One out of four kids are bullied in school. You never know who could be the next target. Bullying is using superior strength or influence to intimidate someone, and to force him or her to do what one wants. In Jay Asher’s Thirteen Reasons Why Hannah Baker struggles to face bullying alone. What made Hannah’s case special type of bullying where the only one who knew about it was her, not even the bullies knew that there were causing her pain. When people finally realized that something was wrong with Hannah it was already too late. Many kids go through Hannah’s experience and feel to shy or embarrassed to tell anyone about it, causing him or her to go through this alone and sometimes give up.
When I was in the sixth grade I thought that my school had no bullying. I assumed that since I wasn’t being bullied then no one was, but it’s hard to be aware of things when you don’t actually see them. One day I was in the hallway talking to my friends when a group of seventh graders gathered around a boy, who was in sixth grade. They were standing in a circle surrounding him making fun of him and when he tried to stand up to them the biggest kid pulled down the sixth graders pants. It was the first time I had ever witnessed bullying and as a sixth grader I was very scared.
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Honestly I froze, but when I finally came to I asked myself what would I want someone to do for me if I was in that position. My answer then was simple I would want them to help me, but at the time I felt helpless and I did not want to be the target until I finally took a stand. I decided to go get a teacher. At first I was actually embarrassed because I didn’t want to be known as the tattletale. Now I really don’t care because it was the right thing to do and I am proud of myself for doing
In “Phoebe Prince: Should School Bullying Be a Crime?”, an article written by journalist Jessica Bennet addresses school bullying, the outcomes and the consequences that bullies deserve or not. Above all, this article aims the spotlight on bullying, a 15-year-old who took her own life due to harassment, torment, rumors, physical threats all leading it to being bullied by well-known good students. In any case, the process of being bullied has never been taken into consideration nor importance in the school system or by society in general. “It’s even gotten better over the past decade says Dan Olweus, a leading bullying expert”. However, bullying just does not disappear, it is still an issue that humankind does not have any diligence to the cause
‘They'd kick me in the back of the knees and give me small bruises or they tripped me.’ Fannon, who has a serious heart condition, would suffer attacks of rapid heartbeats after being bullied. Her grades dropped. She became withdrawn and had no friends. After school, she would lock herself in her room and cry. Fannon said teachers told her to ‘tough it out’ or to ‘just ignore it.’ She was too embarrassed to tell her parents, but she finally confided in her mother. Principals of her school say the complaints never reached them, but they admit that despite their anti-bullying policies, Fannon somehow fell through the cracks.’ Fannon isn’t alone. The same article tells the story of Chris Velasquez who was once beaten so badly he had to go to the emergency room, “‘They caught me in the stairwell and jumped me and I couldn't see anything,’ he recalled. ‘I had one kid punching me a lot of times in the face, and one just repeatedly hitting me in the back.’ Though the incident was reported to school authorities, Velasquez said the boys who beat him up were not even suspended. To deal with being bullied, some children seek revenge. Velasquez
My lunch was taken from me, so I went home hungry most days. That really sucked and I tried to say no, but whenever I tried to tell my tormentor no, my lunch was forcefully taken from me. I was called many names, and even though many of the names I were called are not school appropriate, let me tell you a few semi-school appropriate names I was called. I had rumors spread about me that I was gay, and I was called gay (I’m not gay), all because I had a slightly higher voice than some of the other guys in my grade. It really hurt and changed everyone’s opinion of me. I was also teased for being a ginger, for having “Freakles”, and for being bad at things that I spent a lot of my free time doing. I would be told that I’m not good at any video games I played, or for being bad at soccer. I got into fights with people and came home with big, nasty, bruises. I was scarred both mentally and physically, and no other person should have to endure such a curse. Like I said earlier, bullying changed me.
