
How Did Gilgamesh Change Over Time

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Two of the world’s most ancient stories, Gilgamesh and Beowulf, have distinctly unique origins that trace back centuries. Gilgamesh has quite a complex history, as it is a collection of various poems that passed through and were changed by many different Near Eastern societies. The original fragments of the epic “are five separate and independent poems in Sumerian” (“Introduction” 5) that detailed the journeys of a historical king named Gilgamesh. Sumerian was “the learned language of ancient Mesopotamia” (“Introduction 5). This indicates the epic’s extensively old age, as Mesopotamia was a kingdom that existed over four thousand years ago. These original five poems were passed along from generation to generation amongst people in the ancient …show more content…

The story was now told “in Akkadian, an ancient Semitic language” (“Introduction” 4) that was much unlike Sumerian. The use of a different language often means that a different empire has taken control, suggesting a fairly large pass in time. Additionally, the Akkadian or Old Babylonian version became different enough to be considered “an original poem” (“Introduction” 6), though “it is essentially the same as its [Sumerian] ancestor” (“Introduction” 6) because the original concepts are still there. This, again, demonstrates that enough time passed before its rewriting, as the story changed by adding more details and vividity. However, the Old Babylonian version was still not in the same form as the epic translated and read today. A few hundred years after the Old Babylonian version was written, “a scholar priest named Sîn-lēqi-unninni” (“Introduction” 6) borrowed the epic and further “revised and elaborated on [the epic]” (“Introduction” 6). This twice-rewritten epic is called the Standard Version and is what most translate or read today. The Standard Version, however, was lost for a couple thousand years “in the rubble of cities across the ancient Near East” (“Introduction”

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