
How Did Amelia Earhart Change People's Life

Decent Essays

Many people in their lives have turning points. A turning point is where a significant change occurs in a person’s life. A person who had a turning point was Amelia Earhart. At first Amelia didn’t find planes interesting. She started to get impressed by them when she attended a stunt-flying exhibition. On December 28, 1920, a pilot named Frank Hawks gave her a ride in his plane; this ride would change her whole life forever. Her first flying lesson was on January 3, 1921, and saved up enough to buy her first plane. With this plane she won her first woman’s record by rising to an altitude of 14,000 feet. After that she became the first woman to fly over the Atlantic Ocean. Then she became the first woman to fly solo the Atlantic Ocean, she did this and President Herbert Hoover presented her with a gold mental from the National Geographic Society. She continued to reach new heights within the following years, like setting an altitude record for 18,415 feet and became the first person to fly across the Pacific Ocean solo. It was around her 40th birthday where she wanted to set one final challenge; she wanted to be the first woman to fly around the world. On June first 1st she set off the 29,000-mile journey and on June 29th she competed 7,000 miles. On July 2 tragedy hit. As …show more content…

This turning point would change the way I work and study. Growing up I didn’t take school that seriously. I understood that school was important but I left many assignments to the last minute. It wasn’t until 7th grade where it became a problem. My mom told me if I didn’t pass my Science test, she would take away my electronics. I took the test and I failed it but I didn’t tell my mom. When she found out through Rediker, she did what she promised and took all my electronics away for two weeks. It was then when I realized in order to have fun I need to get good grades. From that point on I did much better and my electronics haven’t been taken away

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