Carl Friedrich Gauss, a German mathematician, is viewed as one of the world’s greatest mathematicians. He was born on April 30, 1777 in Brunswick, Germany as the only child to his poor parents. Gauss was a prodigy in mathematics and calculating. The Duke of Brunswick, impressed by his gift, gave him help financially to allow him to continue his education and study at the University of Göttingen. Throughout his lifetime, Gauss made additions to number theory, probability theory, geometry, the theory of functions, potential theory, planetary astronomy, and geodesy. Carl Friedrich Gauss died on February 23, 1855 in Göttingen, Hanover (a former state of Germany). Gauss made contributions to the fundamental theorem of algebra which is of great importance
Dr. Seuss is probably the American writer who has so far had the greatest impact on children's literature. The intelligent usage of vivid illustrations, imaginative characters, and catchy rhymes made it easy for people who grew up reading these stories to recognize them. However, although the author worked tirelessly at his craft, he is not well-known since he did not seek after personal fame. Most of the fans to his literary materials are not well conversant with the details of his private life. For instance, most people are not aware that Dr. Seuss was not a doctor, but simply added the prefix to his pseudonym to provide credibility to the menagerie of characters in his works (Thompson 21). He worked as a writer and a cartoonist, publishing nearly more than sixty books. Some of the most famous pieces of his work include “Green Eggs and Ham” and the “The Cat in the Hat.”
Girolamo Cardano published "The Great Art" about algebra, increasing scientific knowledge. Galileo Galilei was born 1546 into a prominent Danish noble family, eventually becoming a well know Italian astronomer who not only supported the Copernican theory, but also did groundwork for Newton's breaking theories on gravity. His greatest achievement was “the elaboration and consolidation of the experimental method”.
During this time he was tested to see what skills he had, the results show that he was very good in all categories, but he was especially excellent in mathematics. When he was
2 .Many scientists had to overcome a tremendous amount of obstacles so their findings could be shared. Galileo Galilei was born in Florence, Italy in 1564 and passed away in 1642. He was a mathematician who followed in the footsteps of Johannes Kepler.
He discovered the laws of planetary motion, explained how gravity works, and invented calculus, a new branch of mathematics that proved invaluable to modern scientists and mathematicians.
Plaintiff can establish slander per se by showing that the defamatory statements made injured their profession and reputation while drawing question to a particular skill necessary for proper conduct. However, allegations of plaintiff’s character do not meet slander per se. Joseph E. Hancock v. Easwaran P. Variyam, 400 S.W.3d 59 (14th Dist. 2016). To be actionable as slander per se, criminal allegations must be in accordance with the elements of criminal statues of the state, simply stating that plaintiff stole is not sufficient. Skillern v. Brookshire Et Al., 58 S.W. 2d 544 (Tex. Civ. App. 1933). For a statement to be slander per se, it must not use an innuendo to interpret the meaning of the statement and insults are not considered as outrageous behavior. David E. Moore v. Billy Waldrop, 166 S.W.3d 380 (5th Cir. 2006). Words which charge an employee with dishonesty in dealing with his employer are held as slander per se and injury to reputation is presumed. W.R. Tatum v. Carolyn Liner, 749 S.W.2d 251 (N.D. Tex. 2007). However, proof of malice is not required to entitle the plaintiff to actual damages in a slander per se case but the presumption of malice may be rebutted. W.R. Tatum. Privilege is an exception to slander per se but it can be destroyed when it is abused by the individual claiming it. W.R. Tatum
Marco is not successful in his attempted rape of Esther. Though his assault has detrimental effects on her mental stability, he does not break her or destroy her. However, Buddy succeeds in shifting the focus of the gaze to be socially oppressive. In The Bell Jar, Esther Greenwood is a woman of the 1950s who goes against the belief that women should marry; in fact, she declares, “I’m never going to get married” (Plath 93) while being proposed to by Buddy Willard. In his proposal, Buddy asks the question, “How would you like to be Mrs. Buddy Willard?” (92). In other words, he asks her if she would like to serve as an extension of himself. He is adhering to the Victorian notions of marriage. Her identity of Esther Greenwood will be erased with her marriage to Buddy Willard. Not only does society want Esther to succumb to her inferiority, but a specific man does as well. Society’s convictions in regards to women were so powerful that they entrenched themselves into the mind of a man Esther knew since childhood. These convictions aid Buddy in taking on the oppressive form of the male gaze. He does not view her sexually, but rather as something for him to own – someone for him to stamp his own name onto.
