Henry Ford
In 1890, trains were the only thing being mass produced. On average most Americans lived and died within ten miles from where they were born, but that changed as soon as an infrastructure was being developed. Infrastructure is roads, bridges, motels, and highways, and in the 1890’s it was being developed, because 80% of Americans were rural. Only five car brands or horseless carriages and the only that was American was the Duryea Bros. However, at the turn of the century the world would change forever. Henry Ford would turn cars from being luxuries into necessities.
On a small farm in Dearborn, Michigan in 1863 a boy named Henry Ford was born and the world would be changed forever. It all started when he worked on the farm and he was so
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He blamed Jews for all the world’s problems. In 1926, Ford distributed the Dearborn Independent, which spoke about Jews in a negative way and it was in dealerships everywhere, which was unlike most local newspapers at the time. Once again, he was sued, but by Jewish organizations and supporters and he relented and shut down his newspaper and apologized. Even though he didn’t mean it. At the end of Model “T” production, in 1927 he sold 50 million cars. Two years later, he released an improved Model “A” Ford. However, the market collapsed and unemployment went up to 22.8% on Black Monday. Nine years later WWII began and two years later on December 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese. At that time all companies stopped making cars and started making armaments.
America was named the “Arsenal of Democracy” and the industry that saved the world. The U.S’s enemies were Germany, Italy, and Japan, but Ford lead the way by building 80% of the bombs used in Japan. Also, Ford funded the nuclear bomb. In the end, the U.S won the war and created peace with all three
Henry Ford, an American captain of Industry, the seventh-wealthiest figure of modern period, leading manufacturer of American automobiles in the early 1900’s, was the eldest child born to William and Mary Ford on July 30 1863 in Dearborn Michigan. In his younger days Ford became interested in machinery, starting by helping repair machines on his father's farm, then started fixing neighbors and classmates watches and clocks, having invented his first successful gasoline engine in 1893 and his first automobile in 1896. He is known for establishing the Ford Motor Company in 1903 with eleven investors, his company revolutionized the automobile industry with its assembly line method
1916 Person of the Year: How Henry Ford Changed America In 1896, when the people of Detroit saw a noisy self-propelled vehicle rolling down the street, no one knew that the driver would go on to change the lives of Americans forever. In 1876, 32 years before creation of the Model T, and 38 years before the announcement of the five-dollar, eight-hour day, Henry Ford was 13, fixing things on his farm and his neighbors’ watches, and intrigued by steam engines. Exactly twenty years later, he had built his first car. Just five years later, he was building racing cars and winning races, and in 1902, he had formed his first successful company, Ford and Malcomson, Ltd. How did Ford go from a simple tinkering mechanic to a competitive businessman in just twelve years?
Shared hardship can build community. Sebastian Junger wrote Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging to bring to light to this fact. Included in the book are descriptions of many different specific groups (e.g. American Indians and war veterans with PTSD) affected by tragedy (as well as the lack of tragedy) and the lack of community. Junger argues that we need tragedy to bring us together in a way that current society no longer does.
I’m going to give you some insight on a Henry Ford, and how and why he revolutionized our country. Without him we wouldn’t be the America we are today. Henry Ford is one of the main factors that played a part in winning World War 2. He had ideas; great brain storms that would become reality to help the American people in all factors of their daily lives. So Henry Ford helped us win the war. He also figured out how to make a car that was reliable, cheap, and fast to make. Then after all that was said and done he even paid his workers the most and hired anyone that had the qualification to work for him. Henry Ford made America a better place for the people.
Word spread about his achievements with the methods he employed which were now dubbed Fordism"Fordism allowed the construction of larger cities because now most citizen could own a car. Fordism shaped how we view industrial work today. “Ford's decision to pay his employees such a handsome wage was not motivated by a commitment to humanitarianism, but rather by a desire to homogenize and discipline his employees.” He played such a large amount of money to discipline his workers rather than being a humanitarian. “He provided many of his employees with afFordable housing but also insisted that they learn how to speak English, refrain from consuming alcohol, and become upstanding American citizens.”
Henry Ford revolutionized the way people traveled throughout the nation of the United States. A short time after the first model T rolled off of the assembly line, Mr. Ford found the need to create a vehicle that would ease the burden of caring for the horses that pulled the wagons and saved time for his fellow workers. The model T pickup was born! No more horses to care for, no more strapping the carriage to the horse, and defiantly no more poop to scoop. How did Mr. Ford create so much value for the people? By recognizing there was a need to take care of, a want to fulfill, and a demand to meet.
