
How Did Hitler Come To Power

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Have you ever wondered how Hitler came to power? Have you ever wondered why people would join Hitler? Hitler’s leadership was successful because he started out as a Gefreiter, or Lance Corporal, in the Bavarian army during World War 1. In this piece, I will talk about Hitler’s rise up to take over Germany, how he expanded his reign out further to other countries, and how Hitler
Hitler was able to slowly gain more and more power until he eventually was appointed Chancellor of Germany. The beginning of Hitler’s rise to power started when he joined the “Deutsche Arbeiterpartei,” or the German Worker’s Party, in 1919 when he was just twenty years of age. In the year of 1922 to gain more power Hitler attempted to overthrow the Bavarian government. In Hitler’s viewpoint there were three great benefits of attempting this. The first benefit is that the attempt …show more content…

In addition, this got him arrested which gave him the chance to inform the German people about his nationalism over the course of his twenty-four day long court trial. Second of all, Hitler was found guilty of treason and sentenced to five years in prison. When he was in prison Hitler wrote a book called Mein Kampf, about his struggles in prison, he was released just nine months later. On Hitler’s rise to take over Germany, fortunately for him, the Great Depression happened. The Great Depression really affected millions of people, due to the fact that Germany was built out of foreign capital, they really relied on loans that came mostly from the United States of America. Unfortunately for the German people, when the crash happened the United States could no longer support Germany. This resulted in a lot of German workers being laid off. Hitler

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