1. How did Ben Carson's story impact your personal life? Give 2-3 examples.
Ben Carson’s story impacted my personal life in many ways. Ben Carson is an inspiration for numerous aspiring doctors or other careers in the medical field. He is also an inspiration to people of color and financially unstable people. He has surpassed multiple hardships and is a very successful person today. Everyone who is active in currents events know who he is because he is running for the Republican Presidential Election and/or his astounding and notable surgeries.
One major aspect in his life that inspired me that I have the potential of fulfilling my dreams is his humble beginnings. Carson was not as privileged as he is today; he was an inner city kid born and raised in Detroit by only his mother. His mother made sure her children had morals and an education because she herself did not go to school past the third grade and was not able to read well. In the beginning of his school years, he was at the back of his class and made fun of by the other children because he did not excel in his classes. He turned this around and became top of his class due to his mother enforcement of studious habits. Despite his past, he was accepted into one of the most elite universities in the world, Yale University. Ben Carson was also admitted into a prestigious
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As a child, he was only allowed to watch a few shows a week that were educational and write book reports weekly to his mother. He was heavily interested in an eclectic genre of books that sparked his interest in the medical field. Ben Carson was a diligent student who was very intelligent and hardworking. All his hard work paid off; when he was in his early thirties, Carson was the head of the Neurology department completing thousands of successful life saving surgeries. He was heavily praised and acknowledged for the successful separation of the Siamese
Even though, those are important and they are needed almost everyday, his biggest impact was on the Declaration of Independence. In 1776, Franklin was appointed by the Continental Congress to justify political ties with Britain. Although, Franklin was a talented writer, he let T.Jefferson write the first draft due to his poor health. Next, Jefferson turned in his first draft to Franklin and he really didn’t make any changes to the errors probably because he was sick or he was just being lazy. Once the draft was sent to Congress they either changed the errors or they just deleted the whole sentence that had errors. Finally after several drafts, Congress finally approved the Declaration of Independence on July 4,1776. The actual document wasn’t signed until mid August, and that’s when Ben signed his name along with 55 other representatives. (“Founding Father”)
Have you ever heard of Dr. Ben Carson before? There is no question that he was an African American neurosurgeon and good at what he did, but who paved the way for people like him. Dr. Daniel Hale Williams was one of them. He was an American general surgeon who was born in Hollidaysburg, Pennsylvania in 1856.
Benjamin Rush played a key role in founding our country. He was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in the year 1746. Rush studied medicine in Scotland and around Europe. In 1769, he returned to the colonies and started a medical practice in his hometown and later became a college professor at the College of Philadelphia. He was very active in the Sons of Liberty, an organization in the colonies to fight for the rights of the colonists and to stop taxes by the British.
In their rise from obscurity to fame, Frederick Douglass and Benjamin Franklin had lowly starts to their respective journeys. Both men were born to a humble beginning without much opportunity for climbing the ladder to reach a higher status. Comparably, Franklin had the more favorable life, however. His was a merchant-class family with parents that cared for their children, but since Benjamin was the fifteenth of seventeen offspring, he frequently had to rely on his own devices
Benjamin Franklin had too many siblings which meant he had to eventually find his way by himself. At a young age he had to begin working with his dad until he found a job he actually enjoyed doing. He always found a thrill in reading books so when he had the opportunity to work as a printer he was delighted. He educated
During the time that Ben Franklin was around he accomplished a lot. Franklin helped in a variety of ways that are now staples of everyday life. In the 17th century, Franklin invented many revolutionary and lifesaving products. Franklin lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. During this time, Philadelphia was an advanced city.
Ben was the youngest son to Robert and Sonya Carson. Ben's father Robert lived a double life with a double family. Once Sonya found out about his double life, Robert left them leaving their family with nothing. Ben, who had anger issues, often got in trouble at school and home. Ben apologized, rushed home, prayed to God, read his Mother's Bible, and became a Christian. Every day Ben and his brother Curtis would have to read a book which gave him the idea of becoming a neurosurgeon.
Millions of American adolescents aspire to be that famous doctor or their favorite t.v. actor. Many want to grow up to be successful business men and women. Many want to share knowledge with their peers and hear what others have to critique on their observations. We have to take a step back and actually assess how we can reach these glorious heights. How did Theodore Roosevelt become the courageous leader who lead the Rough Riders into the battle of San Juan Hill? How did Ben Carson become the first surgeon to separate conjoined twins? How did Barack Obama defy the odds to become the first African American President in the history of the United States of America? All three of these idoled men have one common denominator: Great Intellectual
At Yale, Bush was a popular student. He became president of the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity and enjoyed socializing, watching and playing football, and dating. Grades were not a high priority, and because of his mischievous behavior, Bush had a few minor run-ins with the law. Despite his background of privilege, Bush became more at ease with all kinds of people in college.
New World Discoveries Ever wonder what it is like to have a rough, horrible life and end it by being the most successful person ever? Ben Franklin had a tough start in life. Halfway through Ben’s life he had more struggles than anyone can handle thrown at him. At the end of Ben’s life, he became the most successful man on earth. Ben Franklin had childhood and early life hardships throughout his life, but then he became very successful by inventing new concepts.
The reason Adam lived the American Dream is not because of his recovery from addiction. It is because of his lifestyle. The lifestyle of determination that not many people have. It is truly inspiring to see someone as hard-working as Adam Brown. Someone that will not rest until the task at hand is completed. People like Adam Brown are hard to find today. And they will only become more and more difficult to find. Not many would put forth the kind of effort that he
Early in Benjamin Franklins life, he faced a big challenge that led him to make choices to shape up his influencing character. It shows us that he had to work hard from an early age. This is a big challenge for him because he had to work from an early age along with becoming better academically. Growing up in a big family with so many siblings, he had to take care of himself. His father Josiah worked in a soap factory, along with making candles. Benjamin worked with his father until he was twelve years old, until he started to despise working with his father which made his father look for alternative jobs. Knowing Benjamin and his interest in education and books, his father suggested he worked for his older bother James, who was a printer.
“I think one of the keys to leadership is recognizing that everybody has gifts and talent. A good leader will learn how to harness those gifts toward the same goal.” One of Dr. Ben’s famous quotes. Born September 18, 1951, in Detroit, MI; Benjamin Carson was born into the world. Benjamin’s background is very interesting, because to come from the so called, “projects” and still become successful is something to be proud of. Ben and his older brother (Curtis Carson) had a very rough childhood, their mother (Sonya Carson) raised them as a single parent. Though Sonya Carson had a 3rd grade education, she still promoted the importance of education in her household. If ever in trouble, Ben and Curtis Carson were forced handle there situations with each other, because there mother worked so late. Through the hard times in his struggles, Ben Carson still found success in his life.
Dr. Franklin made it a point in his autobiography to detail his life as a young man. The youngest of thirteen children, his father was unable to afford
I have worked on my character and skills since I started to work as an Administrative Assistant when I was 16 years old, working for a small Management firm for entertainment customers. Definitively, that was his experience that inspired me the most