At first Henry Ford had said the war was just a waste of time, and did not want to profit from it. Henry Ford was a known as a pacifist, opposed America’s entry into World War II. What made Ford change his mind and want to help out in the War was that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor which happen on December 7, 1941. This inspired Ford to begin a tremendous, all-out manufacturing effort to help in all way possible in the War. Henry was able to produce bombers at a rate of one plane per hour. By the end of the war, Ford had built lots of things that help in the war such as 86,865 complete aircraft, 57,851 airplane engines, and 4,291 military gliders. Ford also made tanks, armored cars and jeeps. All this was very helpful to the War because it help the soldiers travel or kept them
On July 30, 1863 a man that would later change the world was born. He would revolutionize the American transportation system by creating one of the first automobiles, he would also create the world's first functioning assembly line. His name is Henry Ford. Ford would later go on to invent one of the first cars, the quadricycle as he called it. He would also go on to build one of the most recognized brands in America, Ford Motor Company.
He sold it for approximately $200, the money that he made he saved and put towards later designs of “Ford”. Not only was this the first car but it also provided more jobs, easier transportation and gave people the since of independence. Before Ford’s invention of the “Quadrcycle” people weren’t able to travel far, they stayed local because they had to walk or ride in a horse carriage to get where they wanted and that took a long time. With the invention of the first vehicle brought about several jobs such as mechanics and constructioneers. By 1908 Ford introduced his ninth car the “Model T”. His purpose of designing this car was to have something “cheap and sturdy”. In efforts to making the car cheaper he decided to stick with the color black. The sales price of the car was originally $850, in today’s currency it would’ve been equivalent to $21,000.
Henry Ford was much like other children growing up. Ford was born on July 30, 1863 in Dearborn, Michigan. He was raised on a farm and others could tell he would be extremely successful in his future. In order to learn more about the engines and be more successful, Henry Ford built friendships with the men who ran the full-sized steam engines. He learned how to fix watches in order to understand how machines worked. Ford was intrigued by machines and went the extra mile to learn more about them. He was willing to risk it all just to pursue his dream and would not let a bump in the road stop him.
The Federalist Papers have one of the biggest influences on the government of the 21st century. The papers were the cause of the revised Constitution becoming ratified and adopted by the american government. There were often concerns that the constitution would bring about a monarchy. The collection of detailed essays helped the government officials at the time realize what mistakes they were making and how they could fix them. A lot of what was said and the ideas and opinions in the papers are still in effect in today’s government. The government still feels that the states should not be in conflict with each other and that we should not create factions among ourselves. Government officials still feel that we should be alleviating debt
The automobile industry put American citizens into action. Mass production was a big component in the success of automobiles. Although successful, it became very repetitive. Skilled workers who were once worshipped, were no longer needed. Henry Ford was described as racist, bitter, but he brought success to citizens in the 1920s. Ford started the Ford Motor Company in 1903 with the help of a limited amount of workers in a shed. It was not until 1914 where custom-made cars turned into many cars, such as the Model T, moving down an assembly line. The Model T was a very popular car that benefitted cheap labor and easy mobility for its owners. Ford became a billionaire from the help of the federal government’s actions. At this point, the government decided that funds should be spent more on roads. Automobiles introduced
A man that went by the name of Henry Ford, once said, “I invented nothing new. I simply assembled the discoveries of other men behind whom were centuries of work…” The Ford Motor Company is an American continental automobile maker founded by Henry Ford on June 16, 1903. During the 1920s, this firm marketed automobiles that were reliable, low-cost, easy-to-operate and easier-to-fix device for the masses (Rise of the Automobile). In addition, the Ford Motor Company led the world into the expansion and refinement of the assembly line; revolutionizing our society to greater heights through its mobile products. Meanwhile, the company’s contributions benefited society through the means of the renovation of the suburbs and the invention of new services. Like no other during the 1920s, the Ford Motor Company supplied to the boom of innovations; marking its footprint to a superior society.
Henry Ford was the world’s most influential leader. From founding one of the worlds most successful car companies, to having a major influence on WWI, he has profoundly shaped the 20th century and left an impact on every single one of our lives. Although Mr. Ford is considered one of the wealthiest and most commonly known people in the world, Ford was founded by his hard work and dedication to supply a perfect product. At one point half the cars on the road worldwide were his famous model-t. As the company expanded he slowly began to make Ford more independent, such as purchasing acres of land for wood, purchasing land for rubber trees, and even having his own line of specialty glass blowers. Mr. Ford strived to give his customers the best deal possible, constantly finding ways do drop the price of his cars so they could be available to all. He has risen the standards not only in business but in the innovative world as well. Overall it is safe to say Henry Ford embodies success and has given the American Dream a new definition, he has truly inspired us all.
Ford’s dream was to produce a moderate priced, reliable, and efficient automobile, which came with the Model T in 1908.3 A company that started out small, now had over half of the car owners in America driving the Model T.1 It was easy to operate and maintain, it also handled good on rough roads. It was the most popular automobile in history, and over fifteen million were sold. With the Model T, Ford achieved his goal to make reasonable priced cars for the average person. 2