There are three philosophers who deeply influenced my personality theory. They are Carl Roger’s, Jeanne Safer, and Fredrick Luskin.
Carl Rogers was born on January 8, 1902 in Oak Park, Illinois. He was the fourth child six children, and experienced a lonely childhood. Roger’s credible influence on psychology and psychotherapy as well as education. He was a humanistic American psychologists who devoted to the therapeutic relationship, and he developed a new technique of client-centered therapy. One of his obstacle’s to growth that is linked to my personality theory is conditions of worth. It is circumstances that important people in our lives dwell on us that we must meet before certain people offer us in positive regard. For example, I would study hard all the time to get all A’s in school just so my mother would be proud of me. Carl Roger’s believed in the power of individuals to help themselves carry on to influence counselors and psychologists worldwide.
Jeanne Safer was born in 1947 in
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When you had no choice to do it, you felt angry and mad for a little while when you did it, and then you started to calm down. This is exactly what forgiving felt like. When someone hurt is, it could be family, friend, or even a stranger, we tend to feel like we have to seek revenge sometimes. It takes a strong and brave person to forgive others. After you do forgive, we experience emotional response as if a weight has been lifted off of us. The person who did you wrong is no longer in control of your life, and you no longer have to carry the burden that you have endured. Keep the past in the past and forgive all the people that has caused you so much pain at rest, or it will always come back to haunt you. Whether understanding why we let something go or not, when we do not forgive someone it can cause harm to you mentally, physically, and
Everyone has something that they may have done and recognized later that they are playing with someone’s feelings and may have hurt them to cause mixed feelings towards them. This could have been done by accident or on purpose but you might have felt some sort of guilt as to what you done to the victim and how you made he/she feel that way. This creates some sort of hate towards the bullies as the victim does not like or acknowledge the bullies presence as well as theirs. By forgiving someone who hurt you and moving on, you understand that you faced the bullies and the problem while being brave and strong. Moreover, you essentially understand that by forgiving, the people are aware of what they have done and helped tell them that they can move on as well. Forgiveness leads to happiness as the person will be free from guilt but will not make the same mistake to someone else so that the other victim doesn’t have to go through the same thing.
You have to question whether you are forgiving the person because they are sorry and you are capable of moving forward or you are forgiving them because you are still left with some feeling of attachment and that’s what is holding you back. For example, in the memoir, Jennette continued to forgive her parents particularly because they were her parents and her blood. That got her nowhere. She was left in an endless circle of forgiving yet receiving the same mannerism back. However, once Jeannette decided enough was enough, she moved to New York City, away from her parents, began accomplishing her goals and overall Jeannette became so much more liberated. This example goes to show my point exactly. Forgiving and forgetting will leave you with too many toxic people in your life. You must know when to set an endpoint and cut people out of your life because it will benefit
Carl R. Rogers constructed the person-centered theory by his influences of Elizabeth Davis and Frederick Allen who studied under Jessie Taft as well as Otto Rank and John Dewey (Patterson, 2007; Walsh, 2010). Influenced by Jessie Taft, Rogers adopted an optimistic view of people, individuals are capable of recreating themselves and are not the end products of their past (Patterson, 2007; Walsh, 2010). Otto Rank advocated that treatment of a client be centered around that client and that therapist be more emotionally involved within the process. Third Rogers was influenced by John Dewey who helped him understand and develop his position that self-actualized people live in harmony rather then conflict (Patterson, 2007; Walsh,
Also, understanding is the key to forgive someone regrets his immoral acts against you. The story of Albert Speer reveals the sorrow and compassion of one of the culprit find himself face to face with a victim. Mr. Albert was supporting the Nazis against Jews during the Holocaust. He acknowledged his responsibility and guilt for the mass crime. With the guilty verdict, he imprisoned for twenty years for his legal inhuman acts. When Simon Wiesenthal met him, Albert considered his eyes to find compassion and humanity inside (The Sunflower 246). Thus, I believe that when victim lets down the revenge, he also removes most of the barriers for a substantial correction. In the meantime, if you forgive, you can stop the stupidity of haters and prove that you are much stronger. Besides the world has a lot of evidence proclaiming that the desire for revenge disappears even after a long time of reciprocal violence, but only the people who forgive are the last standing. Overall, to forgive is to build bridges between victims and culprits for a healthy
Forgiveness is very important throughout life. If people don't forgive, they are going to be stuck in the past always remembering about the mistake that person did. Forgiving someone can make yourself feel better because you know you forgave that person and there's no negativity between you and that person.
