
How Did Clermont France Survive The Crusades

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The Crusades were a long and costly series of wars with really no success gained from the loss of life. The intentions and goals for the fighting were never met and many died even though their sacrifice brought about no real change or progress.
In Clermont France, Pope Urban II called for a crusade on November 27, 1095, he wanted to help the Byzantines free the city of Jerusalem. His goal was not only to retake the holiest city in the Christian faith but also to smother the Muslim religion,which was the main reason the crusades began. Different Western European countries put together four armies of Crusaders who left for Byzantium a year later in 1096. A general named Count Emicho ordered massacres of Jews in countless villages in Rhineland …show more content…

In 1198 Pope Innocent III called for another crusade with the intention to try and retake Jerusalem by invasion through Egypt. However divisions and power struggles between Europe and the Byzantium continued to grow and soon the Crusaders new mission was to topple the reigning Byzantine Emperor. The crusaders began to successfully defeat this false enemy and in desperation the emperor tried to submit the Byzantine church to Rome. This was met with stiff resistance by not only the European church but also by Byzantine citizens, and in 1204 the despised emperor was strangled by one of his own men during a palace coup. Soon after the Crusaders declared war on Constantinople and the fourth Crusade ended with the Fall of the Great Constantinople. Due to the loss of leadership, much looting and near-destruction of the once great empire occurred mainly by ‘Crusaders.’ Not only did the crusaders completely change their purpose and goal for being in Eastern affairs halfway to Jerusalem but they also dragged their name through the mud and once again lost much dignity. The Crusaders were known for being looters and illegitimate soldiers, who were simply men looking to steal money for self promotion. Overall the original quest to recapture Jerusalem was a failure and Pope Innocent III never saw his dream of a Christian dominated

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