Evariste Galois discovery has impacted today’s future as well as in the past. At the age 17, Galois began making his theories on polynomials equations. A polynomial has many terms, constants, variables, and exponents. Not only did Galois discover polynomials he had to prove his theories. He proved that there can be no formula for solving quintic formulas such as x5. Galois died in 1832 at the age of 26, but he left his legacy for many generations to improve and learn from. Mathematicians today have created easier ways for students to learn polynomials faster because Galois established the first concept. Polynomials have a big part of many fields of careers and allowed society to involve.
Leonhard Paul Euler was born on April 15th, 1707 in Basel, Switzerland and died on November18th, 1783 in St. Petersburg, Russia. Even from a young age, Euler was discovered by many, including his father (Paulus) and instructor (Johann I Bernoulli), to be extraordinarily proficient in mathematics. When he was just 15 years of age, Euler concluded his studies at the University of Basel. Euler wrote a prize winning paper explaining the best organization of masts on a sailing ship at 19 years old. The book was entitled Meditationes super problemate nautico… and the award he received was from the Academy of Sciences in Paris. In 1727, he submitted a dissertation regarding sound (Dissertatio physica de sono) in
Father came from modest folk, mostly artisians, while mother’s ancestors include a number of well known scholars. Leonhard received his first lessons in mathematics at home from his father. Around the age of eight he was sent to the Latin school in Basel and given a place to stay at his maternal grandmother’s house. To compensate for the poor quality then prevailing at the school, his father hired a private tutor for his son, a young theologian by the name of Johannes Burckhardt, himself an enthusiastic lover of mathematics. In October of 1720, at the age of thirteen Leonhard enrolled at the University of Basel, first at the philosophical faculty, where he took the
The Greeks made several inventions, most notably in the subject of math, which are still studied today and taught in school. Mathematician Euclid is often credited as the “Father of Geometry” for all his work and studies in this subject, which are compiled in his books called The Elements. He organized known geometrical statements called theorems and logically proved all of them. He proved the theorem of Pythagoras (another Greek mathematician), which stated that the equation (c2 = a2 + b2) is true for every right triangle.
The Renaissance and the Protestant Reformation The Renaissance, meaning the term “rebirth”, was the era that European civilization spread and developed many interests in learning, values, art, and much more. This period of time was discovered during the fifteenth/sixteenth centuries in Italy, and is still progressing throughout the world do this day. It is said that the Renaissance was a period in time where there was revival and life put forth into learning and gaining knowledge after a time of downgrade of the civilizations in Europe. Not only is the Renaissance important for its value of engaging people to learn, but also proposes many lessons on how to look onto the world, whether it was in the past, present, or future.
David Hilbert was a German mathematician whose research and study of geometry, physics, and algebra revolutionized mathematics and went on to introduce the mathematic and scientific community with a series of mathematical equations that have yet to be solved. Furthermore, his study of mathematics laid the groundwork for a variety of ongoing mathematic analyses, which continue to influence the world today.
departure. Euler lost the sight of his right eye at the age of 31 and
Unlike geometry, algebra was not developed in Europe. Algebra was actually discovered (or developed) in the Arab countries along side geometry. Many mathematicians worked and developed the system of math to be known as the algebra of today. European countries did not obtain information on algebra until relatively later years of the 12th century. After algebra was discovered in Europe, mathematicians put the information to use in very remarkable ways. Also, algebraic and geometric ways of thinking were considered to be two separate parts of math and were not unified until the mid 17th century.