
How Did Bach Become A Composer

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In the spring of 1723, when Bach signed a contract to become the new organist and a teacher at the St. Thomas Church and Thomas School in Leipzig, he was already known more as an organist than a composer. Bach had an extraordinary ability to improvise on the organ and was able to compose various style of music. He wrote educational works for his pupil and his duties were mainly to provide the weekly worships of cantatas. And also, his publication of keyboard pieces had very little to do with his duties. However, his pride as a composer was determined to publish these partitas. He also competed with Johann Kuhnau, who was a well-known composer at Germany at this time.
In 1726, after three and half years at Leipzig, Bach started to publish his own works. He was full of carefulness and cautiousness to publish his works. At this time, his ideal style was not to be as long in length as English Suites, not as delicate as French Suites, simple but meaningful and virtuoso. He also targeted the piece to amateur musicians to play for their own pleasure at home and salons, rather than large public performance venues, because in those times, keyboard had become the favorite family instrument among the growing number of middle-class amateur musicians. …show more content…

He published one piece a year sequentially and checked sales. In 1731, he reprinted all six Partitas in one collection. He named the Clavier-Übung (Keyboard Etudes) which followed by the predecessor Kuhnau of Thomas Church at Leipzig. Titled this etude was not as same as the 19th century specific etude. These suites were highly valued and had significance for his career at this time. Bach put his intention to these partitas for people who wanted to receive comfort form the music and for demonstration of his compositional

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