
How Did Grandma Characterize Her Grandmother?

Decent Essays

Each summer Annie and her sister Amy would move in for a few months with their grandparents at their lake house. Annie characterizes her grandfather, Frank Doak as a, “generous-hearted, joking, calm Pittsburgher of undistinguished Scotch-Irish descent,” while describing her grandmother, Meta Waltenburger Doak, as an, “imperious and kindhearted grande dame of execrable taste...and heir of well-to-do Germans in Louisville, Kentucky.” Annie and Amy particularly liked spending time with their grandmother whom they called Oma. “Oma was odd about money,” explains Annie, recalling this one time she picked up a penny on the beach and Oma told her to be sure to wash her hands after touching money, which Annie found humorous because her hands were otherwise

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