Biology Assignment
The theories of the origin of the universe and it’s inhabitants has intrigued the human mind for over generations. The theories of evolution have developed historically through the contribution of various scientists, including Aristotle, Lamarck, Wallace, Darwin, Mendel and Lyell.
Aristotle was one of the earliest people to make an important and lasting contribution towards the theory of evolution. He was one of the greatest greek philosophers in the world and is sometimes even called, ‘the father of biology’. Greek and medieval references to "evolution" use it as a descriptive term for a state of nature, in which everything in nature has a certain order or purpose. This is a teleological view of nature. Aristotle
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The ladder of life influenced the western society for centuries until people became more knowing and started questioning the theory. This theory that Aristotle created was heavily influenced by his society at the time, he had a very naturalistic view and believed that everything was created perfect. Another thing that influenced Aristotle's beliefs was the bible and religion as he believed in the ‘static universe’ that the bible often spoke about, this idea had a significant effect on his theory and the fact that so many people heavily relied on religion in those times to explain what they didn’t know so his theory was not questioned very much.
Another person who contributed greatly to the theory of evolution was Jean-Baptiste Lamarck. Lamarck was a French naturalist, and created the theory of hereditary inheritance of acquired traits. Lamarck had a particular interest in the way that organisms adapted to their environment overtime. He started his career in 1793 as a botanist and later went on to become a founding professor at the ‘Muse National d’ Histerie Naturale’ where he studied invertebrates. Through these close studies Lamarck became interested with the similarities between
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He was a botanist on the HMS beagle, where he conducted many observations and documented them. He studied closely the Galapagos Islands and Australia very closely and this is where he originally created his theory of evolution. Darwin however was afraid to publish his ideas as this was not a very accepted idea at the time and he did not have a very high social standing. He later received a letter from Alfred Wallace who proposed similar ideas and they joined forces and published a theory of natural
A more simplistic way of thinking of evolution is “descent with modification” which is essentially stating, over many generations, organisms change. Charles Darwin and Jean Baptiste Lamarck are often referred to as the fore founders of evolution. Of course, many, many other scientists had differing theories regarding evolution, but Darwin and Lamarck receive the most modern attention- both deserving credit for their concepts. They’re famous not for the propositions of evolution- that had already been theorised. They’re famous for providing a reasonable explanation for how evolution occurs- natural selection. In which we will delve into later.
Evolution is described in many different ways, from a gradual development in social or economic structure, to a change in the gene pool of a population from generation to generation. These definitions tell people that evolution is diverse and depending on the context, it can mean completely different things. For example a change in a gene pool can be very beneficial especially when concerning genes that cause certain immunities to specific illnesses. But it can also mean that a young child has evolved from his/her shy personality and is now a very outgoing person. Scientists such as Charles Darwin, Charles Lyell, and Jean Baptiste Lamarck have theorised and searched for information about evolution and given provided the population of the world with large amounts of knowledge.
Evolution is the idea of a living organism adapting or mutating to gain beneficial physiological, psychological and structural features. The genetic makeup of all living things is constantly changing, due to DNA replication errors or outside factors, some of these changes impact drastically on the organism changing it for the better or worse. Typically when an organisms genetic code is changed for the better and it reproduces and outlives its unchanged counterparts this process is called evolution.
Final Exam: Athletes should be paid When being a professional athlete it takes up majority of your time with many practices, games, watching film, traveling, etc. When becoming a professional athlete, it becomes your job and athletes are getting paid for their skills. But when a student becomes a student athlete at the collegiate level, they are not getting paid. College athletes spend more than half of their time on the field for their sports and many people believe that the student athlete should be paid for their skills. They think it is unfair to the student who is an athlete who is balancing out school and sports and have no time to get a job.