To bully is to use strength and power to intimidate or harm the ones who are weaker. In the documentary “Bully”, directed by Lee Hirsch, the theme of the film is how many teachers and parents actually do not know what is happening in the lives of the children that they care for. However, there are also so many children who are hesitant to tell anyone that they are being bullied. The film follows the lives of several children who are faced with bullying every day. This film also follows parents whose children have committed suicide. Their lives had become intolerable and no one noticed or someone noticed and they did nothing too late. There are teachers and administrators who are clueless as to what is happening and some just flat out do not want to
I believe that Hanna Baker was powerless because the last couple of months while she was still alive she had no one to count on anymore. No one, not one person. Not even her parents and that is just completely heartbreaking. All she wanted was someone to pay attention to her, to actually care for her but nobody cared. All they cared for was themselves no one else and that is just selfish. All the thirteen reasons, all those people were the reasons. Hannah choose to do those cassettes to let them know why and be reasonable for it. Hannah left a note in Mrs. Bradley bag to talk about a topic. “Suicide. It’s something I’ve been thinking about” (Asher 170). One of her classmate says it’s because she wanted “attention” and didn’t wrote her name
A majority of bullying takes place during our elementary or in high school.. Peer pressure is reported to be a frequent reason as to why students feel the need to bully their peers. Many people have experienced bullying in some way throughout their lifetime. Some people were victims of bullying, while others were the ones doing the bullying, or in some cases, they were both. It isn’t rare to hear that
If Hannah would’ve been more vocal and asked more people for help she could’ve realized that people were on her side and that many people did care about her but she didn’t trust many people. Thirdly, Hannah wasn’t
Everyone has gone through bullying no one is safe from it. Bullying at MHS is not as vibrant in MHS as in other schools, but students know it happens on a daily even if it is not witnessed by one. Tho it occurs it seems common for students at school to not go to anyone for help. Eliza Rubio, another student, explains that, “It brings down your confidence on how people will think of you. It affects your ability to do your best at the things you used to do. I didn't go to someone because I felt like I could just ignore it, but in reality it sticks to you for life”. From Rubio’s words this reveals how the bullying and harassment led to her not performing the best as she once did. She even includes how she did not seek help because she ignored
According to students, schools respond inadequately, if at all, to reported incidents of bullying. When Frank Barone, principal of Amsterdam High School in Amsterdam, New York, asked hundreds of eighth graders if they had ever been bullied, more than half (58.8 percent) responded in the affirmative. Yet when he asked their teachers how many students had been bullied, they put the figure at 16 percent. Clearly, adults don't recognize the extent of bullying that children face every day. This shows that administration can easily miss important warning signs that point to school violence.
asked to go outside because I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. There was not one teacher or
This quote reveals that Hannah had a negative personality because she was thinking about committing suicide because she couldn’t take all the pain anymore. If Hannah had a positive personality, she would have try harder to get help or looked at her life and situation in a positive
Bullying is not as serious as people make it out to be. I mean yeah it happens. “For all students grades 6-12, “hate related graffiti” in school classrooms, bathrooms, hallways, etc. “dropped from about 36% in 1999 to about 28% in 2011. The rate of students who reported fearing an attack or harm at school at all has also dropped dramatically, from nearly 12% in 1995 to less than 4% in 2011. For black and Hispanic students, it’s an even more encouraging shift – from more than 20% of both groups of students worried about being attacked at
Schools are the most well-known settings for bullying. This is the place where students learn and socialize for most of the day. A school is a place meant to feel safe, not afraid. However, studies have shown us this is not the case. More and more students are reluctant to come to school. Why? Their peers may criticize them and abuse of them both verbally and physically. Bullying is more serious than most think. Many people just think it’s a simple hoax that was taken too far but this simple joke can lead to indelible emotional and physical scar that could hunt students for life eventually lowering their self-esteems and even ruining their lives. Schools and teachers have failed tremendously at stopping this.
Bullying is defined as “verbal, physical, or psychological abuse or teasing accompanied by real or perceived imbalance of power” and is usually targets what children perceive as different (Olweus, 1993). Bullying is prevalent across the nation. It has devastating effects on students each day. Bullying is a problem for all students, regardless of race, gender or class. The National Education Association reports that 160,000 children are absent intentionally from school each day because they fear being bullied whether it is an attack or just intimidation by other students. This accounts for 15% of all school absenteeism (Hunter, 2012). Dan Olweus (1993) from the National School Safety Center tells us that bullying includes three parts: (1)
About twenty-eight percent of student’s ages 12-18 reported being bullied at school during the school year according to the Indicators of School Crime and Safety report, by the Bureau of Justice statistics. Across thirty-nine states survey, 7.2 percent of students admit to not attending school because they do not feel safe. The importance of bullying can’t be undermined. Teachers and parents must understand the importance of looking and listening for signs and behaviors of bullying. This will help tackle the issue before it gets serious and someone gets hurt.