
How Did Charles Starkweather Murder

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Charles Starkweather (murder) Charles Starkweather and Caril Ann Fugate went on a murder spree, killing eleven people, over the course of less than two months. Charles was sentenced to death by the electric chair, and Fugate did 18 years in prison. I will focus on Charles’s story. Charles did not come from a rich family. He had 6 siblings, and his family barely had enough money to afford a house with them. They never went without clothes, had to skip a meal, or live on the streets, but they certainly didn’t have much. Even so, his family loved him, and wasn’t abusive. Charles was a good child. When Charles was only a small child he was thought to be stupid, but later in his life it would be discovered that he only had severe myopia. While he was in school, he was …show more content…

She had no idea what she was doing, and accidentally wrecked Charles’s car. The car was given to him by his father, even though his family had very little money. Charles’s father was infuriated by the fact that Charles had let the car get damaged. This led to a major argument, and even a short physical fight, and led to Charles being kicked out of the house. Charles would never be welcomed back. Charles got a job at the newspaper warehouse, but he wasn’t a good employee. His boss and co-workers believed he was stupid. He would fail to complete even the simplest of tasks. He made barely enough to pay rent, and sometimes it wasn’t even enough for that. When rent wasn’t in on time, his landlord would lock him out. The one reason he chose that job was because he worked right next to Caril’s school, and he could see her as soon as she got out every day. Charles went to the gas station one day to get Caril a plush bear. The only problem was he could not afford it. He wanted to buy it on credit, but the cashier would not let him, because his job prohibited using credit. Charles was infuriated by this, so he left the gas station, and planned how he’d get

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