
How Did Ancient Egypt Influence Christianity

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The era of ancient Egypt help to influence Christianity. This includes the sights, symbols, and representations that we see today. Most of this relates back to the artistic expressions and mystic themes observed in ancient Egypt. “Egyptian sun disks became the halos of Catholic saints. Pictograms of Isis nursing her miraculously conceived son Horus became the blueprint for our modern images of the Virgin Mary nursing Baby Jesus”, (Weldon, 2005). The culture of Egypt made this influence possible. As a multi-religious society, the era encouraged religious fever seen in the mystery religions or paganism. The Egyptians worshiped many gods such as Isis and Osiris that include practices that coincide with Christianity. It includes elements of faith, devotion, and renewal or …show more content…

Other arts and crafts developed from slaves include baskets, bowls, rugs, pipes, and iron crafts such as gates and guilds, (Sambol-Tosco, 2004). Male slaves were able to develop trades in wood carving, blacksmithing, metal crafts, and pressing that became ways to add African tradition to Colonial culture. (4) African Influence on New World Architecture African slaves were skilled artisans. They helped to shape and build the New World. As slaves they constructed their own slave quarters as well as their master’s house and other dwellings. As a result, they had a direct influence on the architecture. Although this is largely ignored by historians, the African influences can be observed throughout the buildings of Colonial America. From the ironwork seen in iron balconies of New Orleans to the outbuildings of Virginia plantations that reflect the dimensions and roofing of the traditional African dwelling, the influence of African art in architecture in far and wide, (Grant, 1996). Examples can be seen in many different design structures. Although many skilled and talented craftsmen were directed by their master’s and overseers, as builders they added traditional African designs to

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