been dancing in the woods with the girls of Salem and performing voodoo rituals with her uncle's slave, Tituba. When rumors begin that there is witchcraft in the town, Abigail and Betty Parris start to name people as witches in order to take the suspicion away from them. Additionally, in The Crucible, Abigail has previously worked as a maid at the Proctor household and had an affair with John Proctor. Hoping to marry John, Abigail accuses Elizabeth Proctor, John's wife, of witchcraft in the hopes that Elizabeth will be executed.
In Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, Abigail Williams told a series of lies in order to save herself from punishment (blaming others in the process just so she herself wouldn’t be accused) and to take revenge on the man who was once hers, showing that once a person tells so serious a lie, this person now has power - power that can be used for personal gain. When Abigail began accusing her Puritan neighbors of witchcraft, she did not realize how much damage she would cause, for she was blinded by her thirst for revenge, similar to Senator McCarthy during the Red Scare. Before she began accusing others of witchcraft, Abigail, Tituba, and her friends were spotted by Reverend Parris dancing naked in the woods. The songs Tituba had been singing
Abigail Williams wanted what was best for her. She did not care of others. Due to Abigail’s actions a whole conflict outbursts in Salem, Massachusetts. The girls have been caught in the woods dancing and even naked. They have been caught and accused of doing witchcraft. Betty is then “very ill” and they believe she is going to die. Betty awakes. Abigail threatens the girls to stay quiet. “You did. You did! You drank a charm to kill John Proctor’s wife! You drank a charm to kill Goody Proctor!” (Miller 18). This shows that Abigail Williams was a villain because she was hoping for the death of a person in order to get what she desired. Abigail and the girls were caught doing witchcraft. Abigail comes up with a different story to tell. “Now look you. We danced. And Tituba conjured Ruth Putnam’s dead sisters. And that is all. And mark this. Let either of you breathe a word, or the edge of a word, about the other things, and I will come to you in the back of shudder
The Deceitful Truth The current President of the United States is defined by many as racist, sexist, narcissistic, homophobic and ignorant. So why is Donald Trump our president? The answer to this question relates back to The Crucible in many ways.
The devastating Salem witch trials occurred between February 1692 and May 1693. By the end of the trials many people were accused, nineteen were executed and several more died in prison. The Crucible, by Arthur Miller, captures the hysteria that developed during the Salem witch trials. Crucible character, Abigail Williams, represents the repressed desires that many of the Puritans possess. Abigail’s readiness to abandon Puritan social restrictions sets her apart from the other characters, and eventually leads to her downfall. Abigail Williams uses manipulation and cruelty to create an atmosphere of terror and intimidation in her town. In Arthur Miller’s play, The Crucible, Abigail Williams leads the hysteria in Salem by taking extreme measures to succeed in attaining John Proctor's love.
The many books, there are characters that are hated. These people are called the antagonist characters. In the Crucible, the most hated character was Abigail Williams. Abigail Williams was considered the most hated character because she very deceptive, inconsiderate, and selfish. She was considered deceptive because she constantly chases John Proctor to get his affection. The worse part about this situation is that John Proctor is married to a woman named Elizabeth Proctor. She is seen as being inconsiderate because she accuses other people in the village of being a witch to get fame or attention. Abigail does this when she falsely accuses Tituba of being a witch. She is selfish in the story when she says she would tell John Proctor about when