Have you ever wondered how Hitler came to power? Have you ever wondered why people would join Hitler? Hitler’s leadership was successful because he started out as a Gefreiter, or Lance Corporal, in the Bavarian army during World War 1. In this piece, I will talk about Hitler’s rise up to take over Germany, how he expanded his reign out further to other countries, and how Hitler
Hitler was able to slowly gain more and more power until he eventually was appointed Chancellor of Germany. The beginning of Hitler’s rise to power started when he joined the “Deutsche Arbeiterpartei,” or the German Worker’s Party, in 1919 when he was just twenty years of age. In the year of 1922 to gain more power Hitler attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government. In Hitler’s viewpoint there were three great benefits of attempting this. The first benefit is that the attempt
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In addition, this got him arrested which gave him the chance to inform the German people about his nationalism over the course of his twenty-four day long court trial. Second of all, Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in prison. When he was in prison Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf, about his struggles in prison, he was released just nine months later. On Hitler’s rise to take over Germany, fortunately for him, the Great Depression happened. The Great Depression really affected millions of people, due to the fact that Germany was built out of foreign capital, they really relied on loans that came mostly from the United States of America. Unfortunately for the German people, when the crash happened the United States could no longer support Germany. This resulted in a lot of German workers being laid off. Hitler
After Germany’s humiliating defeat in World War I, Germans had little faith in their government, and in the early 1930s following the stock market crash in New York, Germany was economically struggling . Millions of people were out of work due to the world wide catastrophe making it an opportune time for Hitler and the Nazis to rise into power. Hitler, who was a powerful and spellbinding speaker, attracted Germans desperate for change. He promised to make Germany a better country and promised the disenchanted, a better life. Nazis appealed especially to the youth, unemployed, and members of the lower to middle class. Hitler’s rise to power seemed instantaneous. Before the economic depression, Nazis were virtually unknown, winning less than 3 percent of the vote to the Reichstag, which was the German Parliament. However, in the 1924 elections, the Nazis won a whopping 33 percent of the votes which was more than any other party. In January of 1933, Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the head of German Government . The Germans were convinced that they had found a savior for the Nation. The timing of his rise made it very easy for Hitler to gain power in a democratic government because people were hopeless and wanted a fast solution to the deficit. He promised things like a stronger economy, prosperity, and anything that they desired . He focused on first getting noticed and then grew from there. He didn’t say anything but what the people wanted to hear. Getting the people of Germany to trust him was how he started to gain so much control. Unfortunately, Hitler’s charm and persuasion was not the sole reason why Hitler gained so much power in a democratic
After WWI, Germany fell into poverty. Everyday, lines of people were seen in the streets waiting to purchase bread. People were poor and desperate. Hitler saw this and used it. He gave people hope and the economy improved and he was announced chancellor of Germany in 1933. Government suspected he was unstable, but were convinced they could control him if necessary. Hitler secretly made a new police called the Nazis who were Hitler’s supporters and enforced the law at Hitler’s command. Quickly and unknowingly, the government was no longer in control of Hitler. Hitler had full power of Germany.
There were many ways in which Hitler came to power, those main ways being Hitler's persuasiveness, the things he claimed to fix, and when he presented himself. All of these things painted Hitler as a great and patriotic leader. To start, during Hitler's final speech at his trial for treason (document 6) he was able to use German nationalism to not only recover political standing, but he was able to find something for the German population to support him on this thing being bringing down Marxism. Hitler's persuasion in this small part of one speech shows how well he can manipulate a group and how easy it would be for him to get support from the German people. Another way Hitler rose to power was by claiming that he and the Nazi party would fix
Hitler’s assumption of power on the 30th of January 1933 was seemingly due to the mass popularity of the Nazi party. However it was far off achieving the 50% majority it needed to put Hitler automatically in power. As well as popularity, backstairs intrigue and the short-sightedness of those in power enabled Hitler to become Chancellor. The weaknesses of Germany’s political leadership were fundamental to Hitler’s success. In some senses the popularity of the party only provided an opening, available for exploitation.
Hitler could not have come into power if the German economy had been healthy and strong. There are many reasons that attributed to his rise in the ranks. Strong vocal support, becoming chancellor, touching into the hate buried deep inside the hearts of impoverished Germans everywhere. I think inflation and going out of your comfort zone is what influenced previously wealthy Germans to make Adolf their leader. They wanted luxury, and they wanted revenge.
Hitler rose to power through the Nazi party. He won over the the support of the middle and lower class in Germany. This caused the Nazi party to become larger and more powerful. Due to the Great Depression, unemployment rates skyrocketed and Hitler preyed on their weakness. He gave the people hope by making economic promises, which he went on to fulfill. Conflict between the Communists and Social Democrats led to weakness in their party which made Hitler gain more power. He was appointed Chancellor of Hindenburg. Once he gained more and more power he couldn’t be stopped. Hitler worked to abolish freedom of speech and assembly after convincing the president these were emergency acts that needed to be carried out. Hitler gained even more power by having the communist party outlawed and all of its members arrested. The Reichstag was enacted which gave Hitler four years of dictatorial power. The only legal political party in Germany became the Nazi party; every aspect of life was under Nazi control. Hitler did pull Germany out of the Depression. Businesses grew and and unemployment dropped. Most of the growth came from run businesses. Hitler believed that Germans were the supreme race. All Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, Jehovah's
Hitler’s rise to power started in Germany in September of 1919. He had joined the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei political party. The party was formed after the First World War. It was anti-Marxist, opposed the democratic government of the Weimar Republic, did not agree with the Treaty of Versailles, and it believed in anti-Semitism. Hitler rose very quickly in the party and he was able to convince the others in the party to put him in charge as he was very charismatic and persuasive. This became the Nazi Party.
