
How Did Hiroshima Change The World

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The 20th century included many major events and changes that made the world a very different place. Hiroshima was a very significant event in the 20th century but it wasn’t the only one, there was also World War II and The Russian Revolution. On the 6th of august 1945 the U.S dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima which decimated the whole city. This killed about 90,000–146,000 people with no warning. Two days later the U.S dropped a bomb on Nagasaki, another small city in Japan, the Japanese willing surrendered and ended the war six days after. Hiroshima was significant because it changed warfare forever, wars would never be the same. Hiroshima demonstrated the amount of destruction that people could bring upon the world. In a way it changed the world for the better because it made people scared because they knew if another war was going to start it would be the most brutal and deadly war ever. …show more content…

This global war was very big and lethal war. This war introduced aerial warfare to the world, meaning the popular tactic of trenches could not be used. Nazi Germany attacked and took control of most of Europe, they did this using Blitz Krieg a tactic never used before. The Nazi’s decided to try to attack Russia, but they bit off more than they could chew and soon they were being attacked from all sides, they couldn’t handle this. While the Russians were moving to the east they began discovering concentration camps where an estimated 6 million jews were killed, this was a horrifying event to happen, the holocaust. World War II was significant because it introduced aerial warfare and it showed how cruel people can be. I think World War 2 was a more significant event than Hiroshima because if it never happened Hiroshima probably wouldn’t have

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