Introduction: Christopher Columbus explored America on accident. He sailed the ocean in 1492.
Claim: Christopher Columbus was admired because he started Globalization, he explored America, and he sparked new ideas.
Reason 1: Christopher Columbus started globalization. Evidence 1: Christopher Columbus started the Columbian exchange which is people trading things that they wanted but did not have, so they traded people that have what they wanted (CLCweb).
Evidence 2: The Columbian exchange involved more people so it kept growing and growing (Forbes).
Reason 2: Christopher Columbus explored America
Evidence 1: Christopher Columbus thought that he was going to reach India but found America (Spiegel Online).
Evidence 2: The Queen of Spain funded
Columbus DBQ Christopher Columbus created the social image of himself as a villain. Columbus didn’t necessarily create the image of himself by himself, but it did reflect it. He never really truly realized what damage he has done to the Indian and other race populace around him. Therefore, stating that the man that discovered America is actually a villain, evidence will be provided to support it.
It all started when Christopher Columbus found America in 1492 and started a friendly relationship with the natives that stayed here for a very long time, then later as years went past Spanish, French , and British were thriving for land and invaded the Americas killing all the natives brutally, emotionless, greedily.
People have many opinion of Christopher Columbus varying from hatred and believing he’s a villain to believing he’s a hero to the Americas. I believe Columbus was a great contribution in the advancements in the Americas. He brought technology, food, and a new religion. Technology brought by Christopher Columbus had a huge impact on the Americas, and because of him we have what we have now. A document by Colombo describes the benefits of what he brought over and the impact of it.
Christopher Columbus is mainly known for being the one to uncover America. He had been labeled as a brave voyager who discovered new land, and started settlement there.
Christopher deserves to be recognized because he recorded his voyage in a way that allowed other want to repeat it. In the text it states “recorded the voyage in a way that enabled others to repeat the feat”(pg1). He also was brave enough to take a new route to get to the east thinking the earth was flat. The text states “He challenged the conventional thought that the earth was flat, seeking to “reach the east by going west”(pg1). Columbus is an important figure because his discovery led to the greatest creation on earth. The passage states “His discovery led to the creation of the greatest nation on Earth, the United States of America(pg1). He went to go explore a new route therefore he was brave to go somewhere no one else had been as far as Columbus new.
The world is a better place because of Christopher Columbus’ important discoveries in the New World. His explorations resulted in the vast expansion of property for Europe, the exchange of goods and cultures between countries and a change in the worldview of geography. Columbus’s explorations were the catalyst for unprecedented trade known as the Columbian Exchange, which started the exchange of goods and ideas that would last for centuries and change the world forever. His discoveries unearthed new perspectives and created a mix of diverse biology between Europe and the New World. These exchanges changed the world we live in today and will continue to fuel centuries of exploration and discoveries.
Many around the world always picture Christopher Columbus as a man who did great things for what America is today. Is that all really true? As kids, we have all, been taught that Columbus was the man who discovered America but in reality that is all a lie. Christopher Columbus was a man that made a mistake that started many issues that is still around today. Some of many things Columbus did was: he started the slave trade, he treated the Native Americans poorly, kidnapped the Tainos, and stole gold and many other items of value. Even though he did a lot of bad things not everything that Columbus did was terrible. I feel that though many things that are wrong today are his fault at the end of the day he still made America known in Europe. Christopher Columbus is a man that causes a lot of controversies but it makes a person think that was all he did worth the outcome. Bringing light to what Christopher Columbus does helps to acknowledge his legacy and what he left behind.
The arrival of Columbus in 1492 has been viewed with mixed feelings with others believing the day should be viewed as an occasion for mourning. Some activists advocate for the day to be replaced with a day for ethnic diversity. The belief that he discovered America is not to say that he was the first to set his eyes on America, it meant that he opened up America to new opportunities. This was by bringing America to the attention of the New World by bringing the civilization of Western Europe to its residents. It was the discoveries of Columbus that led to an interaction of ideas and people and different cultures that made America what it is today.
Christopher Columbus achieved remarkable success in the New World by discovering new lands and presenting an opportunity for new development. Over the course of four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, Columbus ignited the conquest and colonization of land in the New World. He recorded his experiences in journals and letters for future navigators and sailors to read and learn from. The benefits that arose from his expeditions were known as the Columbian Exchange, which included the transfer of people, resources, and culture, all of which significantly impacted society worldwide. His world changing legacy impacted the development of the territory in the New World and increased trade, resources, and economic stability for Europe.
The problem was that many people believed that the world was flat. Without knowing what was going to happen to him, Columbus went against the popular belief of his time and bravely set out with three ships and sailed out towards the horizon. Eventually he would reach land and open up an entire New World to Europe. Columbus, on his four voyages, explored all the islands of the Caribbean and Honduras. Columbus was a man ready and eager for adventure and discovery. Today we follow his example as we explore the universe, the ocean floors, and the microscopic world. Scientists, like Columbus, are always questioning popular beliefs and setting out to prove a new theory. Columbus is a hero for all scientists and explorers today. Columbus deserves to be recognized as an American hero on Columbus Day for inspiring all people to pursue courage, discovery, exploration, and adventure.
Christopher Columbus is an internationally celebrated explorer, due to his voyages to Central America during the Age of Discovery, a period between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries when explorers were sponsored by eastern countries to claim land. Columbus was an Italian explorer, on a conquest for gold and riches, who was sponsored by the monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile, to travel to Southern Asia. Columbus proposed the idea of traveling from East to West, rather than traveling along the borders of countries and continents, such as Africa and Asia, to eastern countries for gold, spices, and other riches for the monarchs. When Columbus succeeded in landing in the New World, he believed he landed in Southern Asia, but rather he landed in Hispaniola, modern day Haiti and Dominican Republic. The “New World” was a term used for the area Columbus landed in, on October 12, 1492. When Columbus landed in the New World, it was inhabited by native people, who were used by the Spaniards to help navigate and understand the landscape of the islands and as workers to find gold. Columbus has a mixed legacy because he had positive and negative attributes; he made the Columbian Exchange, which increased biodiversity in the New World, and is an important explorer in American history, but also began the African slave trade and caused population devastation due to slavery and diseases in the native populations. The legacy of Christopher Columbus should be remembered as a villain because he was greedy for wealth and power, he introduced diseases to the New World, and enslaved and used violence against the natives.
Without Christopher Columbus the people of the world wouldn’t be able to enjoy a lot of the things they can today. Christopher Columbus was a famous navigator and explorer who discovered an island back in October 12, 1492 and is called the Americas. Many people disagree that Columbus had an impact on the New World, but some people do. Columbus had a big impact when he discovered the New World. Columbus broke the isolation between the Americas and Europe. He introduced new ideas and goods such as textiles. If he didn’t do these things who knows how the world would be today.
Even though Columbus did everything that was stated above he wasn’t that bad. He overall really helped the development of the nation that we now know. He is one of the most celebrated explorers and for good reason. Stated by Dr Thomas C Tirado in Christopher Columbus and his legacy “The routes he took to and from the newly found lands are the ones we still use; his choice of the Atlantic Canary Current
Christopher Columbus is a very important person in our country's history. He found the "New World," the one we live in today. He started the society that makes us who we are today, the society that allowed our ancestors to come to America and start the life that we live now. This whole world owes their lives to him. Columbus should always be remembered as a very important and very good person in history.
When Christopher Columbus discovered the new world, it caused the two different worlds (The Americas and Europe, Asia, Africa) to collide hence creating the Colombian Exchange. The Columbian Exchange is