Adolf Hitler’s rise to power In Germany was nothing less than astounding. Hitler first came in to power on January 20, 1933, after he was awarded with the Iron Cross First Class and Black Wound Badge and was appointed Chancellor of Germany. His father did not respect his interest in fine art. Hitler entered into the Academy of Fine Arts twice and got rejected both times. Then eventually joined the German Army.
In the following investigation, the following question will be addressed: In what ways did economic and political issues in Germany between 1922 and 1932 contribute to Hitler's rise to power? The scope of my research will fall between the years of 1922-1932, the start of Hitler’s attempt to run for office. A variety of primary and secondary sources will be used to answer the question. The bitterness caused upon the change of government systems in Germany will be analyzed, along with his childhood that all primarily drove Hitler to run for power. Then, the harsh effects World War I had on Germany along with the Great Depression that followed as a result will also be looked at. Finally, a conclusion will be reached.
One of the main factors in Hitler’s rise to power was the Economic Depression of 1929. After the Wall Street crash, the U.S. called in its loans to Germany thus increasing both poverty and unemployment levels. The Weimar government did not understand how to reverse the situation so the general public became angry and lost confidence in the relatively new democratic system. During a depression, political trends become extremist and so the Nazis flourished; Hitler offered both a scapegoat and himself as a strong leader to look up to. The depression gave Hitler the edge he needed to gain ninety-five[1] seats in the Reichstag and ultimately progress from the leader of a minority party to the Dictator of the Third Reich.
Before in 1923 Hitler and others of Kampfbund tried to seize power in Munich, Bavaria, and Germany. This was known as the Beer Hall Putsch. Ruler of Germany from 1934 to1945 and leader of the National Socialist German Workers Party, known as the Nazi Party were trying to take control. Hitler took advantage of Germanys economic hardships and of the citizens after world war I to get followers, then finally just taking control of the country. Hitler had a very useful skill he was a persuasive speaker and his willingness to use violence to get what he wanted. (1)
During the 1930’s Germany was at an all time low as the worldwide economic depression hit Germany hard. The confidence in Germany from the people was lacking due to the fresh memory of their defeat in World War I. This caused great need of a new leader, someone who could give the people change, and Adolf Hitler knew he could do just that. His rapid rise to power began when he started to promise things that intrigued the German people. He promised the hopeless and needy a better life, and promised opportunities that were exactly what the people needed. This caught the attention of so many young unemployed and middle class people. His party, known as the Nazi Party, won 33 percent of the votes in the 1932 elections. And by January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor, which was the head of the German government. Germany started to feel like they might've found the leader they'd been so desperate for.
Hitler and his parties rise to power were not as swift and decisive as many people think it to have been. Hitler’s political career started as a spy in a Munich Beer hall. According to “The Rise of Adolf Hitler” , Hitler went to a meeting in a beer hall in Munich thinking he was going to stamp out a communist uprising he actually ended up being persuaded to join the group after and outburst impressed several members( Hitler Joins German Workers Party). Although unimpressed by its disorganized and small workings, Hitler saw the party as something that could become a movement and agreed with there doctrine(Hitler Joins German Workers Party). After making many changes the party and its meetings grew in size. In 1921 Hitler was named the leader of the Nazi party. However this and the 55,000 members of the party were not enough. In 1923 on the cusp of a terrible inflation and mass hatred for the government Hitler planned a putsch to overthrow the new government and mimic Mussolini’s march on Rome(The Beer Hall Putch). It failed miserably and Hitler was imprisoned. In prison is when he wrote Mein Kampf. After serving 9 months of a 5 year sentence Hitler was released from prison with the goal of not making the same mistakes. He publicly stated that the only way the Nazis would seek power would be through the system(A New Begging). This would earn him much support and as future elections would ensue the Nazis soon gained a large seat in
Once in power Hitler quickly established himself as dictator. He started hauling off thousands of anti-Nazis to concentration camps. The economy, the media, and all cultural activities were brought under Nazi authority by making an individual’s livelihood dependent on their political loyalty. His desire was to establish German rule over Europe and other parts of the world. He realized that this would lead to a European conflict and so he started his plan to conquer Europe by invading Poland in 1939 and started World War ll . The war started off good for the Germans but once the United States entered the war they started to lose. As time passed, defeat became more certain, but Hitler refused to give up. Finally with all of Germany overrun by Allied
Even though Germany was left in a period of struggle and economic weakness after WW1, Adolf Hitler would take a stand by creating a party that would help refine the structure of the economy. This party, when abbreviated, was called Nazi, would also create harsh laws and unrelentless punishment. Due to the Nazi party’s quick growth, there was an immediate impact on lifestyle and politics for the people of Germany. The long term impact brought forth by the consequences or legacy of the Nazi party included a population decrease and an increase in deaths. To make both of these impacts, Hitler had to overcome many hard challenges.