Forgiveness is a voluntary process and only time can heal all wounds. Scratch that- time won’t heal all wounds and forgiving someone is totally and completely up to you. When stating that forgiveness is “voluntary,” it simply means that one is forgiving someone at their own free will. The question is “why? why must we forgive someone after doing something so awful?” The answer might be complex. In the book “Picking Cotton” by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino, Ronald Cotton and Erin Torneo, and in the book “Beauty for Ashes” written by Joyce Meyer, forgiveness is portrayed as a big role. Each person goes through their own struggles and eventually has to forgive someone or be forgiven by someone.
Life has ups and downs, it may stab you in the back, but it’s a choice to forgive and forget about it. Forgiveness is something that helps people move on. For every person, the word forgiveness has a different meaning, for me it means leaving behind actions from my past. Personally, I like to think that forgiveness is a way to start over whether in a friendship or in life. If the opportunity presented itself to me to explain the word, forgiveness, to someone I would simply reply that it is the idea of setting yourself free from all the hate one has been holding.
To begin with, forgiving people who wronged you comes in handy since it helps you live a longer and healthier life. According to the informational text “Understanding Forgiveness” written by PBS, it states that people who forgive have “ [f]ewer stress-related health issues” and their
I am applying for the Twin Star Scholarship because I have recently returned to college. Currently, in my family, including myself, there are four college students. One of the main reasons that I have hesitated in returning back to school to pursue my bachelor’s degree is because of the financial strain that will be placed on my family finances. I have always felt that it would be responsible to wait until my family is in a better financial place before going back to school. The reality is, college tuition is expensive and it will put a strain on our family finances no matter when I decide to go back. Receiving this scholarship will help alleviate a portion of that family financial strain that tuition, books, and fees will
Carl R. Rogers constructed the person-centered theory by his influences of Elizabeth Davis and Frederick Allen who studied under Jessie Taft as well as Otto Rank and John Dewey (Patterson, 2007; Walsh, 2010). Influenced by Jessie Taft, Rogers adopted an optimistic view of people, individuals are capable of recreating themselves and are not the end products of their past (Patterson, 2007; Walsh, 2010). Otto Rank advocated that treatment of a client be centered around that client and that therapist be more emotionally involved within the process. Third Rogers was influenced by John Dewey who helped him understand and develop his position that self-actualized people live in harmony rather then conflict
We forgive for our own good, not for the people who have hurt us. We should never be held prisoner by the people who hurt us. That is what happens when we choose to not forgive and choose to hold grudges. Being unforgivable soon turns into bitterness. That bitterness will eat at your heart and soul. Being able to forgive does not by any means imply that we are weak. It is actually showing ourselves and others how strong we are. Do not wait to forgive those who have hurt you. If you wait to forgive until you feel the time is right, it will never happen. Simply because there is no “right time.” Remember, forgiving is not easy and never will it be. Yes, it is easy to say “I forgive you.” The hard part of it all is to genuinely mean it. If you become so wrapped up in holding a grudge, all you see it hurt and anger. You are missing what is important. Such as the present and all the joyful happiness that comes along life. The Holocaust was one of the worst things that has ever happened over time. Yet, some people have managed to forgive the horrible crimes that they endured. In The Fault in Our Stars, Hazel at first had a hard time forgiving Peter Van Hoten for being so rude to her and Augustus. He was her favorite author and he completely let her down by being so rude to her. She was very angry but didn’t hold a grudge against him for
The Scarlet Letter written by Nathaniel Hawthorne is known to have a lot of symbolism. Symbolism is a way to convey ideas and give a book a deeper meaning to readers. While there are many symbols in the Scarlet Letter, there are a few that stand out more than others. Pearl, Hester, Dimmesdale, and Chillingworth are all main characters that have symbols. Hawthorne symbols are used to help readers relate to the story. In order to really comprehend the book the reader must understand the use of symbolism and what each of the characters represent.
Sigmund Freud and Carl Rogers are two psychologists who developed theories on personalities. Sigmund Freud was known as the “Father of Psychoanalysis” and his well known theory stated that nearly all psychological issues went back to a sexual problem. Carl Rogers was a humanistic psychologist who researched the personality theory in the notion of the self or the self concept.
When thinking about my personality in regard to different personality theories, I felt that I could most relate to the humanistic theory. Carl Rogers
Capital punishment is an issue that has long been debated amongst Americans. We have been questioning the morality of "an Eye For an Eye" way of thinking. Many say that serious crimes deserve serious punishments such as death, where others view death to be an unjust punishment for any crime. Each side seems to be equal in its volume of supporters. There are also many who ride the fence on the issue, unconvinced of either side. I, however, am writing to illustrate the immoral view of capital punishment. This document does not presume to have the right answer to the question, for to assume that would be arrogant. No, this essay is merely a tool to be used in weighing this very important issue.