The 20th century included many major events and changes that made the world a very different place. Hiroshima was a very significant event in the 20th century but it wasn’t the only one, there was also World War II and The Russian Revolution. On the 6th of august 1945 the U.S dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima which decimated the whole city. This killed about 90,000–146,000 people with no warning. Two days later the U.S dropped a bomb on Nagasaki, another small city in Japan, the Japanese willing surrendered and ended the war six days after. Hiroshima was significant because it changed warfare forever, wars would never be the same. Hiroshima demonstrated the amount of destruction that people could bring upon the world. In a way it changed the world for the better because it made people scared because they knew if another war was going to start it would be the most brutal and deadly war ever. …show more content…
This global war was very big and lethal war. This war introduced aerial warfare to the world, meaning the popular tactic of trenches could not be used. Nazi Germany attacked and took control of most of Europe, they did this using Blitz Krieg a tactic never used before. The Nazi’s decided to try to attack Russia, but they bit off more than they could chew and soon they were being attacked from all sides, they couldn’t handle this. While the Russians were moving to the east they began discovering concentration camps where an estimated 6 million jews were killed, this was a horrifying event to happen, the holocaust. World War II was significant because it introduced aerial warfare and it showed how cruel people can be. I think World War 2 was a more significant event than Hiroshima because if it never happened Hiroshima probably wouldn’t have
It is important that we read stories like Hiroshima because it gives the reader a detailed explanation from first-hand survivors what happened during the Hiroshima attack. Although this book is a secondary source it is filled with valuable heart and mind changing primary sources and information. The book shows the hardships, pain, suffering innocent women, men and children went through. What decision one made and was untouched how one slight movement, staying in bed, and hiding in a different place could have saved your life. Reading historical books in all gives you more knowledge on what happened in history from all around the world. Hiroshima states the events that happened before during and after the bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
Images are all around us. Images are timeless and they can tell stories of times that have been long forgotten. When a graphic element is used in a persuasive essay, it takes the paper from being simply words that form a person’s thoughts, to a paper that has true emotions; it is something that makes an argument stronger. Images can be used to elevate what the writer is trying to convey to their reader, with the hopes of grabbing the reader’s attention and pushing them to have a deeper connection to the issue that the paper is about. Furthermore, graphic images can pull emotion out of the reader so that the reader feels closer to the subject. However, graphic images are not only pictures of people or places, in some cases, especially in academic
On August 6, 1945 President Truman made the biggest decision that would change many people’s lives forever, which was dropping the first atomic bomb on a city in Japan called Hiroshima. The atomic bomb had a code that only certain people from the U.S knew; the code name was called “little boy” (Hall). The atomic bomb caused a lot of damage to Japan, killing between 60,000 and 80,000 people in that second that the bomb was dropped (WW2 People’s War). The atomic bomb affected many people’s lives in many ways. Many people believed that it was wrong that President Truman dropped the bomb because there could have been another way to fight back. President Truman was very indecisive to whether or not to drop the bomb on Japan. President Trumans, final decision was the only right thing to do because the atomic bomb had many benefits for the U.S. such as ending World War II, saving many people’s lives and showing what the United States was capable of.
After the bomb was dropped on the city of Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, the survivors had a rough time regaining health, as well as learning to live in the unstable conditions. Because of the devastation in the lives of the citizens, no one had a bigger fortune or a better lifestyle than another after the bomb went off. The bomb can be considered a great equalizer because all of the citizens living in Hiroshima suffered from it and came together despite the differences in their way of life.
Dropping two nuclear bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima Japan was single handedly one of the most influential nuclear events to have ever happened. Not only did it change diplomatic relations around the world, it changed The United States. Even to this day The United States has been the only country to use a weapon of this magnitude on a civilian city; over two hundred and twenty five thousand people perished in a result of the atomic bomb. The sheer development of the atomic bomb resulted in Russia getting ahold of atomic secrets, which worried Americans in the Cold War. The use of the atomic bomb changed America by ending World War Two, advancing our understanding of science, and changing world politics forever.
