
How Did Emily Dickinson Affect Her Poetry

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Emily Elizabeth Dickinson was a poet of American descent, born in Amherst, Massachusetts. Emily Dickinson became popular after she died. As her poetry was then studied in depth and became a more popular poet as the years go on. Now she is a respected and familiar poet to numerous people as a result of the large amount of poetry she had written in her lifetime. Emily Dickinson had begun to write poetry as a child since she was a troubled child as she fell into "a mostly introverted and reclusive life" (Ekrum). Since she lived in a more isolated life style she began to write a lot of poems. In her whole life time she wrote about "eighteen hundred poems" (Ekrum) but only published about twelve poems. In her years of education Emily Dickinson studied lots of literature related subjects such as "English and classical literature, Latin, botany, …show more content…

On May 15, 1886 . Emily Dickinson passed away 55 years of age, leaving numerous poems behind to be discovered. Also, Emily Dickinson wrote numerous poems with various poetic devices in her poetry to make her poems very affective. She would "[Opts] generally for trimeter, tetrameter..." (Ekrum) and "The extensive use of dashes and unconventional capitalization in Dickinson's manuscripts, and the idiosyncratic vocabulary and imagery" (Ekrum). Emily Dickinson had various styles in her poetry based on the time periods mainly Generally she wrote in iambic trimeter and tetrameter and avoiding iambic pentameter. She also used effective "idiosyncratic vocabulary and imagery" (Ekrum) in her poetry. Emily Dickinson would also use punctuation in her poetry like dashes and capitalization in her poems. Numerous of Emily Dickinson's poems followed an ABCB rhyme scheme. In addition, Her poems were mainly emotional and sentimental. Emily Dickinson had great significance because the great amounts of poems she made in her short life

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