
How Did Henry Ford Change The World

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Henry Ford

In 1890, trains were the only thing being mass produced. On average most Americans lived and died within ten miles from where they were born, but that changed as soon as an infrastructure was being developed. Infrastructure is roads, bridges, motels, and highways, and in the 1890’s it was being developed, because 80% of Americans were rural. Only five car brands or horseless carriages and the only that was American was the Duryea Bros. However, at the turn of the century the world would change forever. Henry Ford would turn cars from being luxuries into necessities.
On a small farm in Dearborn, Michigan in 1863 a boy named Henry Ford was born and the world would be changed forever. It all started when he worked on the farm and he was so …show more content…

He blamed Jews for all the world’s problems. In 1926, Ford distributed the Dearborn Independent, which spoke about Jews in a negative way and it was in dealerships everywhere, which was unlike most local newspapers at the time. Once again, he was sued, but by Jewish organizations and supporters and he relented and shut down his newspaper and apologized. Even though he didn’t mean it. At the end of Model “T” production, in 1927 he sold 50 million cars. Two years later, he released an improved Model “A” Ford. However, the market collapsed and unemployment went up to 22.8% on Black Monday. Nine years later WWII began and two years later on December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. At that time all companies stopped making cars and started making armaments.
America was named the “Arsenal of Democracy” and the industry that saved the world. The U.S’s enemies were Germany, Italy, and Japan, but Ford lead the way by building 80% of the bombs used in Japan. Also, Ford funded the nuclear bomb. In the end, the U.S won the war and created peace with all three

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