Within minutes, the entire city of Hiroshima is completely obliterated just because of a single bomb on the 6th of August, 1945. “Hiroshima does not look like a bombed city. It looks as if a monster steamroller had passed over it and squashed it out of existence” said Australian journalist, Wilfred Burchett. That alone is devastating enough but this bombing affected more than just that particular city-- it shook the entire globe. This bomb is the most influential bombing in history because of just the fact alone that it had the ability to make individual people “vanish” into thin air, it was the first shot in the Cold War and it changed an entire country’s society.
Imagine you are standing in a city in Japan overlooking Hiroshima. Smoke in the distance and everyone frightened at the scene. Buildings collapse by the dozen and people rushing to their houses. You get inside and check the news Hiroshima was bombed. In 1945 the U.S. dropped 2 bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to stop Japan. The bombing of Hiroshima made an important impact on our history and culture.
World War II had lasted for more than six years. Our allied countries were suffering and taking huge casualties in both the Eastern and Western front. Although Germany and Italy have already surrendered, the attack on Normandy, known as D-Day, took thousands of our American lives. It proved that the war must come to a halt. Continuing to attack Japan would only create more casualties for the U.S. and our allies. Therefore, despite the thousands of people who were killed when the atomic bombs were dropped, it was vital, necessary, and perhaps the most efficient way to force Japan to surrender.
On August 6th, 1945, the Japanese woke up to their hometowns and country filled with flames and radioactive material. This event changed warfare as we know it, and will forever have an effect on the Japanese and American culture. These two bombs, Little Boy and Fat Man, killed thousands of people and in total, took a huge toll on the world then and today.
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was the only way to end the war. Japan was going to destroy the U.S. if we didn’t do anything. We were running out of supplies, people, guns, etc. It was either we bomb Japan or loose the war.
The Nuclear Bomb was an event that would change the world forever. Merl Resler, a 91 year old Pearl Harbor Survivor said, the world is a safer place because of the Nuclear bomb. He believed that the Bomb was the only answer to ending WWII. (Merl Resler- An American Hero). The nuclear bombings on Hiroshima and Nagasaki created the major turning point of the 20th century. The atomic bomb ended up affecting political and military policies for all of the nations by introducing a new weapon that could wipe out countries in the blink of an eye. This mass weapon of destruction set a completely new set of policies and organizations that would deal with a new issue nations would have to face when dealing with a nuclear weapon.
The dropping of the atomic bomb saved Japanese lives in many different types of ways. If United States did not drop the atomic bomb then they would have to invade the home islands of Japan which would lead
In 1945, two atomic bombs were dropped over Japan on Hiroshima and Nagasaki which resulted in thousands of civilian deaths and a detrimental impact on the environment.
If the Ancient Athenian democracy upheld John Rawls’ conception of justice, Socrates would most likely face a similar plight because Rawls’ notion of justice states that rules put forth should not be twisted or “discarded” to one’s own advantage. Socrates’ beliefs concur with the idea that if there is a consensus among rational people on a decision and everyone has made in advance a firm commitment to facilitate the law, then no one can “tailor the canons of a legitimate complaint” to a certain condition. These ideas bear resemblance to that of Socrates because he believed while people have some basic rights as to what they can do, he feels that he is obligated to do as his city government commands him to do due to the fact he thought Athenian
In her book Last Words From Death Row: The Walls Unit, Norma Herrera writes about the tribulations she and her family went through while trying to free her brother, Leonel, from the death row. Despite showing glaring and overwhelming evidence claiming his innocence, Leonel was sentenced to death for a crime that he did not commit. His last words to the world were, “I am innocent, innocent, innocent. I am an innocent man, and something very wrong is taking place tonight.” (Herrera) Those who support the death row, however, would score Herrera for her attempt to bring light to this sensitive issue, and call her words an excessively emphatic exultation to bring attention away from the crime itself. They would argue that a person who took another 's life should not be allowed to keep his own.