If the average person had the choice to be a hero or king what would they choose? In the epic poem Beowulf written by Seamus Heaney, the main character is faced with many challenges and tribulations. He is faced with the tough decision to either be a king or hero. All throughout the story Beowulf chooses to be the hero over the king, why is this? What makes being the hero so great? With this being the character of beowulf is shown. He would rather be a legend for the people than a leader who has power of the people. With this being the respect, honor and love Beowulf has for the people and the land he lives on is displayed.
In the epic poem beowulf is offered the the throne many times but denies taking it until he has no choice. In the poem it says, “ … there was no way the weekend nation could get Beowulf to given and agree to be elevated over Heardred as his lord or to take office of his kingship.” Beowulf would rather have lower status and fight with his people supporting the crown without carrying. He would rather have respect of the people over power over them. When beowulf would go into a battle and come out the victor he would recieve praise and honor from the people of the town he just saved. The honor and respect he got with this is what kept beowulf from the throne.
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In his day, he was the mightiest man on earth, high-born and powerful.” This is the description of Beowulf from the very beginning of this epic poem. Right from the start the honor and power of beowulf is shown and there is no question that he will not be a great hero. When Beowulf would show up to a town and express that he was there to save them from the tribulation they are in, relief would be felt by all. They finally had a man brave enough, powerful enough, and courageous enough to face the mighty beast of the land. He would always be the mightiest hero of that time, whether he was a king or
Beowulf demonstrated honor when he fought Grendel without using a weapon. Beowulf decided not to use a weapon while fighting Grendel because Grendel was unarmed. By doing this Beowulf had made the fight fair and was able to keep his honor. Beowulf would have also fought the dragon without a weapon had it been possible, but due to the dragons immense size, strength, and fiery breath he could use his sword and shield while retaining his honor. Honor is an important characteristic for an epic hero to have and Beowulf demonstrates it quite well throughout the poem.
Beowulf exemplified great integrity throughout all the battles he won and honors he received. He endured noble acts of heroism established by his own moral beliefs and never expected praise or gifts in return. Nevertheless, the people decorated him with a "gold-chased heirloom of Hrethel's...and then rewarded him with land as well, seven thousand hides, and a hall and a throne" (Beowulf 149). When Beowulf decided to fight against the dragon for his people, he did not even think about the material rewards that he may receive, all he thought about was protecting the innocent lives of many people. In battle, Beowulf received his strength knowing that he was fighting for a good cause. Beowulf was "formidable in
Beowulf is an epic poem you can relate to life today. He was like any other hero very brave, loyal and a really great leader. His followers looked up to him and obeyed him. Beowulf also had a few enemies, but that wouldn’t stop him from doing anything to keep his people save from the monsters. In this poem you would see several ways that shows Beowulf being a great hero.
Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. They show great bravery, intelligence, strength and resourcefulness. They have a strong admiration for the values of their society. They are dominant male figures and suffer severe pain, but in the end, they
Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. They show great bravery, intelligence, strength and resourcefulness. They have a strong admiration for the values of their society. They are dominant male figures and suffer severe pain, but in
Beowulf is a hero in the eyes of his fellow men through his amazing physical strength. He fought in numerous battles and returned victorious
In the book Beowulf, Beowulf, the main character, is a man of great strength and ability. He is depicted as a man of wisdom, and that he is a prince that comes from a kingdom that is well respected. He fights many battles, and is seen as a hero with glory to his name, but this does not mean that he is as flawless as he seems to be. Beowulf is a man who desires to help those in need, however, he is greedy for the glory and treasure that he will receive in thanks of his success. He is truly confident, but because of this he is impulsive, never questioning his ability to take on a task. He is also brave, he has almost no fear, but this tends to make him reckless. He is a hero to many, but he believes in himself in such a way that he acts foolishly, and it will eventually be the death of him.
What others deem impossible, a hero makes possible. There are only a few great heroes that come about in this time and Beowulf is definitely one of them. He is a great warrior and leader, a perfect description for him. Heroes only came along once in a while in this culture but it was well known when they did.
Every epic hero possesses certain heroic characteristics. Beowulf, like other epic heroes, possesses the following heroic qualities: epic heroes are superhuman types of beings. They have a noble birth and show great bravery. They display great intelligence and resourcefulness. They have a reverence for G-d and for the values of their society. They are dominant male figures and suffer severe pain, but in the end, they conquer evil (Vivone 9/27/99). In addition to Beowulf’s heroic qualities, he is very strong. Beowulf was said to have “the strength of thirty [men] in his mighty handgrip” (Bloom 11). Early proof of Beowulf’s extraordinary strength is evidenced by his dismemberment of Grendel’s limb, the fight in the cave under water, and the
Like a lonely hunter; Beowulf thrives for the feeling of capturing his prey; honor. Beowulf, before his last hunt for glory and fame says: “’I’ve never known fear, as a youth I fought/ In endless battles. I am old, now, / But I will fight again, seek fame still…’” (lines 623-626). At an old age Beowulf still dreams of gaining honor and fame even at the cost of his own life. Even after becoming a king, Beowulf felt the urge to prove that he was truly worthy of the title and worthiness to his people, while unknowingly generating respect and honor in the process. Beowulf’s seek for fame and glory brought him a great honor, the honor of being king to people who adored him for his willingness to prove himself to anyone who may question his
When people think of a successful king, they often associate them with the hero. However, many fail to notice that no one could own both the title king and the hero at the same time; they need to give up either one of the titles to become a truly successful hero or king. In the famous epic poem, Beowulf, despite Hrothgar rules Danes, another hero, Beowulf, shows up to solve Danes’ problem while the true Danes king sits on his throne and simply gives all honor and credit to Beowulf. To become a truly successful leader, one must know to put down his honor and fame for his people’s safety. Furthermore, a ruler who cares about his people in every aspect fits the title king, not a person who goes off on a quest to defeat the villain for his own
A true hero does not fear death or, but instead risks all that he is for what he believes to be right, moral, and just. Beowulf is an epic and tells the story of a legendary hero, conquering all obstacles as if he was immortal. Up until the end of Beowulf’s life he was constantly looking to be the hero. However, his humanity is exposed by his death. Heroes all share the characteristic of their willingness to die in their effort to accomplish their heroic act, thus making the act in itself heroic. Throughout the epic, Beowulf in many ways exhibited all the qualities and characteristics needed to be a true hero.
Being a hero can be defined many different ways. Several qualities like courage, respect, and strength can define heroism. A hero is noted for his or her actions for being brave, powerful, and acting with honor. In the epic poem, Beowulf, the main character Beowulf shows all of these characteristics by defending the Danish king, Hrothgar, and his people. He is a true hero by honoring his country and exerting his power and strength to protect others. Beowulf embodies the qualities of bravery, being powerful, and demonstrating his honor; therefore, he can be considered a true hero.
Many readers of the poem Beowulf may find it difficult to distinguish the 'good' kings from the rest – indeed, almost every man who holds a throne in the epic is named at one point or another to be 'good'. By examining the ideals of the time period as identified by the 'heroic code', it becomes clearer that a truly 'good' king is one who generously distributes treasure and weaponry to deserving retainers to honour courage and strength displayed in battle and to encourage the defense of the kingdom (Intro). When Beowulf ascends the throne of the Geats, the heroic traits of courage and strength for which he was so highly praised as a warrior do not serve well in making him a good king. Indeed, by exhibiting the traits of a thane, that is, by
Beowulf displays another trait which considers him a hero and that trait is loyalty. In ancient poems loyalty was one of the most important traits a hero could have. Beowulf was the key model of a hero so he