comes from and how they evolved in the manner that they did. This type of
As pointed out in a lecture, the concept of evolution or the transformation of species was already formulated before Charles Darwin’s time. Herbert Spencer, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, and notably Charles Darwin’s own grandfather, Erasmus Darwin, all had both publicly and prominently discussed the concept of transformation of species for some time prior, while many other scientists of the period proposed theories that suggested a struggle for survival as the driving force towards evolution . Thus, Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection and environmental pressures was not thought of in a vacuum. Instead, Darwin’s theory of evolution was a product of his time, as Darwin was heavily influenced by thinkers of both the Romantic and Enlightenment
"Much has been written on whether or not the Darwinian theory was original. Inevitably, historians have concluded that there was little novelty in what Darwin and Wallace were saying. Down through the centuries, from ancient Greek times on, various writers have suggested that new species can arise through the modification of old and that among all the possible organic types, the world contains only those that can survive the struggle for life." (8)
comes from and how they evolved in the manner that they did. This type of
Throughout history, there has been a major debate on the theory of evolution. Is it true? The term evolution has been defined many ways, and for the purpose of this paper, I will use the fourth definition from the Merriam-Webster dictionary. “Evolution is the descent with modification from preexisting species: cumulative inherited change in a population of organisms through time leading to the appearance of new forms: the process by which new species or populations of living things develop from preexisting forms through successive generations.” (Merriam-Webster, 2017) What does this mean and how could it possibly be true? In this paper, I will explain the different ideas
Plato, a man who believed by just thinking about it, you could understand and achieve fully, trained Aristotle in philosophy. Aristotle did not agree on Plato’s belief, and soon came up with his own. He believed that in order to understand, you must observe what is being studied by looking, listening or touching it. Aristotle’s method of studying is now the base of contemporary science. Modern scientists are now engineering more efficient and precise ways of observing. In conclusion, Aristotle awoke the world with the study of live, which grew to the study of modern science of phycology.
Over the years so much has changed in terms of peoples views on young peoples sexuality and on sexting and the rules and consequences associated with sexting. If you jump forward a generation or two to the contemporary world, you will realise the social and sexual landscape has changed dramatically. Sex is regulated less and is in some ways less risky for many young Australians. More young people are having sex and more are having sex at young ages. Social mores have changed. The feminist and gay rights social movements have mobilised for legal and social change. For heterosexual young people, effective contraception is widely available and pregnancy terminations are legal and available through the public health care system. Homosexual sex
Starting over 500 years ago with Nicolaus Copernicus, Galileo Galilei, Francis Bacon, and Isaac Newton paving the way for the possibility of new scientific exploration into studies such as “stratigraphy, the study of the rock and soil layers of the earth” by Robert Hooke and Carolus Linnaeus’ study of taxonomy, “the system of naming and classifying organisms” based on morphological similarities and differences, humanity would begin to uncrack the code of where life came from in a nonbiblical sense. (Fuentes, 26) Further studies by George-Louis Leclerc – Comte du Buffon, Erasmus Darwin (Charles’ grandfather), Georges Cuvier, James Hutton and Charles Lyell as well as Jean Baptiste Pierre Antoine de Monet – Chevalier de Lamarck’s studies in which he “correctly identified the environment as a challenge to organisms and adaptation as the result of changing to meet environmental challenges” helped prompt the formulation of the current understanding of evolution by Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace each in their own special way.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1755-1829) is one of the best-known early evolutionists, holding a belief that evolution was a continuous development and strived toward greater complexity and perfection. Through which, his theory of evolution was that living organisms evolved in a unceasingly up ward direction, from dead matter, through simple to more complex forms and towards human “perfection” (, 2015). From his theories of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics; where organisms adapt to their environments and those changes were passed onto their off springs (Corbis, 2001), to his theories of Use and Disuse, where organisms that are not used progressively disappear (, 2015). Lamarck was the first biologist to publish
For the poem “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” by Adrienne Rich, I choose the feminist approach for several reasons. The first reason is that the poem shows how many women were prevented of achieving more than just a “good wife” (which is not bad if the woman wants so). For example, the speaker says, “The massive weight of Uncle’s wedding band/ Sits heavily upon Aunt Jennifer’s hand” (7-8). This show how she is restrained in this marriage which is a load in her life. The next reason is the marriage is not how it appears to be on many circumstance. For instance, the speaker notes, “When Aunt is dead, her terrified hands will lie” (9). The idea of beautiful hands is a sign that a man or woman does need to work under extreme conditions, and thus, that person has a good life; however, the lie is that that person does not have that good life that others might perceive. The last reason is that the tigers in the poem play an important role because they are a symbolism of how women should be. In the line 3 and 12, the raconteur states “They do not fear the men beneath the tree” and “Will go on prancing, proud and unafraid”. It shows the idea that women should not be fear of men and they are also as capable as men to do whatever they propose to do. The question I hope to answer is why the author wrote the poem, and what was her purpose in doing so (what she wanted to change).
Many knowledge claims in human and natural science are based on theories. Jean Lamarck proposed the theory of evolution in 1801. The theory of evolution proposed by Lamarck was based on the idea that organisms had to change their behavior to survive. For instance, if a giraffe stretched it neck for a long period of time to reach the leaves as the top of the tree, then a “nervous fluid” would flow in the neck and make it longer. Thus, its