
How Did Benjamin Franklin Impact The World

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Thesis: Benjamin Franklin has made a significant impact on our world with his inventions and his goal driven mindset. “Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706.” He had sixteen siblings and Benjamin was the seventeenth child. His parents where Josiah and Abiah. Benjamin's mother was a stay at home parent and his father was a businessman. With little influence from the family, he learned how to read and write with no education up until he went to school at the age of ten. Benjamin Franklin also loved reading and was a skilled writer.

Benjamin only attended school for two years. After that, his parents made him quit school so he could work with his father in a soap and candle business. He did not want to work for his father and also did not enjoy the work. To pass the time, he taught himself to swim at an early …show more content…

His first invention was a paddle board for swimming. Benjamin made his paddle board so that he could swim faster. He lived by a river where he swam. Benjamin could not swim up the river but it was very easy to swim down the river since the river flowed that direction. Since Benjamin couldn't swim up the river he built the paddle board so that he could have more force to push the water and in return swim the direction he wanted.

Benjamin Franklin was best known for the founder of lightning. He invented the lightning rod that was his most famous invention. Society promotes him very important because of his inventions and his goal driven mindset. He will always be known for his inventions and his work. Benjamins inventions are also thoroughly used throughout the universe.

Benjamin Franklin died on April 17, 1790. He died from Pleurisy. Pleurisy is when the lining of the lung gets inflamed. Benjamin died when he was 84. His lungs had bursted into which led to a coma and then to his death in pennsylvania. He was never seen in public from 1787 up until his

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